
Grimoire Online: MMORPG

Grimoire Online a Full Dive MMORPG that the world has been waiting for with bated breath for over 3 years. All except our protagonist that is, bored and on his way home from his last day of high school Zane, on a whim, picks up a copy of this highly anticipated game, not knowing the heights he would reach. Let's find out!!! I apologize for my grammar ahead of time as I know it will be an issue, but if you have any suggestions or ideas feel free to leave a comment. Constructive criticism only no need to cuss me out, we are men and women of culture after all. Enjoy the story? add it to your library and leave a review. I am thinking of posting a new chapter every day or so. I've had some stuff start happening irl so chapters will now be posted once every two days. Also, this is my first story written with the intent to post it

Distant_Tree · Fantasie
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9 Chs

Act: 2 Slayer Recommendation?

Khizar, after enjoying his victory for a bit, decided it was about time to make his way of this "dungeon" he back tracked his way out of the boss room and through the hallway before comeing to the dangling ladder, sheathing his sword and strapping his shield to his back Khizar made his way up the rope ladder. Khizar climbed for four meters before he reached the shut doors at the entrance pushing them open Khizar climbed out of the "Basement". Getting to his feet he was greeted by the shocked face of the barkeep staring right at him wide eyed and pale as if he was seeing a ghost. Khizar smirked a bit before announcing.

"They are dead, the rats, and that bugger of a queen too" at Khizar's words the shocked look only grew into disbelief before suddenly turning to acceptance.

"Adventurer you say you killed the Queen you wouldn't have proof of that by chance, would you?" the man asked his voice nervous. Shrugging Khizar pulled out the Queens fang showing it to the bar keep, seeing the fang the barkeeps expression changed again this time into astonishment before joy bubbled over. The man literally jumped for joy before running off, leaving Khizar standing there confused. Not long latter the man came rushing back, a small pouch in his hand before he grabbed Khizar's hand and slammed the pouch into his palm with an ecstatic grin.

"Thank you so much!!! you have no idea how much of a pain in the ass those rats were no matter how many I killed they just kept comeing because of that dastardly Rat Queen, truly you have helped me greatly!!!" The obviously over exited man was shaking Khizars hand up and down erratically, discomforting him but also allowing him to hear the jingle of the coins in the pouch that the barkeep had given him. Smiling at the barkeep Khizar put up with his antics for another minute before he realized that the man was not going to stop on his own so with a characteristic sigh, he put his other hand on the smaller man's shoulder and forcibly stopped him from moving. This caused the man to calm down rather quickly as before long he too sighed and let go of Khizar then began to guide him out of the kitchen and to the inn's door. Moonlight colored the inns interior an ere silver as he walked through it, about to leave the inn and walk into the bustling city night Khizar was once again stopped by the barkeep who again thanked him in a solemn voice before handing him what looked to be a normal white letter sealed with red wax depicting a stylized sword, covered in blood.

You have received a <Approved Slayer> recommendation - Higher level quests now acceptable

You have gained a title [Approved Slayer]

Curious at the title Khizar brought up its description.

Title: Approved Slayer - You have shown your prowess in combat and accomplished a noteworthy feat. Able to now find greater challenges. +4 to Con, +4 to Str

Appreciating the title Khizar stored his newly obtained wealth before he started wondering around the moonlight streets, continuing to gaze at his surroundings in wonder. Khizar walked down the center of the street people passing by him on either side most in groups some alone, he though was simply enjoying the night air as it filled his lungs and brushed agents his skin he continued walking unaware of the small changes in his surroundings. People became more prevalent lights became more common and the cat calls of ladies on the job started to populate the surroundings, unknowingly, Khizar entered the city's red-light district. Khizar became aware of this when a soft hand began groping at him as he made his way through the now crowded streets turning, he saw a blue haired elf smiling at him seductively, her white teeth on full display, her ample bust covered by only the barest excuse for cloth.

"Hey handsome~ want to come with me for a bit, I'll show you a real good time~" she spoke in a sugary sweet voice too sweat for Khizars likening. Khizar simply stared into her eyes for a moment before walking any leaving the elf dumbfounded and more than a little wet at his fierce gaze. She licked her lips for a moment while staring at Khizars disappearing back and shivered a little as she watched before turning and looking for someone to help scratch a rising itch of hers.

Khizar made his way out of the redlight district walking a little while longer before he managed to settle himself down, he is a red-blooded male after all and while he tried not to focus on it the clothing or lack of it the elf had been wearing didint block much from view and had gotten him a little exited. Noticing a flat roofed building nearby Khizar made his way into an ally that intervened between it and the next building. Looking at the rough stone walls and the ample hand holds the gave he was happy putting his shield and sword into his inventory he began climbing the buildings side. Khizar reached the top of the two-story building only a few minuets later and stood on top of its flat roof gazing up at the wonderous night sky in amazement. Khizar laid down, hands behind his head as he continued gazing at the night sky, soon he began to nod off before eventually drifting off into the land of dreams.

While he was out, Khizars dreams ran rampant, imagining great battles and massive monsters whose attacks he would block with the greatest of ease before his sword parted their steel like flesh with no more effort. Intermixed within these fantasies were a few where he took up the sexy elf on her offer and she showed him a world previously unknown to a virgin like himself. Though like all good things his dreams to came to an end.

The bright rays of dawn light pierced through his closed eyelids and woke Khizar from his pleasant sleep sitting up he stretched himself while enjoying the feeling of the morning sun on his skin. Having just spent his first night in-game Khizar was feeling rather refreshed and ready for adventure he climbed down from his nighttime perch down into the same alleyway he had climbed up from. Walking onto the dusky street Khizar began to think considering many possibilities on what he might want to do eventually though he came to a decision that to be fair was rather obvious in the first place, he would continue hunting all the way to the top. With his course decided Khizar went to find the nearest quest board so he could take advantage of his recommendation to accept higher level quests and level up quicker. It took him a bit of time to find a quest board, but he eventually found one at a cross section between the main commercial district and what looked to be a residential area. Scrolling through the quests he noticed he was able to accept quests three levels above his own, enabling him to accept lvl:5 solo quests opening his questing options up quite a bit. After a bit more time Khizar noticed an interesting quest asking for level: 5-7 players to head to the towns guard barracks to help with subjugation & scouting specific missions.

Quest: Help the Guards - Level: 5-7 required - Party size of 1-5 required - Accept Y/N

Curious Khizar accepted the quest, a familiar arrow appearing before him as he began making his way towards the city's barracks. Khizar made his way back through the commercial district fallowing one of the main roads towards the city wall. Coming into view of the city wall Khizar paused and noticed the rather large construction connected to the wall its open courtyard visible along with the guardsman training within it. Khizar made his way towards the barracks entering into the large open stone construction and looking around for a moment before he saw a large man as tall as him standing in the corner wearing notably better armor than the rest. Khizar made his way towards the clearly important npc the name Captain Grout flouting above his head, comeing to a stop a little before the man Khizar waited, noticing him the npc groused.

"What do you want adventurer?" Khizar hearing the question responded simply.

"I'm here to help the guards"

"You? help the guards!" He scoffed at Khizar an amused tone to his voice

"Your level is low and your equipment poor, yet you think to help the guards? I think not, come back when you're at least level: 5" The Captain huffed, seemingly feed up with Khizar.

Frowning Khizar pulled out his recommendation and handed it to the Captain who stopped chuckling and took the recommendation a serious look on his face. After a moment of looking over the letter he handed it back saying.

"It seems I was too quick to judge, here these are the available tasks that you can assist with"

And with a wave of his hand a panel similar the city quest boards appeared, the only difference being the content. On this board there was no herb gathering or message running no, these. These were all slayer quests.

Leave any thoughts, ideas, or critiques you may have in the comments and as always enjoy!!!

Distant_Treecreators' thoughts