
Chapter 9 The Dragon of the God King, not the Dragon of the God King

Chapter 9 The Dragon of the God King, not the Dragon of the God King

"A lizard…it's better than a goat after all." A gloomy and hoarse voice sounded in his ears.

"No wonder that goat evolved so fast. It turns out that it has a connection with you, Cronus." Yang Qi talked to him in his heart.

"There are intelligent lizards, wait a minute…" Cronus pondered for a moment, "Your evolutionary potential is so great. I can see that you have the potential to evolve into a dark giant with twelve pairs of dragon wings." A dragon, whose eyes are pregnant with thousands of worlds, and whose mouth breathes fire that can burn out flames and cold breath that freezes glaciers."

"My potential is more than that. My potential is the world-devouring dragon." Yang Qi thought in his heart.

"Be my dragon."

After a moment, Cronus' divine voice sounded in his mind.

"One day, I will return to Olympus and kill Zeus and all the gods who betrayed me."

"At that time, the blood will turn into an endless river and spread across the earth. And you will become my dragon, the dragon of the God King."

"My power is only one billionth of a billion, but it is enough to help you evolve one step further."

Yang Qi shook his head, "No, I will not be your dragon. I will not be the slave of any god."

"Hahahahaha!" Cronus' crazy laughter resounded in Yang Qi's mind, "Don't you want to be the king's dragon?! I don't know how many dragons are willing to donate their bones and their blood. Just for me to look at them!"

"It's okay if you don't want to be my dragon."

After a moment, Cronus' divine voice sounded again, "I am still willing to give you one trillionth of my divine power, as long as you are willing to make a covenant with me."

"What appointment?"

"Never believe in Zeus."

Cronus continued: "My hatred for Zeus far exceeds my desire to return to Olympus."

"I give you power. As long as you can bring a little trouble to Zeus in the future, that will be enough for me."

Yang Qi thought for a moment and agreed.

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Anyway, Yang Qi had no intention of believing in Zeus. After seeing such a ruthless god like Zeus today, he became even more disgusted with him.

Yang Qi said: "I agree to make a covenant with you. But I will never challenge Zeus rashly. I will accumulate strength until I am strong enough."

"Hahahahaha!" Cronus laughed wildly, "Lizard, don't be too arrogant! Do all my hopes rest on a lizard?"

"When I died as a god, my Dark Scythe turned into countless fragments and flew to the corners of the world. Now there are countless followers of mine in the God Realm."

"No matter what, now is the time for you to feel the power of darkness."

"Just one billionth of the dark divine power is enough for you to break through the shackles of energy and reach the next limit. Now…"

Cronus's voice circled around Yang Qi's ears and gradually disappeared.

Then, the dark power boiling like a tide enveloped Yang Qi's body.

Click, click, a sound like broken glass sounded all around. Yang Qi saw that the void around him was shaking, and gaps were cracked in the space. Then, there was a wisp of black mist that was so small that it was almost invisible. Erupting from it.

The black mist enveloped Yang Qi's body, and Yang Qi felt that the dark power like a tide began to boil in his body.

During the gathering of power, 10%… Yang Qi felt the dark power flying through his body, penetrating into every inch of flesh and blood.

During the gathering of power, 20%… Yang Qi's bones were broken inch by inch, turned into powder, dyed with the color of void by the dark divine power, and then reorganized and grew inch by inch,

During the gathering of power, 30%… Yang Qi saw his scales falling off piece by piece on the ground, and the surroundings seemed to be filled with spells from eternity, as if runes from the beginning of creation appeared in front of his eyes, shining with a coquettish purple light, and then It turns into fragments and grows into new scales. Each scale is engraved with mysterious lines.

Gathering of power…50%…

Yang Qi felt that his teeth fell out and new ones grew out. Each one of them was blood red and sharp as if they could bite a mountain into pieces.

Gathering of Power…60%…

Click, click, Yang Qi felt extreme pain in his back, and then, a pair of dark wings grew and stretched out, with blue-black flames burning all over the wings, never ending.

Gathering of power, 70%…

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Every second and every moment, Yang Qi felt that his body was growing, from 5 meters to 6 meters to 9 meters to 10 meters…

Gathering of power, 80%…

boom! ! Yang Qi's tail exploded on its own, and in the blood mist, a new and extremely thick tail grew out, with sharp barbs on the tail, flashing with cold light and burning with blue-black flames.

Gathering of power, 90%…100%…

Yang Qi felt that the power finally gathered in his heart, spread throughout his body, and then disappeared. His heart was beating wildly, and an illusion appeared in front of him: in an empty space, there was only a dark mist.

The gloomy and hoarse voice sounded again: "Yes, you are still a hundred thousand miles away from becoming a beast god, but you have already felt a trace of the source of divine power. Great, great…"

Convergence of power, 100%, 105%…

Then Yang Qi fell into a deep sleep.

I do not know how long it has been.

"Hungry…so hungry…"

It was as if his entire intestines and stomach were twitching, acid roared like a tide in his belly, and a huge sense of hunger hit his face. Yang Qi felt that he could eat a mountain and drink a river.

"Hungry…so hungry…"

! !

Suddenly, Yang Qi opened his eyes and looked around. It was on the cliff where he hunted the black goat. It was dark night, violent wind and rain, now the sun was shining and cloudless.

"Did I have a dream?…No, this is real!"

Yang Qi saw the body of the black goat not far ahead, and his surroundings were covered with faded scales.

"I have really evolved…" Yang Qi lowered his head and looked at his scales. They were shiny black, with a hint of dark green like ancient jade, and each one was engraved with mysterious lines.

The tail is covered with sharp barbs, shining with a cold light.

The whole body was burning with blue-black flames, and the ground Yang Qi stepped on was also burning gently.

The body length is now 12 meters, making it look like a giant.

"Also, these are… wings."

Yang Qi turned his head and looked behind him. A bunch of huge black wings began to flap.

"I can straighten up and am no longer the lizard who has to lie on the ground all day!"

"I turned into a dragon!"

Yang Qi was delighted. He flapped his wings and flew into the sky with the sound of rolling wind.


Yang Qi stood up from the ground and jumped into the sky in an instant. Soon the island in front of him was so small that he could not see it. It was surrounded by white clouds, the wind was howling, and countless white birds were flying around. Some of them turned around curiously. Looking back, it seems that I have never seen such a huge thing flying in the sky.

"The feeling of flying is really wonderful!!"

Yang Qi opened the panel smoothly:

Name: Yang Qi

Race: Dark Wurm

Form: adult form

Features: Dark rune scales. The scales on your body are engraved with ancient runes and are very tough.

Feature 2: Burning body, the whole body is in eternal burning, and the burning blue-black flame can burn through most beasts and creatures.

Lifespan: 300 years

Talent: Evolution (can continuously accumulate divine power, and when it reaches its limit, it can be reborn, reborn, and transform into a more powerful existence.)

Talent 2: Greed (can swallow the power in it by eating. Current conversion rate: 5%)

Talent 3: Advanced Poison Resistance (You have extraordinary tolerance to poisons.)

Ultimate potential: Can evolve to [Destruction and Creation-World Devouring Dragon]

Evaluation: In the world of Olympus, dragons are not uncommon, but you are a rare dark dragon that masters the power of darkness. Your teeth and tail are extremely sharp and powerful, but you still don't know any magic or magic. Most ordinary beasts and creatures are no match for you, but you will still face the test of life and death when encountering powerful enemies. Hunt food as quickly as possible, absorb strength, and complete the next stage of evolution.

"My lifespan has doubled, and the ratio of power absorbed through eating has also increased."

At the same time, the great hunger struck again.

"Eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat, eat." In an instant, Yang Qi was the only word left in his mind.