
Fed by my Kidnapper.

I didn't get to see the entire place, but it was huge, I was sure of that. Probably bigger than the penthouse, or the same size. The teleportation or whatever Morgan had used left me dizzy and I wobbled on my feet as he let me stand on my own, before drawing a seat out for me. I tilted backwards, my body falling freely from the fact that I had been unconscious, then starved myself, then the fast traveling method. His hand came behind ne and broke my fall, then roughly me up to his chest, where he caressed my face, putting my hair behind my ears. "You should eat now." He looked at the chair, hesitated a bit, then carried me to his own chair, kicked it, so it was drawn out, sat in it, then balanced me on his lap. He looked worried even through my dizzy eyes, and he was the perfect man except he probably wasn't even a man. He out my head on his broad shoulders, then served the food. I was surprised to see spaghetti Bolognese. "You...eat this?" I said, hope flickering in my heart that maybe, he was even just a little bit like me. He shook his head and I deflated in disappointment. "It's for you." I watched his profile as he continued dishing the food, then using his spare hand, brought up a fork, got some and pointed it to my lips. "Please eat." I looked up to him, but he wasn't looking at me, but at my lips. I sighed. I couldn't even protest with the kind of hunger I felt. I opened up, and he gently pushed the full fork in my mouth. He then removed it, and I nodded, reaching my hand to hold a stray strand. He gave me a small smile then got another one. I shook my head. I wasn't done chewing the other fill yet. He nodded, set down the fork and handed me water. I drank a bit, and got ready to be fed again. It was funny how I feared him, yet felt comfortable. Like I was supposed to be doing just what I was doing now. He fed me a lot, till I cleared the plate. "Do you need more?" He asked, amusement dancing in his eyes. "No." I peeled myself off his lap, and went to the seat at the other end. That meant extremely far away, because the dining room could be a house on its own, the dining table probably meant for 50 people or so. "You won't get to the end." His voice wasn’t  loud, and somehow, I felt like I was hearing it in my head. I turned. He was still sitting on the seat we had shared, and then just like that he was before my eyes. "It leads to nowhere. You won't get to the end. No matter how long you walk." I was trapped. I wouldn't be able to get away from Him, or this place, but I had to, even if risking his anger was the only way I could think of now.