

As i drove , all I could imagine was a safe drive back to my little bunny. My mind can't stop thinking about her. It's raining in the winter but the cold on my heart yearns for only Alice.

Having spent days without a glothi shower , I feel my skin is pale and dry like a dead body. It's getting to late but am glad that we are back home.

I keep on wondering if she gets enough sleep without me by her side. With too much excitement I ring the door bell multiple times regardless it's one in the night.

After a while the door swings open by Anna welcoming us back from the north state. Meanwhile Alice is behind scared , perhaps she thought it was Zelx.

Moving straight to me , she hugs me tightly without a word and i tighten the hug. After some time she breaks the silence by giving me a light slap on my cheek.

"Why would you leave me Als ? She asks while crying

"Am here for you baby." I reply while getting her hand onto mine..