
Prologue ( part 2)

Previously on Grimm

'Hahaha, so lets get to the wishes my friend' said the being.

'Ok then lets get wishing my omnipotent friend, by the way names Dominic but my friends call me Nick' said Dominic

'so what do you need nick, by the names Sage' asked Sage.

'Please get me a pen and paper, so that I can write out my wishes' said Nick

(Gets pen and paper)

"You've got 4 wishes make them count" said Sage

(Nick starts to write down his wishes):

1 : 10 % Shares in all million and billion dollar companies in my next world

2: Grandmaster level fighting instincts and abilities in the following styles

*Wing Chuan ( IP MAN)

*Gun-Fu ( John Wick)

*Weapons specialist (such as swords, axes, spears, daggers both western and eastern).

* Boxing

3: A super Grimm ( Enhanced strength, senses, agility, endurance etc.)

4: Be the the greatest hunter in the Grimm world

"So these are my wishes my friend" said Nick (giving Sage the paper)

"These are easily doable" said Sage

"So the world I want to go to is Grimm world and reincarnate me as Nick Burkhardt 2 months before the Conan" said Nick

"Ok than be on you marry way " says Sage will opening a portal

"Thank you, Sage" said Nick while entering the portal

(Nice guy, I think will keep an eye on him. Oh shoot forgot to ask him how he wants to see the world, I'll just let him become the new Nick maybe take his memory, so that he gets to enjoy his new life without stressing over the future.) thought Sage.