
Grimstone's Odyssey:Strongest Hunter's Emergence

In a world where supernatural abilities are nothing paranormal ,individuals are naturally born with them. A number of the masses awaken these supernatural abilities at a very young age, some even awaken them at infancy ,and by the age of ten,if one has not awakened one's affinity yet,there's a 99.8% chance that you will never awaken. Lucas Grimstone, a young man whose parents were B class hunters on a mission to hunt down a group of deranged hunters were unfortunately murdered,the sequel,the fifteen year old Lucas, becoming an orphan. The worst part of his story is ,he was a member of the unfortunate masses that failed to awaken their affinity by the age of ten. Even his girlfriend he deemed trusting ,dumped him, claiming that without the support of his parents, he was just another weakling amongst the masses. Not only that, he was laden with abuse and public ridicule after his parents died.... Little did Lucas know that he would be the first person to still awaken his affinity after crossing the age of ten. Lucas will not just awaken any normal affinity, he awakens an affinity that is astoundingly anomalous , an affinity called permanent mirroring. Now having the chance to redeem himself from the vicissitudes of powerlessness, and tired of being called "Lord punching bag", in a world where the strong preys on the weak, Lucas is now somersaulted unto an Odyssey, to limitlessly overpower every obstacle that threatens to control and overpower his existence. Disclaimer ;Note that this is a world of fiction, all scenes, events and characters are not imitations of real life events, or anything they represent. This is all a product of the writer's imagination . Cover art designed by Nathan..

theartisan3 · Fantasie
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53 Chs

Chapter 41 First mission 7

Lucas' POV

My gaze remained fixed on the remaining static Slyrax guild nincompoops as I took slow and steady steps towards them...


Lightning sizzled on my hands as I approached them...

With each of my hands , I touched their static forms already enveloped in my paralytic liquid....

The electricity maneuvered their bodies, causing their bodies to assume a charred disposition. 

However, I did not stop, blue flames exonerated out of my body, bathing their static, lifeless bodies...

''Crap, I was so angry that I even forgot to keep them alive to copy their affinities'' I sighed in regret... however it was too late for that...

What? ... You think I'm being greedy?... Ahem... hey... you are entitled to your opinion okay...

Anyway, I turned to look at Phillipa, who glanced at me with a dazed expression on her face...

Her mouth hung open as I approached her... It was to be expected... I had not only demonstrated dual affinities as some rare geniuses did, but I had rather demonstrated three affinities effortlessly before her... To her, I was probably some sort of monster...

I chuckled , causing her to snap out of her daze... Her lips parted, a question shooting out of her mouth.... ''Those few who manage to possess dual affinities are already hailed as geniuses in the Federation already ... Just how are you able to have so many affinities?. ''

Before I could say anything, she quickly composed herself and apologized ''Sorry, I was not being polite... Everyone has secrets... It was not my place to ask... anyway, you are some sort of monster... thank you for saving my life though...''

''No need to thank me, I was just repaying a favor... '' I amiably responded... then proceeded to ask her a question '' Do you happen to attend Oslon City Academy?''

''Hehe, nice stunts you managed to pull in the mathematics and wilderness survival classes I'll say..'' She replied with an intriguing gesture on her face, causing me to connect the dots...

''Wait.... we are in the same class?'' I probed, bewildered...

''Not really , but news about you on campus kind of travels very fast you know... especially when my class is just next to yours ... I heard the rumors too after all '' She responded as she approached me...

''Oh so you are in class 3c wow... and I had been looking for you all this while to repay you for kindness that day ... the world is indeed a small place'' I responded..

''You really say cliché stuff a lot... hehe'' She chuckled, then voiced , ''let's exchange contact details '' 

I proceeded to mention my contact details to her and she gave her's to me... Also we added each other as friends on the WHA website...

''Aria Paula?... Why use a different name for your contact details and WHA website account when you are called Phillipa?'' I proceeded to ask her... Under normal circumstance I would have hesitated to ask her such a personal question but after our dangerous encounter with the Slyrax guild members , I weirdly felt more closer to her... ahem... stop imagining what you are imagining... I said I just felt closer to her... mind your own business...okay... scram... ahem... 

''Oh yeah... about that... well... that's also my name in school... You are the only one I've told my actual name... My actual name is Philippa James... I suppose you are well acquainted with my old man...'' She replied as she probed my reaction...

''Oh... that's unexpected ...'' I responded..

''Well, it's not like he told me about you or anything.. but everyone knows you are his disciple , which I know is just a pretense because I know that there's no way he will have time to groom a disciple...

It's obvious my dad publicly said that just to secure your safety to a certain level.... Anyway, I have always wanted to live a normal and quiet life, irrespective of how famed my dad is, so even when I awakened at a young age to during my time in the academy, I've used the name Aria Paula as my public profile... '' She replied .... what a chatterbox right?

'' I gotta say, you are quite different from the other jade beauties I know... whilst most of them are prideful, snobby and prefer to use their parent's fame for unscrupulous acts, you rather prefer keeping a low profile even when your father is a hegemon of the federation... '' I sincerely told her what I thought of her behavior.

''You sure?'' She probed ..

''Yeah, also not everyone with an influential background will see a nobody in trouble and offer them assistance... your kind is rare'' The tone in my voice was genuine as I referred her back to the time she saved my life a few months ago.

A warm smile appeared on her face '' I have to get back to the city... thank you for saving my life too Lucas... ''

''No biggie, was just returning the favor for what you did for me a few months back... '' I warmly replied then assumed an inquisitive expression as I probed.. ''Anyway, do you not have any plans of searching for the body of your colleague?'' 

''He sacrificed his life for me... if I endanger my life to go back to the deep parts of the forest, I may end up dead, and his sacrifice for me will be in vain... After all, thanks to you, he has been avenged... We actually came to the diabolic beast zone to search for some herbs our chemistry instructor assigned our class to secure for our next chemistry lesson, only for him to end up dead, all because I am weak and could not fight alongside him... Even if I am a non combatant and just a healer, I'm gonna find a way to make up for my inability to fight, so that no one has to die because of me ever again'' Phillipa replied with a sad expression visible on her face....

''I don't really know if your friend died because you were weak and could not protect him.... and I will not tell you to not feel guilty about his death... That is up to you... However what matters is that you are right about your inability to actively participate in fights as a non combatant that could cause you to lose your life on the battlefield...

Healers are also present on the battlefield to provide medical assistance to injured combatants after all... Although healers are usually guarded by combatants on the battlefield due to how valuable they are in saving lives, they usually became meat and food for the enemy if the combatants who guard them lose their lives...

If such a situation were to occur to you on the battlefield where you are unprotected for some reason, your death would be imminent... therefore you need to equip yourself with some combat methodologies to increase your chances of survival.. '' I spoke in utmost seriousness...

She glanced at me for a while, and just when I thought I had crossed a line for trying to advise her, she smiled ''Thank you... Lucas... I will register for the weapons class over the weekend... See you when I see you''

With that... she bolted... her sweet fragrance wafting in my nostrils..

''I should have asked her what spray she uses... I will get one of those when I get back... and combat classes?... I should also register for that and pick a weapon'' I mused to myself... as I sat beneath the gigantic tree to rest for a while...

I had to complete the mission after all...