
Greater Than Gods: Chojusen Akimichi [Complete: I'm On The Job Editting~ This Is What I'm Suppose To Write, Right?]

Naruto, but Naruto isn't the MC, Its Choji's twin brother that has a system. As much as I wish for Chojusen to be a space-trotting gopnik, we probably won’t ever see that come to fruition. This is the closest I can come to photoshopping an image that resembles Chojusen. He’s supposed to have parted hair like a comb-over. But, aside from that, the image is pretty much ok. Sources for the novel cover (I Photoshopped the images together, but this is where I got them before it was edited~): http://www.kinyu-z.net/WDF-1566448.html https://www.deviantart.com/torivic/art/Gopnik-Slav-Ishida-734359751 https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/6c/01/f16c015d6865695689833f76f70be901.jpg http://ninrp.wikia.com/wiki/Akimichi_Clan

BrightDawn · Andere
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145 Chs

When Two Titans Fight

Chojusen and his team stayed as Genin for a year and a half before Guy recommended that they take the Chunin Exams. Chojusen though it was silly, considering that everyone on the team was at the very least comparable to a mid Chunin in strength. The only good news was that Minato allowed them to take mostly C and B Rank missions.

With all these missions Chojusen had earned himself quite a substantial amount of money, he also started earning shop points. Chojusen found that B Rank missions gave 10 shop point and that A Rank missions gave 100 shop points. He only started taking B Rank missions after being in Team Guy for a year and after that period, his team had only completed 3 A rank mission. Chojusen amassed 470 shop points, during this time.

A week before the Chunin Exams, Chojusen and Karin had another one of their little dates over in the Hidden Sand Village, where they played with Gaara in his siblings. After all this time, Chojusen and Karin became very friendly towards Gaara's brother, Kankuro, and Gaara's sister, Temari.

Today should have been like any other day. However, during noon, Chojusen detected that Rasa's energy signature was disappearing at a dangerous rate. He was all too familiar with this dissipation rate, as he had grown used to killing people while out on missions. Chojusen knew he couldn't waste too much time so he directly teleported to Rasa's side.

The first thing he noticed, even before reaching Rasa's location, was how far and isolated the area he was located at was. He must have been at least twenty kilometers away from the Hidden Sand village, his location was surrounded by sand dunes.

When Chojusen finally completed his teleportation, he was faced with the scene of Rasa being impaled by a sword coming out of the mouth a "snake-man." Chojusen didn't waste time asking questions and directly kicked Orochimaru off of Rasa with about 0.1% of his strength. Orochimaru was caught off guard and was blasted a couple hundred meters; his throat-sword followed him as he blasted backwards.

Chojusen then used Temporal Restoration on Rasa. It was his first time using the skill on another person; he usually just used it on animals or other wounded people without their knowledge to improve the proficiency. The skill spooked Chojusen as he saw Rasa's wound close itself as time was going in reverse; Rasa was impaled in the chest from the front, so his wound closed from his back to his chest.

Chojusen then used Yang Rebirth to give Rasa some of his stamina back. Since he didn't kill Rasa before his encounter with Danzo, Rasa did his damn best to keep Chojusen in a good mood; it was one of the reason's Chojusen couldn't find it within himself to finish Rasa off.

With Rasa healed, Chojusen turned back to Orochimaru. The pale skinned snake-man surprisingly didn't look too beat up after taking a punch with around 90 million points of power. He looked at Chojusen and said "The new Sage? I've been looking to study your body now for the longest time… and to think that you would come and deliver yourself to me."

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Orochimaru, Sannin."

"Oh, like Naruto's godfather?"


At this point Orochimaru stopped talking to Chojusen and instead went on the offensive. He used Body Flicker to practically teleport over to Chojusen side and used summoned snakes to restrict Chojusen from moving. Even though it looked like Chojusen was being constricted to the point of immobility, all it took was for him to lift his arms and the snakes that constricted on him burst into pieces of meat.

Orochimaru tried to paralyze Chojusen with killing intent, but it did nothing but get him a scoff from Chojusen. Chojusen lifted his hand to catch Orochimaru, but the latter's body appeared to lose all bone structure and evaded Chojusen hand with inhumane movement.

Orochimaru started to treat Chojusen a bit more seriously and used an Earth Release technique to hide in the earth. Chojusen used his Earth Lance technique and hundreds of thousands of earth lances erupted from the ground. Chojusen controlled the skill to avoid hitting Rasa and himself. Unfortunately for Orochimaru, he was caught by three earth lances.

To Chojusen's disgust, he saw the wound-ridden snake-man spit out a perfectly fine version of himself out; apparently that was all it took for him to recover from his wounds.

Orochimaru now had a deadly serious face and he started throwing out some formidable attacks towards Chojusen's way. He got on all fours and spit out countless snakes from his mouth, in an attempt to bind or bury Chojusen. Chojusen didn't bat an eye at the sea of snakes that came his way. He brought arm at shoulder level and pointed his index finger at Orochimaru. From about an inch away from his finger, a small ball of fire manifested and grew to the size of half a meter. When Chojusen shot the Flame Bullet in his hand toward the sea of snakes, the ball of fire rapidly expanded until it collided with the snakes.

The aftermath of Chojusen's S Rank Flame Bullet wiped out 90% of the snakes on impact and most of the surviving snakes were caught in raging fire-tornado that resulted in the Flame Bullet's detonation. Orochimaru was now getting concerned, Chojusen still hadn't used his Sage Mode. If he was already so powerful, how ridiculously overpowered would he be after assuming his Sage Form?

He didn't have the time to think about this and just continued to escalate the battle. Orochimaru used a summoning jutsu to called for Manda the boss of the Snakes in Ryuchi Cave. To rival the giant snake that was just summoned to the battlefield, Chojusen used his Full Multisize technique to become fifty times larger than normal.

At this point Rasa fled the battlefield. How could he hope to be of use in this battle of titans?

Now standing at a ridiculous 95 meters tall, Chojusen began to thrash Manda all over the battlefield. There were multiple times where he flung Manda into the earth lances that he created earlier; since the lances were each about 5 meters tall, to the large boss snake, it only felt like splinters.

When Manda got tired of being mercilessly bullied by Chojusen, he cursed at Orochimaru and cancelled the summon to go back to his cave. Orochimaru could only think of one final trick to try and beat Chojusen which was the Eight Branches Technique.

He used the technique and his body became even paler than before. From his lower body, a massive Hydra spawned. The Hydra had a total of eight heads, with Orochimaru's torso being attached to one of the head's as a tongue. Amazingly, in this form, Orochimaru's power skyrocketed to the edge of the Tailed Beast rank; Chojusen had to use a bit more than 1% of his total base power to combat Orochimaru's final form.

Chojusen had to use more than just his physical strenght to ward off the Hydra; he only had two arms and legs, while the Hydra had eight heads and a tail. Chojusen used another Flame bullet. However, this one encompassed the unsuppressed power of his skill and because he used it in his giant form, the ball didn't expand while travelling; it directly grew to a size of 100 meters before being shot at the Hydra.

Orochimaru still had access to his hands, so while the Hydra was facing this miniature sun, he used a Triple Rashomon to block most of the fire's potency. Chojusen was getting excited by the scale of their battle so he continued to use what would otherwise be classified as finisher attacks as normal skills.

Chojusen used his Water Bullet and an equally large mass of heavy water was shot at Orochimaru. Unlike the Flame Bullet that would detonate into a firestorm upon collision, when the Water Bullet crashed into another Triple Rashomon summon, it directly pierced through the first to gates and collapsed into a raging tsunami upon striking the third and final gate.

The residual tsunami put out the fire that had spread from the Fire Bullet's damage. Chojusen followed up the Water Bullet with a Lightning Javelin. Chojusen's lightning Javelin was composed of yellow lightning that had a purple outline. As a lightning technique that came from Chojusen, it was unavoidable. Orochimaru was starting to run low on Chakra at this point, so he couldn't call out a Triple Rashomon to defend this time.

Chojusen's Lightning Javelin moved just as fast as he did when he used Fiendgod Butterfly Sage Mode, so upon collision with Orochimaru, five of the eight Hydra heads shattered into nihility.

The attack did so much damaged that Orochimaru's Eight Branches Technique was disrupted. Orochimaru also took a massive amount of backlash damage for leaving his Hydra From without his control. Now the only thought in his head to get away from this little monster and plan accordingly for the future.

Unfortunately, Chojusen, didn't plan on letting him leave. He swung his arm in an arc and a massive laceration appeared in the air where his hand and passed. The arc of wind flew from Chojusen's hand and directly bisected Orochimaru. Chojusen was unfortunate enough to see that even though he cut Orochimaru in half, from the latter's two halfs, snakes were summoned and pulled Orochimaru's body back together.

Whelp, The original/canon story is going to diverge way off where it was intended to go so...

Oh, and cheers for reaching 500K views and 50K words on the same day~

BrightDawncreators' thoughts