
Chapter 64 The trapped beast in the underworld, the giant shadow of death

Chapter 64 The trapped beast in the underworld, the giant shadow of death

Chapter 64 Please fight me, please


Yang Qi threw the Death Shadow Giant into the sky!

Click, click, she squatted on the ground, looking at the sky, scales grew all over her body, and the scales spit out surging mist, and her divine body began to grow huge!

Suddenly, Yang Qi has recovered his dragon body!

"The human form is still uncomfortable! The dragon form is better!"

Yang Qi aimed at the sky and opened his bloody mouth!

The Death Shadow Giant fell into his mouth, chewed it up, and swallowed it into his belly.

A slight amount of the divine power of death surged in his belly.

"Woo——" A divine sound like an ancient horn resounded through the underworld, and a thousand dead shadow giants took up earth-shattering steps and surrounded Yang Qi tightly!

"Just in time to try that transparent sword!"

Many dead shadow giants only saw a fierce green mist rising in front of them. In the mist, hazy, and then, a dragon shining with emerald light appeared from it!

He swung his tail, and the space around his tail seemed to be vibrating, shining with colorful light refracted by the glass, but he couldn't see what it was at all?


The Death Shadow Giant only saw that the tail was swinging down towards him fiercely. Even before it touched him, his body was cut open directly, and then – click!

The extremely crisp divine sound sounded, and the huge body of the Death Shadow Giant turned into a huge crystal, almost transparent, and then directly shattered into countless fragments!

"As expected! This transparent sword is difficult for the enemy to see clearly!"


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Yang Qi swung his tail fiercely and inserted the huge sword into the soil!


With the sword as the center of the circle, all the soil within a radius of thousands of miles crystallized in an instant. Thousands of dead shadow giants all turned into huge transparent crystals, like mountains of gems, standing on the desolate land of the underworld!

"The effect is even better than imagined!" Yang Qi's heart moved, "Each of these dead shadow giants has a strength close to that of a demigod! They can kill them all instantly with one blow!"


Yang Qi pulled out the sword from the soil, and all the crystallized mountains collapsed and turned into fragments, falling all over the earth.

"Pa, pa, pa." Suddenly, crisp applause sounded in the distance.

Yang Qi looked up and saw a golden light suddenly shining on the tall black mountains ahead.

The light dispelled the darkness and there sat a god.

She was wearing a luxurious golden battle armor and a battle helmet, and her appearance could not be seen clearly.

The left hand holds a huge golden shield with mysterious symbols and ancient totems painted on it, and the right hand holds a silver spear.

She clapped her hands gently, "Whether they are trapped beasts in the wilderness or giants of dead shadows, they are all extremely ferocious, cruel and murderous creatures."

"You slaughtered them, the Queen of the Underworld will definitely appreciate you."

"You did very well."

Her divine voice was eerie and terrifying, like three thousand soldiers howling before their death.

"This divine voice!" Yang Qi's heart moved, "She is actually a goddess!"

"What other goddesses are there in the underworld?"

"What does she want to do?"

The goddess stood up.

She is nearly two meters tall, with broad shoulders, extremely thick thighs, and taut muscles.

"This figure…" Yang Qi suddenly thought of the beauty goddess Aphrodite.

Her curves are graceful and flawless, a perfect interpretation of female beauty.

Then he thought of Medea, who was entangled with him, and her figure was even thinner.

And this goddess is magnificent and majestic, like a huge red sun rising from the dark horizon.

She is beautiful, but not delicately beautiful.

boom! ! !

The goddess jumped up and landed heavily on the ground, stirring up countless dust and flying rocks. The dark mountain range beneath her feet collapsed!

"Such power…" Since seeing her, Yang Qi has been evaluating her combat power in his heart.

Her combat power should be about the same as mine…maybe a little higher!

It would be dangerous to fight her to the death!

But her speed may not be as fast as his own. Dragon is a creature known for its terrifying flying speed.

You can run if you want.

Yang Qi did not escape because she felt vaguely in her heart that she had no ill intentions.


She stepped forward, and every step was like three thousand warriors stepping heavily on the ground.

"The most loyal warrior under God King Zeus."

"Daughter of Styx, goddess of the river Styx."


The goddess stretched out her hand, "Hello. May the thunderous light of the God King shine forever in Olympus and your heart."


Yang Qi's heart moved and he understood instantly.

"Bea, the Goddess of Violence!"

"I have arrived at the Basin of the River Styx. No wonder I will see the goddess Styx and her sons of gods!"

There are five rivers of Styx, the first two are rivers of sorrow and weeping, and the last two are rivers of burning and forgetfulness.

The one in the middle is the Styx River.

This river is named after Styx, the goddess of Styx.

Styx is a blood descendant of the ancient Titans, but she wisely chose to side with Zeus in the Second Titan War.

Zeus rewarded her by giving her control over the River Styx.

She is loyal to Zeus, including her four sons of gods: Nike, the goddess of victory, Kratos, the god of strength, Zeros, the god of enthusiasm, and Bea, the goddess of violence.

Especially Bea, who shed all her divine blood for Zeus in the Titan War and won Zeus's trust.

In the records of later generations, she often fought alongside Ares, the son of Zeus and the god of war, and enjoyed worship together.

The goddess who controls the power of violence, the goddess of violence Bea!

"I've seen dragons fight countless times," Bea said.

"But I have never seen a dragon like you. The battle is extremely ferocious and full of violent beauty. I like it very much."

"I want to challenge you, are you willing to accept it?"

Bea clenched her fists and stopped at her heart.

"As expected… Biya, the god of violence, is basically a martial arts fanatic… he wants to fight everyone he meets."

"Do you want to fight her?"

Yang Qi was thinking when he saw Bia tightly grasping his dragon claw again, lowered his body, and bowed.

"Please. I wanted to come here to slaughter the trapped beasts of the wilderness and the shadow giants of death, to bring glory to the underworld and make the queen of the underworld feel at ease."

"I didn't expect to see you. There has been no war in Olympus for a long time. I haven't fought for a long time and I feel extremely bored."

"Seeing you makes the blood in my body boil again. Please let me fight you, please!"

She held Yang Qi's dragon claw firmly and remained motionless.


While hesitating, Yang Qi only saw Bia hand over a burning stone.

"?" Yang Qi looked carefully and saw blue-black flames rising into the sky. His heart suddenly moved. This was a fragment of the divine sickle!

A fragment of the divine scythe that can gain the power of Cronus and his knowledge!

"Please accept this gift as proof of our friendship."

Bea solemnly said: "During the Second Titan War, I personally faced Cronus' scythe."

"That battle is still unforgettable to me, and it even appears in my dreams."

"This fragment comes from that battle!"

"I didn't expect that there are living beings that can control Cronus' power!"


Biya looked at Yang Qi with solemn and expectant eyes.