After the eagle entered the cave, there was a moment of stillness. Suddenly, an intense and rapid "chirp" echoed from the cave, accompanied by the hound's enthusiastic barking. The excitement reached its peak when a red fox emerged, prompting the hounds to instinctively encircle the elusive prey.
Among the hounds, a white and brown one emerged victorious, seizing the red fox in one triumphant bite. Carrying its conquest to Constantine, the hound proudly held its head high, presenting the spoils of the battle. Constantine, recognizing the hound's accomplishment, immediately commended, "Good job, mate." He squatted down, stroked the hound named Lucky, and retrieved the prey from its mouth.
A wave of cheers erupted among the hunters as the fox hunting operation proved a resounding success.
To acknowledge the hounds' contributions, Constantine sought the opinion of the hunters. "Should we reward these hunters who have made great contributions, guys?" he inquired.
"Of course, Your Excellency," Goldberry replied.
"Yes, for making a contribution, you will naturally be rewarded."
The unanimous agreement from the hunters signaled their approval. Constantine then entrusted the captured prey to Nina, who received it with grace.
Acknowledging the hounds' role, Constantine squatted down between two hounds—one large and one small—and expressed his appreciation by stroking their heads. However, his words carried a subtle undertone as he remarked, "Yes, you have made a contribution, and of course, you have to reward it." The statement seemed to extol the hounds, but Constantine's meaningful gaze also included the invited guests, subtly suggesting a parallel with human endeavors.
Observing the reactions, Constantine sighed inwardly, anticipating that not everyone would readily embrace his perspective. As expected, the response from Costerbloom aligned with Constantine's predictions. The Alpha Bank, a relatively new player compared to the well-established National Bank of Greece, seemed more eager to seek opportunities for growth, potentially overshadowing considerations for geopolitical strategies.
Constantine's symbolic act of rewarding the hounds served as a metaphor for his larger plans, particularly his ambitions in Africa. Despite the inherent challenges, Constantine remained resolute in his vision. As the hunting party settled for a brief rest, Constantine sensed the complexities of the political landscape he navigated, where economic interests intertwined with diplomatic maneuvers.
As the hunting activity concluded, Constantine suggested a moment of respite. The weary hunters took advantage of the opportunity to rest, with servants preparing stalls for their comfort. Constantine, reclining on a blanket, received a water bottle from Nina, taking a moment to rehydrate.
As the hunters relaxed, the blue sky and gentle breeze created an idyllic setting. Constantine, succumbing to the tranquility, allowed his thoughts to dissipate. Nina, playfully offering a folded blade of grass to Constantine, witnessed an uncharacteristic contemplation. The greenery in Constantine's hand sparked a sense of familiarity, leaving him pondering the name of the grass and triggering a memory that eluded immediate recall.