
Chapter 40 Awakening from deep sleep, one hundred million dead souls

Looking at the panel, Yang Qi thought to himself: "I am still the dark dragon!"

"The current form has reached its limit, but it still has not evolved!"

"However, my level of god has been promoted and I have become a demigod!"

"From now on, have I become a true god…"

The scales, dragon wings and dragon body have all evolved.

The ratio of energy absorbed by devouring food is increased.

The green, black and crimson fire that once burned forever can now be controlled and extinguished.

This is a good thing. After all, the blue-black flames burning all over his body are equivalent to saying "I am a believer of Cronus, and I have the power of Cronus" on his face.

The Court of Olympus would not be merciful to such a creature.

The potential for final evolution has also changed, and a new [Ode of Life – Billion Light Cone Dragons] has appeared.

"This is a change that occurred because I absorbed the power of the World Tree."

"It seems that this direction of evolution is more towards the creation of life, and it may no longer exist in a physical form, but in the form of a light cone."

Yang Qi thought about the huge dragon body formed purely by light cones and couldn't help but be speechless.

Finally, it's the things mentioned in the reviews.

"My strongest move has become the spray of green light… I don't know what the effect is."

"I have evolved to the final stage of the dragon, and the next time I will evolve into a real dragon.

This can't help but make Yang Qi full of expectations. After all, Yalong is not a real dragon yet.

"What kind of dragon will I evolve into next?"

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"The current evolutionary potential can only show the final form, not the next form, which is still inconvenient…"

Just as Yang Qi was thinking wildly, an urgent shout suddenly sounded in his ears.

"big dragon!!"

"big dragon!!"

There was a very weak voice coming from an infinitely high place, and the voice was full of anxiety.

"Dalong! Wake up! Wake up!" There seemed to be a hint of crying in the voice.

"Whose divine voice is this…it seems very familiar…"

Suddenly, Yang Qi felt that his soul began to shake violently, and then flew upward to the infinite height.


Suddenly, Yang Qi opened his eyes.

The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to look down at his own scales.

Dark green in color, like the finest emerald, slightly transparent, spewing out turbulent green mist, surrounded by clouds and mist.

The dragon's wings were nearly twice as wide as before, reaching forty meters.

In the dragon body, there is the power of the earth, which is extremely powerful.

The previously eternally burning blue, black and crimson fires have disappeared, but Yang Qi understands that he can light them up at any time as long as he wants!

In the source of divine power, stands a huge phantom of the World Tree!

"Hahahahaha!" Strong joy burst out from my heart again. Just when I was feeling proud, there were endless sounds of crazy biting and swallowing in my ears, and the thick stench and blood smell came like a sea wave!

Yang Qi raised his eyes and saw only darkness in front of him. After a moment, he realized that this was not darkness, but endless undead spirits surrounding him!

Deep inside a purple protective shield, countless undead souls surrounded him. Beside him, Medea's clothes were flapping crazily in the wind. Her face was extremely pale, her eyes were black, and her lips were black and purple.

"Dalong, you finally woke up!" Medea's hair was dancing in the strong wind, and Shenyin was panting, "Dalong, what's wrong with you?"

"After you defeated the Son of Blight, you suddenly fell into a deep sleep and you couldn't wake up no matter what!"

"Then a strong light burst out from your whole body, your scales turned from white to green, and the dragon wings also grew!" Medea said, "This is the first time I have seen the evolution of dragons. It is incredible!"

"How long have I been asleep?"

"When approaching the three realms of gods!"

Yang Qi looked up and saw endless dead souls screaming crazily, biting the purple protective shield. In the distance, the waves of the sea of ​​​​dead were rolling, and endless dead souls were still pouring out of the sea crazily. Come out and run towards here!

Yang Qi asked: "Did the bright red sword, the secret treasure of the abyss you mentioned, appear?"

"Not yet," Medea bit her lip, and bright red blood flowed from her eyes, flowing down her extremely pale face. "In the past, only one tenth of the undead in the sea of ​​undead could If you swim out, even then, thousands of undead souls will spread all over this world, devouring everything like locusts."

"You just burned out the source of the Son of Blight's divine power and detonated it. The huge energy shock shook the entire Sea of ​​the Undead!"

"Right now, about half of the undead in the Sea of ​​Undead are ready to move, and they are about to pour out!"

"When the undead rampage reaches its peak, the connecting channel will be opened, and countless secret treasures in the abyss will pass through the channel and come to this sea of ​​undead. Among them, there will be that bright red sword!"

"The secret treasure of the abyss will appear at any time, but I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on…"

"Medea, let go of your divine shield and let me come!"

"No," Medea shook her head, "The moment I let go, these undead spirits will swarm up in an instant and devour us alive!"

"Believe me!"

Yang Qi stretched out his dragon claws and pulled Medea over, leaning into his arms. The dragon wings spread wide, "Don't you still need to use your magic to get that bright red sword?"

"We agreed to get the secret treasure of the abyss, and each of us will have half of the divine power in it!"

"Okay." Medea nodded with difficulty, "Then I'll loosen the protective shield. Get ready!"



Medea screamed, "1!"

Then, the purple protective shield disappeared instantly, and the endless dead souls formed a huge black ball in the sky, like a dark planet that was running and roaring violently!

In the middle of the black ball are Yang Qi and Medea!

Roar! !

Yang Qi opened the dragon's mouth, and in the source of divine power, the World Tree shone wildly, and the power of wind condensed in the dragon's throat, roaring out the dragon's roar!

"My strength has improved a lot without knowing it!" Yang Qi's heart moved, because this dragon roar actually contained five hundred sounds, instead of the previous one hundred!

The strong sound waves turned into entities, and then turned into five hundred transparent shock waves, whizzing away in all directions with Yang Qi as the center!


In an instant, the hundreds of millions of dead souls surrounding Yang Qi were all blown away. They all screamed and turned into ashes. The ashes did not even fall into the sea of ​​​​the dead, but disappeared when they fell.

The undead leave no trace after death.

"Dalong, you are so strong." Medea opened her eyes wide and stared at Yang Qi with a hint of uneasiness. "Why did you fall into a deep sleep just after killing the Son of Blight? You completed your evolution in your sleep, and you are now stronger than It was much stronger before…"

Yang Qi had no explanation, because the next huge wave of undead charges towards Yang Qi again!

"!! Roar!!" Yang Qi looked up to the sky and screamed, erupting with a huge roar. In the dark and boiling sea of ​​​​death, Yang Qi's scales burst into bright green mist, covering the sky and the sun, and a huge circle shone above his head. The rainbow light spreads out, the dragon's wings spread wide, and its posture is so majestic and gorgeous that it shocks people's hearts.