
‘Oc finally moves

"This is good…" Ninth was relieved that at least one of the Canzers disappeared. 

Even more reassuring was the fact that the Porter was safe and sound after being targeted by the shy Canzer. She had an eye on the situation from the beginning and was contemplating whether she was going to have to interfere or not.

If she did, then she'd open herself up to the unrelenting offense of the angry bearded Canzef and the smoking Canzer. 

These two were the primary attack force of the Canzers and the only ones she had to actively worry about. The sneezing Canzer had the ability to disorient her, but it was infrequent enough for her to ignore for now.

The other three Canzers, aside from the shy Canzer, showed no sign of being aggressive. It was a good sign. As long as she could deal with the two right now, then it was more than possible for her to defeat the whole group in the future.