
Chapter 25 Girl with Broken Arm, Girl in Ecstasy

What?!" Yang Qi stared at Triton, "First it was [Mist in the Sea, Banshee in the Mist], and now it's [Thousand Snakes in the Mist]?!"

"Is this the source of his divine power? – What exactly is the source of his divine power?!"


Triton disappeared like lightning and appeared in front of Yang Qi in an instant. He clenched the bident in his hand and stabbed Yang Qi in the eye!

Yang Qi raised the dragon claw and slapped it down with one claw!

boom! There was an extremely sharp sound of metal collision, and Triton's bident was knocked away. With a roaring sound, it flew backwards and drew an arc!

"!!" Triton showed an incredible expression. He used all his divine power with this halberd, but he was unable to cause any damage to the enemy? !

Previously, his bident could pierce the wings and eyes of this dragon, but now it was unscathed?

The white snakes behind Triton opened their bloody mouths and bit at Yang Qi!

In an instant, Yang Qi's wings were bitten by dozens of white snakes. The white snakes' sharp teeth shone with cold light as they dragged Yang Qi backwards desperately, trying to tear Yang Qi's wings off!

Roar! !

Yang Qi concentrated his divine power again. Suddenly, the wind roared in the source of divine power, red and black mist swirled crazily, and the divine power of the wind condensed in the dragon's throat!

Yang Qi opened his mouth and burst out a hundred dragon roars. The dragon roars vibrated the space, solidified into a solid body, and turned into a sharp blade, roaring towards the snake head!

Swipe—Suddenly, billowing blood exploded all over Yang Qi, and dozens of snake heads were cut off and fell into the sea!

"Pfft!" Triton vomited divine blood and immediately retreated thousands of miles. The white snake was the source of his divine power. Cutting off the head of the white snake was equivalent to hurting his roots!

Triton's expression was extremely depressed, and blood was flowing out from his mouth and nose. He raised his head ferociously, smiled crazily, raised the white horn in his hand, and brought it close to his mouth.

"Stop him! He is going to blow the horn and summon his father!" Suddenly, Medea shouted loudly, "Poseidon is here, we will fall in an instant!"

"You don't have to say that!" Yang Qi thought in his mind. Triton had blown this horn before, summoning a terrifying ocean cage that almost swallowed him.

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Yang Qi's dragon wings burst out with astonishing flames, reaching a height of a thousand meters, and flew towards Triton with the roar of the wind.

"Maybe it's too late!" Medea looked anxious. She raised the staff in her hand and moved it downwards. The staff burst out with a strong purple light, and the light turned into a flame, burning in the void. Then, The space is shattered and a portal appears!

Medea jumped into the portal. In an instant, the space above Triton's head was shattered again. A portal appeared. Medea jumped out of it, and the staff in her hand burst out with astonishing light!


Medea gripped the staff tightly and pushed it directly into Triton's face!

boom! !

Blazing purple light flames erupted from the staff, and Tritong screamed, lowering the corner of the Sea Horn in his hand.


Medea kicked the Sea Horn away and kicked it in the direction of Yang Qi, "Put it away, this is his divine weapon, it is extremely precious!"

Yang Qi swallowed the horn in one gulp, his wings cut through the air, and the flames around him shot out again, reaching a height of 10,000 meters, and burst out with an astonishing roar, rushing in front of Triton.

Yang Qi opened his bloody mouth and bit Triton's neck directly!

Poof, divine blood flowed crazily from the wound. Yang Qi bit off Triton's neck and held his head in his mouth!

Triton's head was still grinning ferociously, "You can't kill me. I am the son of the Ocean, the Olympian god with the status of a lower god! You can't kill me!"

His headless body raised his bident again and stabbed Yang Qi in the abdomen!


An extremely sharp sound erupted, and Yang Qi retreated several meters, leaving only a gray-white mark on the scales on his abdomen, but not much damage.

"It's too late!" Medea screamed, "I acted too late just now, he still blew the horn, and his father is coming!"

"Let's go!" Yang Qi said.

"No!" Medea's face darkened, "Triton is not dead yet! He has the status of a lower god, is the main god of Olympus, and is the son of the ocean. Even if you bite his neck, he will not die. die!"

"If you want him to die, you must destroy the source of his divine power!"

"Hahahahahaha!" Triton's head was bitten by Yang Qi and he laughed crazily, "Medea, you can't kill me! My father of God is coming here, and he wants to make these seven oceans Everything boils, all the sea water turns into a sword, and I chop you into powder!"

boom! There was a loud noise, and the staff in Medea's hand burst out with light again. She jumped up, held the staff tightly, and pushed towards the white snake behind Triton's broken body!

"Yang Qi, destroy the source of his divine power!"

"No!" Suddenly, Yang Qi felt extremely frightened. This fear seemed to come from deep in his heart and then spread to his whole body!

"Poseidon is coming, I feel it!" Yang Qi roared, "Let's go!"

"No!" Medea seemed to be crazy, her face was ferocious, and she was killing the white snake behind Triton crazily!


Suddenly, Medea showed an incredible color, and a silver needle flew up from the ocean, directly breaking her staff. Then a white snake opened its bloody mouth, clicked, and bit off Medea's arm. An arm!

"Ah!!!" The divine blood spurted out and splashed all over Medea. Her face was covered in blood and she screamed. Instead of retreating, she opened her white teeth and bit the white snake too!

"You're crazy!" Yang Qi couldn't see the silver needle at all, but he could feel that it was Poseidon's divine power. He would be here soon. That kind of power was impossible to compete with!

"Triton is not dead yet! Hurry up and destroy all the sources of his divine power!!" Medea raised her head and looked at Yang Qi. Her face was covered with blood, and she was biting a large piece of white snake flesh in her mouth. Her eyes were There was madness burning in it, his left arm was bitten off, divine blood was constantly flowing, his hair was dancing wildly in the wind, and his voice was hoarse.

In a moment, Yang Qi made a decision. He swallowed Triton's head and body, rushed forward, swung his tail towards Medea, rolled up Medea with his tail, and then flew straight into the sky!

"Hurry up!!!" Yang Qi roared in his heart. He unleashed all his divine power, cut through the airflow, and then strong green, black, and crimson flames erupted all over his body, like a meteor, flying into the distance!

"Let me go!! I'm going to kill Triton!!" Medea seemed to have fallen into madness. She used her slender arms to beat Yang Qi's tail crazily, then opened her mouth and bit Yang Qi's tail. Tail!


Yang Qi stopped suddenly, swung his tail forward, and threw Medea in front of him, "Medea, if you want to die, just go ahead! I won't accompany you!"

Yang Qi was furious. Of course he wanted to kill all Tritons, but Poseidon's magical power must not be underestimated. He felt that the silver needle erupting from the depths of the ocean could directly pierce his own body. The scales then penetrate the entire dragon body.

If you don't run away, you will definitely die here!

"Ha…haha…hahaha…" Medea suddenly laughed. She looked at Yang Qi, her whole body trembling, her beautiful eyes blinked, and she shed tears. The tears were blood red and shining with crystal light.

"Hahahahaha!" Medea laughed wildly, "I didn't kill Triton in the end! What a pity!"

"It doesn't matter. Triton's head and divine body have been swallowed by me. We can solve it slowly!"

"Hahahahaha!" Medea was still laughing wildly, then she turned her head and roared towards the ocean: "Poseidon, it was me, Medea, who killed your precious son of God! Remember! , it's me, Medea!"

She was almost crazy, her face filled with ecstasy.


Extremely dull sounds sounded all around, and Yang Qi looked into the distance. Within his eyes, all the oceans were boiling together!

Countless water droplets rose from the sea, turning into countless silver needles, burning under the scorching sun, carrying unscrupulous, terrifying and desperate divine power, rushing towards Yang Qi and Medea!

"It's over!" Yang Qi's heart moved and he was about to swing his tail, roll up Medea, and run for his life again!

Buzz…a weird sound sounded.

For some reason, Yang Qi felt that the divine power in his body was exploding crazily. In an instant, huge black mist and red mist emerged from behind Yang Qi, rising into the sky, forming a vortex, covering the sky and the sun!

"!!" Yang Qi turned around in shock. Before, he could only see the mist in the void space.

In the void space, the mist vortex is so small that it can be held with one hand.

Now, it has turned into a phantom, rising into the sky, ten thousand meters wide!

"In the past, I could only see the void space when I closed my eyes and looked at myself. Now, it appears directly behind me?"