
Friendly Dates 1

          I like nature, and maybe that's why Morgan drove to this park. It may have had days when it was filled to the brim by relaxing adults and squealing children, but right now, it was only filled with nature and no people. Perfect. As soon as he parked, I hopped off and ran to the park, entering and turning straight to the small pond there. I kicked off my shoes, removed my jacket and laid on the grass, making sure my feet were in the pond.

           "Look who's betraying her books." Morgan said behind me and I turned to see him walking calmly, my books in one hand, as he pushed the fingers of his other hand into his dark blonde hair. His hair was silky, and firm, like it felt or looked like it felt, like silk, and held any style he wanted it to. Today, he had the fresh out of bed look, and he made it look so effortless, yet detailed. He came to sit beside me, dumping the books on my stomach. 


 "You shouldn't have left it behind, then." I straightened and looked at him. 

"Can’t you be nice?" He gave my face a quick look, one that sent the heat to my cheeks, then shook his head. 


I raised a brow. "Really? Morgan?"

 "Yes, Samantha." He replied without looking at me. 

"Fine, then." I laid back down, making a point to put distance between us. 

          He didn’t seem to mind, as he turned on his music and Plugged it in. Silence settled between us, and for some reason I couldn't explain, I found myself getting mad at him. I took a book, flipped it open careless to any page, and started to read. He didn’t even flinch towards me. I hissed and started to read out loud. Still no response. Made my voice go higher an octave. Still none. Two. 

"You wouldn't mind using the megaphones in the car, will you?" 

"Oh, now I have your attention. Why are you ignoring me?"

 "What? Excuse me, miss nerd, but you are the one who put distance between us."

 "And so?"

 "And so I let you do whatever floats your boat. Now let my boat float or yours won’t too!" He said, attempting to plug his earpiece back in.

         I went on my knee, snatched it in my hands, and tried to roll away, before he caught my waist, dragged me back, pinned by back to the ground and held my hands above my head. My eyes widened, as he was on top of me, breathing hard. His eyes were wide too, as they flickered between my eyes and nose and lips. He swallowed, his face looking innocent as ever, then he release my hands and got off me. 

          There was no distance now where he sat next to me, and I struggled to lift myself up. He gave me a hand, then gently pulled me till I was sitting, before returning to his sitting position, or even closer. 

"That was awkward." I said. I always thought I was too outspoken for a nerd. He faced me.

 "What was?"

 I shrugged. "That. You on me." 

He smirked. "Didn't think you would like me, with you, or on you, like that."

 "I didn't say I liked it."

 His brows furrowed, but his lips were smiling. "You didn't like it?"

 "I didn't say that either, but..."

 "So what is it if you don’t not like something?" 

I swallowed. Now I’m cornered. "It means you like it."

 "Exactly. I thought so." 

"But I didn't like it." 

He shrugged. "Okay."
