
Great Academy System

A legendary academy has been established, practicing perfect exercises that make the heavens and the earth tremble. The indomitable dean leads a group of teachers and students unafraid of the sky and earth to create a myth together!

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46 Chs


"Speaking of which, second-grade elixirs should taste better than first-grade elixirs, right?" Zhang Yu held his chin and thought to himself.

There is no outstanding food in this world. For a foodie, having no food is something that is absolutely intolerable.

Although the taste of the first-class elixir is barely okay, Zhang Yu still misses the delicacies of his previous life, Sichuan cuisine, Cantonese cuisine, Shandong cuisine, etc., especially Sichuan cuisine. Thinking about the Sichuan cuisine he ate in his previous life, it was so spicy that it felt like an electric shock The taste is so sour!

  Zhang Yu himself is a foodie. In addition to all kinds of food, he also often researches some weird ways of eating, so that he himself has mastered many cooking skills.

Regrettably, since he came to the wilderness continent, he has not yet found anything that can replace chili peppers, peppercorns, star anise and the like.

"It just so happens that the trial of the wild abyss is about to start, so you might as well look for it in the wild abyss at that time." Zhang Yu started to laugh again when he thought of eating, "I don't believe it. Can't find anything similar?"

 "Oh, when will this kind of day end!"

 Smacking his lips, Zhang Yu sighed, poured out another Qixuan Pill from the cloth bag, threw it into his mouth, and started chewing it.


 Morning College.

Luo Yueshan has been at Chenguang College for two days. It's not that he doesn't want to go back to Yunshan College, but he just doesn't dare.

Zhou Xun is at Chenguang College, so he can only feel safe if he stays at Chenguang College.

He was afraid that as soon as he left Chenguang College, Zhang Yu would come to the door and secretly kill him.

Although it is still uncertain whether Zhang Yu is a strong man in the vortex realm, Luo Yueshan dare not gamble with his own life. After all, even the great elder of Chenguang College was killed by Zhang Yu. He, the dean of Yunshan College , the result will not be much better.

At this time, Luo Yueshan was sitting in an office of Chenguang Academy, listening to his subordinates report the news. After a long while, he nodded and said, "Okay, I understand. You continue to send people to monitor Sky Academy. Once Zhang Yu leaves Sky Academy, Come and notify me immediately."


"Okay, please step back first." Luo Yueshan waved his hand and dismissed his subordinates.

  In the past two days, Luo Yueshan has regarded Chenguang College as his office, and all matters related to Yunshan College are handled here before being executed by others.

After a while, Luo Yueshan walked out of the office, hesitated, and knocked on the door of the office opposite.

 "The door is not closed, come in." Lin Haiya's voice came from inside the room.

Luo Yueshan took a deep breath and walked into the office solemnly.

Looking at Luo Yueshan's solemn look, Lin Haiya asked doubtfully: "What's the matter, Lao Luo?"

Luo Yueshan didn't show any tricks, he said in a deep voice: "I just received the news that the Deng family, the Lu family, and the Huo family have bowed their heads to that kid Zhang Yu. My people saw with their own eyes that the little girl from the Deng family led a group of He sent back the martial arts and exercises that he snatched from Cang Qiong College to Cang Qiong College."

 This is really bad news!

"Is this happening?" Lin Haiya frowned.

   "This group of idiots, as soon as they see us lose power, they can't wait to curry favor with their new master." Luo Yueshan gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in anger.

"Don't be impatient, Lao Luo, we are all old, and we can't be so arbitrary when we look at things." Lin Haiya said calmly: "You said that they sent the exercises and martial arts back to the Sky Academy. I believe it, but I don't believe them. I hooked up with that guy Zhang Yu so quickly."

  Luo Yueshan remained silent, watching Lin Haiya quietly.

"They have been operating in Huangcheng for so many years and have many eyes and ears. I don't believe it. They don't know that Lord Zhou is coming." Lin Haiya smiled faintly, "Although they cannot know Lord Zhou's identity and strength, as long as they are not stupid, they will definitely It can be guessed that Lord Zhou is a strong man in the whirlpool! Zhang Yu may be a strong man in the whirlpool, and Master Zhou is also a strong man in the whirlpool. How can the Huo family and the Huo family take sides in advance?"

  He looked at Luo Yueshan with a smile, and said confidently: "Those guys are as cunning as human beings, how could they do such a stupid thing?"

Luo Yueshan was still a little worried: "But what if it happens? What if they hook up with Zhang Yu and put us together in the Abyss trial, that would be troublesome..."

"Well... your worries are not entirely unreasonable." Lin Haiya thought for a while and said, "Well, I'll send someone to give them a few words in a while. They are all smart people and they will definitely understand what we mean."

Hearing this, Luo Yueshan breathed a sigh of relief and nodded: "It's best this way. Even if they don't stand with us, they can never stand with Zhang Yu. Even if they don't help each other, it's better than betraying them in battle. As long as they don't stand with us. They don't make trouble in the dark, and they don't disrupt our plans."

Lin Haiya patted Luo Yueshan's shoulder and comforted him: "Don't worry, it's just three second-rate families. If they are really bold and try to destroy our plan, we can slap them to death."

After a pause, Lin Haiya continued: "The top priority is to prepare for the Abyss trial. As for the Deng family, the Lu family, and the Huo family, when this matter is over, we will go back and settle the accounts with them. Before that, Just don't add extraneous ramifications."

  Lin Haiya's composure reassured Luo Yueshan, and he said coldly, "Zhang Yu, I swear I won't be human if I don't kill you this time!"

Zhang Yu not only killed his only son, but also made him dare not return to Yunshan College. After returning to Huangcheng for so long, he didn't even have the chance to hold a funeral for his son. It's sad and hateful!

   "Son, don't worry, father will definitely kill Zhang Yu and avenge you." Luo Yueshan's eyes were full of sadness.


  Time never stops, and the trial of the abyss is approaching day by day.

   Outside the small residence of the Champs, the saplings that Zhang Yu planted a few days ago added a few more tender leaves.

 'Xiaoqiang' was lying at the entrance of the courtyard of Xiangxie Residence, his ears pricked up, listening to the movement around him, his long tail wagging from time to time, giving people a lazy feeling.

  Zhang Yu was still in Zangshu Pavilion, spending all his sleep and food forgetting to revise his martial arts.

 After giving lessons to the students in the past few days, he sat alone in the library for a whole day, spending most of his time revising his martial arts.

   "Success!" On this day, a slightly excited and excited voice broke the silence of Zangshu Pavilion.

  I saw Zhang Yu walking out of Zangshu Pavilion in high spirits, with a bright smile on his face.

   After spending more than a week, forgetting to eat and sleep, he finally modified a martial art without any flaws!

It can be said that this martial skill is the one that has taken him the longest and the most energy so far. Even modifying the "Ji Wu Jue" is far less troublesome than modifying this martial skill. After all, "Ji Wu Jue" is "Jue" is a skill that can be modified layer by layer.

Zhang Yu firmly wrote down the training methods of martial arts, then tore up the manuscript that he had worked hard to copy for more than a week and threw it into a trash can not far away.

  [Glance in the Sky: First Class, 0 Errors]

  Under the inspection of the Insight Technique, the information of "Glance in the Sky" is very simple, just one line, more than ten words.

  However, only Zhang Yu knows that the simpler the information displayed by the insight technique, the more difficult the martial art itself is!

Although Zhang Yu has not yet practiced "Liberating in the Sky", he is sure that "Limping in the Sky" is definitely a high-level martial skill that is no less than a spiritual level, and can even... be comparable to the legendary king-level martial arts!

   "King-level martial arts!" Zhang Yu licked his lips, and he couldn't wait to see the power of 'Grave in the Sky'.

Zhang Yu took a deep breath, forced to control his boiling emotions, turned his head and glanced in the direction of the classroom, and saw that the students around him were practicing quietly. He pondered for a moment, then turned and walked to the other side of Cangqiong Academy, which was facing the wilderness. On the other side of the abyss, he walked out of the wall of the back door and looked at the large forest. He nodded slightly: "This is the place, it's very suitable for cultivation."

The forest covers an area of about 3,000 square meters to 5,000 square meters. Outside the woods is a rather steep cliff that connects to the abyss below.

Zhang Yu casually threw a Qixuan Pill into his mouth and started practicing immediately.

I saw that the mysterious power in his body was operating according to the route required by "Glimpse in the Sky". The air surged into the soles of his feet and spread to his knee veins. His body made a movement like a bird spreading its wings, and the surrounding air suddenly formed a line visible to the naked eye. The missing flat cyclone...

 The next moment, Zhang Yu tapped his feet lightly and his body left the ground...

"This..." Zhang Yu was hovering in the air like a bird, with a look of shock on his face, "It's flying! I'm actually flying!" Although the mysterious power in his body was moving in an extremely terrifying way The speed was consuming, but he didn't care at all. Instead, he was extremely shocked by the effect of 'Sky Shadow'.

As far as he knows, even those who are strong in the Vortex Realm cannot fly. Only when they reach the Alchemy Vortex Realm can they barely stay in the air for a short time. If you want to truly fly, you must reach a realm above the Alchemy Vortex Realm.


 Zhang Yu is flying now!

  Although he relied on a physical martial skill rather than relying on his own cultivation, flying is flying, no matter what means it comes from, this result cannot be denied.

Suppressing his excitement, Zhang Yu continued to practice "Lighting in the Sky", and saw his figure, like a shadow, appearing from one end of the midair to the other end in an instant, at a speed so fast that it might even vortex Even those with strong abilities can't see clearly.

"Too fast!" Zhang Yu's eyes were full of surprise, and an uncontrollable excitement surged in his heart, "Invincible, simply invincible!"


Just after laughing a few times, Zhang Yu's expression suddenly changed, and he screamed in surprise, then hit the ground heavily like a stone.


In an instant, Zhang Yu made close contact with the ground. His face, which was not handsome in the first place, suddenly became bruised and swollen, making it miserable to look at.

 Fortunately, he didn't fly high just now, otherwise, once he fell, it wouldn't be as simple as a bruised nose and a swollen face.

   "Hiss..." Zhang Yu gasped in pain, and after a long while, he moved his fingers, then stood up with difficulty, his body swaying, as if he was drunk.

  He patted his head vigorously, and after feeling a little more awake, he smiled wryly: "How long has it been? One minute? The mysterious power in the dantian has been completely consumed, and there is nothing left..."

 How powerful the effect of "Glimpse in the Sky" is, the speed at which it consumes the mysterious power is terrifying.