
Cobalt Stone

Name: Cobalt Stone

Species: Manticore King/Grimm/?

Semblance: Grimm Absorption/Aura Absorption/ Magic Absorption

Age: 16

Aura: C 144/500 (D)

Void: S (-)

Strength: A+ (B++)

Durability: A+ (B++)

Speed: A+ (B++)

Magic: D (-)

Skill: A+ (A+)

Combat Experience: A++ (A+)

(Our stats are a little different from most others. Everyone else's stats are listed as they are with their aura enhancements. While ours aren't. So we gain an extra + for aura enhancement on all physical stats. And another for doing the same physically with our magic.)

(The stats listed in brackets beside our current stats, are our old stats as a human. This includes what they were at with aura enhancement.)


Aura Enhancement: The ability to enhance the body with aura. Adds one (+), to all physical stats.

Quill Shot - The ability to fire large arm length feathers as sharp as any steel blade. Have the same damage count as the Strength stat. Fires 6 at once.

Polarity - Pyrrha's semblance. Gained the ability to freely control metal.

Magic - Varied abilities listed below. But, when called upon to enhance physically, trails of energy burn from the eyes, the same colour of the eyes and adds one (+) to all physical stats.

Crystal Creation: Allows for the generation of crystal that has the same durability as the user. Aura cost varies depending on shape and size of crystal created.

Poison Infusion: The ability to infuse poison into any object. Whether that be a limb, a weapon, a rock, anything you touch or create can be infused with the poison.

Arm Stretch: The ability to stretch the limbs up to three hundred feet. does not cost any aura or magic.

Black Smoke Generation: The user can create a plume of black smoke.

Sonic/Fear Roar: With a roar, the user generates a massively loud sound that stuns foes around, and in some cases, fills them with so much terror they can just straight up pass out, or run away like a little girl.

Regeneration: The user uses their magic to heal, and can fill up their aura as well.

Cero: The zero blast. It fires a beam of magical energy compressed into raw destructive force.

Fire Breath: Allows the user to breath waves or spheres of flame.

Manticore King Venom: A natural venom imbued within the fangs and Stinger of the Manticore King. Costs no energy to use and can be chosen to be secreted so as to not harm allies. Deals 1/20 of the targets total health per minute unless siphoned out.

Manticore King's Fur: The Manticore King is a magic evolution and one very, very few Manticore ever reach, let alone an Alpha Griffon. As long as the Manticore King has magic left in the tank, it gains 25% damage reduction. It cannot be nullified by piercing attacks or attacks that ignore durability calculations.

Lightning Breath: The ability to breath a beam of pure lightning from the mouth. 25% chance to stun enemy, how long depends on the target.

Minor Body Morph: The ability to morph the body using magic to grow gills and be capable of breathing underwater.

Shrink: Can shrink down to the size of a small house cat with magic. And regrow up to normal height. And can reach any height in between.

Grimm Summoning: 946/1500

Human Form Evolution Spell: 986/????


Orphan Prodigy: Gain an extra 30% to any roll towards Growth/Training.

Magic Understanding - Level 5: Learned how to form magic into raw energy, how to heal the body with it, regenerate aura using magic energy and even morph the body to a minor degree and create the templates to create new spells. Gives + 50% to all magic rolls.

Magical Understanding Level 5: 98/2000

Die Harderer With A Handful Of Booty: Also known, as Battle Continuation. Survive wounds that should have killed you, long enough for you to possibly heal or regenerate.


Cobalt's Side Of Relationship Gauges

Pyrrha Nikos: 177/250

Weiss Schnee: 177/250

Nora Valkyrie: 132/250

Ruby Rose: 125/250

Yang Xiao Long: -28/250

Qrow Branwen: 68/250

Lie Ren: 90/250

Jaune Arc: 12/250

Ozpin/Ozma: 162/250

Oscar Pine: 52/250

Cinder Fall: -250/250

Emerald Sustrai: ?/250

Mercury Black: -100/250

Neopolaton: 125/250

Raven Branwen: -5/250