
Chapter 65: New Star Plan_1


Riding on Lin Jing's family courtesy, Fang Yuan successfully returned to Pingcheng.

In the end, he and Eevee got off the car near Pingcheng No.1 Middle School, and although... the atmosphere was somewhat off during the ride, it had to be said that hitching a ride was really comfortable and convenient.

And now, he was less than a thousand meters from his home, so Fang Yuan could just walk the rest of the way.


Carrying a large backpack and with Eevee perched on his shoulder, Fang Yuan treated it as exercise, huffing and puffing as he climbed up to the fifth floor.

He put down his backpack, found his keys, and unlocked the door right away.

But when he entered, he found himself puzzled.

"Back already?"

"I'm back," Fang Yuan said.

In the living room, Father Fang was watching TV. Hearing the sound of the door, Mother Fang also came out of the kitchen.

"Great! Our family's big Trainer is finally back."

Father Fang stood up, beaming with pride.

"What's this? Didn't go to work today?"

Fang Yuan, having placed his luggage on top of a cabinet, asked.

"They gave us a day off at the factory, and it was the same for your mom. Guess why?"

"Could it be because of me?" Fang Yuan asked, surprised.

"Yep, I said, the kid has made us proud. Your mom's gonna cook lunch herself today, prepare a feast for Eevee, our hero," Mother Fang said with joy apparent on her face.

Fang Yuan: Let's be clear, who exactly is your child here?!

After Father Fang's explanation, Fang Yuan understood.

It was all because of the Little Phoenix King Cup.

Somehow, the leadership at the places where Father and Mother Fang worked heard about Fang Yuan winning the Little Phoenix King Cup.

To celebrate, they not only gave Father Fang and Mother Fang a bonus but also a day off.

"Another bonus?"

Fang Yuan was speechless.

For that Secret location incident, aside from the compensation the Trainer Association sent, the place where Father and Mother Fang worked also gave them a consolation payment.

That's why he now said "another".

"Yes, in the past, bonuses would only be given when someone's child got into a university, but we've gotten it twice now. I'd say we're bound to receive another after your college entrance exams," Father Fang said with a chuckle.

Fang Yuan and Eevee looked at each other.

Well, it's a good thing anyway, who would complain about having too much money?

However, besides this, Father Fang also spoke to Fang Yuan about another important matter.

Father Fang with a serious expression: "Son, this morning two high schools asked if we had any intention of sending you to study in Magic City. This isn't some new scam, is it?"

"Right, they mentioned it was due to your performance in the Little Phoenix King Cup."

Fang Yuan paused for a moment, then said, "For this kind of thing, a call to those schools' admissions offices should be enough to verify if it is legit."

"The phone numbers matched the schools' information on the internet, but we haven't reconfirmed yet," Father Fang said.

"Then it's probably true. But really, all this fuss over a Little Phoenix King Cup, is it necessary?" Fang Yuan wondered aloud.


It's just a competition for newcomers...

"I'm not sure about the details, and they even promised very good terms, offering to waive your senior year tuition fees and help me and your mom find work and accommodation over there..." said Father Fang.

"I also checked, and the educational resources and university entrance rates of those two high schools are much better than those at Pingcheng No.1 Middle School. If it's true, shouldn't we consider it?" Father Fang said.

What parents don't wish for their child to have better opportunities? Father Fang and Mother Fang are no exception.

So, by the time Fang Yuan got home, they had discussed it many times but still couldn't make up their minds, waiting to hear Fang Yuan's opinion.

Fang Yuan fell into deep thought.

People aspire to move up, water flows down.

If he really could go to school in Magic City and have his tuition waived, Fang Yuan would naturally be willing.

Having experienced the environment in Magic City, Fang Yuan knew well how much Pingcheng lagged behind. To achieve better development, a big city was definitely the first choice.

However, faced with such a sudden opportunity, Fang Yuan couldn't make a decision right away.

No matter how you look at it, he's only sixteen.

Just as Fang Yuan was feeling torn, a visitor came to the house.

Professional Trainer Yang Han visited for the second time; last time, only Fang Yuan was home, but this time, the entire Fang family was present.

As Fang Yuan's life-saving benefactor, Father Fang and Mother Fang naturally welcomed Yang Han warmly, immediately extended hospitality, and even invited him to stay for a meal.

Yang Han smiled and declined, "No need, I came mainly to discuss some matters with Mr. Fang, Mrs. Fang, and Fang Yuan."

Fang Yuan looked at the uncle, guessing his purpose for visiting.

"Then I'll get straight to the point. Fang Yuan, you won the Little Phoenix King Cup, so I'm sure other schools have contacted you, right?"

Father Fang nodded, "That's right, two high schools, in fact. We were just discussing it."

"What do you think?"

Father Fang didn't consider this professional trainer, who had saved Fang Yuan, as an outsider.

In Father Fang's eyes, the favor of saving a life was immeasurable, and the Fang family had tried several times to give Yang Han gifts, which were all graciously declined. Father Fang felt Yang Han's character was trustworthy.

"My view is that it's possible to go, but not necessary," said Yang Han.

"For example, once in Magic City, Fang Yuan might start off with some advantages over other students, but based on what I know about you, the help you can provide Fang Yuan is limited. As time goes by, the other students will gradually catch up with various resources, and Fang Yuan will lose any advantage."

"No matter how talented a trainer is, they need resources to support them. In Magic City's big environment, it's a competition for resources, so at least for now, it's not suitable for Fang Yuan there."

Magic City's schools must have also investigated Fang Yuan's background; the cost of nurturing a grassroots trainer is too high. To allocate resources rationally, they certainly wouldn't promise overly generous terms, of this Yang Han was sure.

"So, Mr. Yang, what you mean is..." Father Fang sensed the implied meaning in his words.

"If Pingcheng No.1 Middle School has not put forward any offer, speaking from the heart, I would highly recommend Fang Yuan to take the opportunity, as just waiving the tuition fees of several hundred thousand could relieve a lot of pressure for you."

"But what if Pingcheng can offer better conditions?"

"Actually, I'm here on behalf of the Pingcheng Trainer Association. Recently, a secret location in Nanwu Town brought the Pingcheng Trainer Association a batch of extra resources. To make good use of these resources, the association, in collaboration with Pingcheng No.1 Middle School, initiated a New Trainer program, aiming mainly to support local new trainers and provide intensive training during the senior year. Not only is tuition waived, but various types of subsidies are also provided, along with independent teaching..."

"Fang Yuan meets all the criteria for the New Trainer program and is eligible to participate. If he joins this program, he'll also have the chance to get an Evolutionary Stone for his Eevee to use."

"Moreover, here in Pingcheng, the competitive pressure is relatively low, and the resources that could be allocated to Fang Yuan will definitely not be inferior to any he might receive in any school in Magic City."

"You might want to look into this more deeply before making a decision."

Yang Han glanced at Fang Yuan, clearly having high regard for him.

"There's one more thing. Being in senior year for just one year isn't worth making such a big fuss over. If he needs to transfer, you also have to accompany him to work in Magic City, and you might not adapt to the pace of life there. It's better to wait until he goes to college, then decide to let him develop in a better environment."

"Whether it's Demon Capital University or Emperor Capital University, these prestigious schools are unparalleled by any high school. Those universities are the actual starting point for a trainer, the place where trainers truly grow, while high school is just a stage for laying the foundation. The resource gap between schools can be made up for through adjustments."