
Grave robber

He has been robbing tombs for 20 years and has nearly 10 billion in wealth. He is known as "Grandpa", but his life is short. In this short and thrilling life, life and death are familiar, money is indifferent, and human nature is incomprehensible.

jojokria · realistisch
Zu wenig Bewertungen
89 Chs

066 Dancing with wolves

Upon her remark, a wave of excitement swept through everyone. However, I interjected with a sobering observation.

"The celestial bodies and the contours of the mountains are realms of grand Feng Shui. As for the intricate art of pinpointing auspicious spots, it's still premature."

Pausing for emphasis, I gestured toward the undulating terrain of the mountains, continuing, "According to the lore of 'The Enigma of a Million Tombs,' this is the Parent Mountain, also known as the Xuanwu Mountain, the origin of vitality. Look closely, the contours of the mountain undulate gracefully, following the natural flow, embodying the essence of a benevolent dragon."

While the others listened intently, Big Nose had long been perplexed, shaking his head and amusing himself by playing with squirrels on the side.

"Now that we've identified the Xuanwu Mountain, the next step is to ascertain the Azure Dragon and the White Tiger, and locate the Bright Hall, before we can proceed with precision."

With a hint of comprehension, Bai Ruoxue queried, "So, if I understand correctly, we must descend further?"

I nodded in confirmation.

Sun Tiedan glanced skyward with concern, remarking, "The sun is already tilting westward, and the mountain paths are treacherous, not to mention the prowling beasts. It might be wise for us to return to camp for rest, and plan our next move tomorrow."

Indifferent to the outcome, both I and Shi Jingxia expressed neutrality, as our intentions were rather indeterminate.

"Indeed, since none of us had intended to embark on this venture in the first place, perhaps a return is warranted," Big Nose readily agreed.

Liu Yuanbao remained silent, directing his gaze toward Bai Ruoxue.

"Miss Bai, what are your thoughts?" he inquired.

Bai Ruoxue surveyed the group and promptly declared, "Tonight, we all stand guard."

As the saying goes, ascending the mountain is easy, but descending proves arduous. My knees felt sore, while Shi Jingxia complained of aching heels, and Bai Ruoxue intermittently massaged her legs. The rest of the group was equally fatigued.

Furthermore, transitioning from the shadowed side to the sunlit side, we encountered numerous honey locust trees, which posed a significant challenge. I had already acquired several cuts on my hands.

We proceeded at a slower pace, taking frequent breaks.

The mountain mist thickened, and the air grew heavy with moisture, causing the ground beneath us to become slick.

Suddenly, Big Nose's knee buckled, and he stumbled, tumbling downhill.

"My head, my rear end! Oh, heaven above!" he cried out in agony.

His wails gradually faded as he vanished from sight.

Cupping my hands around my mouth, I called out to the valley below, but received no response.

Bai Ruoxue remarked coolly, "There's no use calling out, lest we attract more wolves."

"An individual vanishes before our very eyes, and yet you remain indifferent. Your heart is indeed cold," Shi Jingxia retorted.

Bai Ruoxue merely scoffed, offering no rebuttal.

"Hurry, saving him is paramount," Sun Tiedan urged.

With that, Sun Tiedan wielded his machete to clear a path through the trees, and I joined in the effort.

After approximately an hour, we heard faint gasps. Big Nose lay sprawled amidst a thicket of thorns, groaning incessantly.

I helped him to his feet, his clothes torn to shreds.

"Tiedan, damn you, why did you push me?" he accused.

Sun Tiedan looked genuinely innocent. "It was your own slippery footing, my friend. One blames the dog for barking, ignorant of the good intentions."

Undeterred, Big Nose lamented, "My luck is wretched; my new clothes are ruined. Oh, the agony!"

Covered in thorns, resembling a hedgehog, he continued to sniffle, presenting a comical sight.

"Useless. We're out of water," he complained.

"Demoness, can you blame me for this? I am a victim as well," Sun Tiedan retorted.

"What did you say? Say that again, and I'll cut out your tongue," Big Nose threatened.

The sun hung limply in the sky, resembling a tired egg yolk, as if a mere cough would cause it to plummet.

Meanwhile, animal cries echoed in the distance.

Perking up his ears, Liu Yuanbao listened intently. "It's the wolves, they've begun their hunt," he informed us.

Sun Tiedan spat and remarked, "We must quickly find a place to rest. The wolves of Yanmen Mountain are merciless; they devour without leaving bones."

After another hour, darkness enveloped the surroundings completely. We proceeded with difficulty, aided only by our flashlights, until we finally reached a spot suitable for rest.

Casting light in all directions with our flashlights, the darkness seemed to absorb the beams like magic.

Bai Ruoxue inquired, "Any discoveries?"

I shrugged and replied, "The night shrouds everything in darkness, making visibility nil. Besides, haste makes waste. Attempting to assess Feng Shui at night is akin to a blind man lighting a lamp, utterly futile."

"And you?" she pressed.

I assured her, "This isn't baseless chatter. 'The Enigma of a Million Tombs' stipulates that Feng Shui should not be assessed at night, as darkness obscures many crucial elements."

My grandfather, in his quest for ley lines and energy nodes, once spent an entire year. Through seasons and weathers, he meticulously examined every aspect. Only through such dedication to the art of geomancy could one unearth auspicious sites.

During one such expedition, he unearthed a significant burial site from the Western Zhou period in the Fufeng region of present-day Shaanxi Province. The discovery of numerous bronze artifacts catapulted his reputation in the field, earning him unparalleled renown.

"Turn off the flashlights, quickly," Sun Tiedan urgently whispered, having noticed something.

The others immediately complied, except for Big Nose, who shone his flashlight on Sun Tiedan's face.

"Tiedan, what's wrong?" he asked.

"You have wolves behind you," Sun Tiedan whispered urgently.

"What?" Big Nose exclaimed, quickly shining the light behind him, revealing several pairs of eyes gleaming in the darkness.

"Damn it, they're here," he cursed, tossing his flashlight away. The light snapped off like a whip, then shattered like glass.

"Woof, woof," the wolves growled, drawing closer.

"Xiao Jing, come over here," I said, pulling Shi Jingxia close. She wielded a kitchen knife, ready to fight alongside me.

Sun Tiedan swiftly untied some ropes and handed two seamless steel pipes to Big Nose.

Liu Yuanbao, too, grew tense, brandishing a shovel as his weapon. He clicked his tongue a few times, imitating a wolf's howl, to which a real wolf responded.

Big Nose marveled, "That's incredible."

After a few exchanges of calls between Liu Yuanbao and the wolves, the pack suddenly advanced a few meters closer.

Through the dimness, I could now discern their figures: seven wolves in total.

"True courage, dancing with the wolves," I muttered, ironically reflecting on the advertisement slogan.

Liu Yuanbao furrowed his brow. "Be cautious, we've just shattered their negotiations. The alpha female recently birthed four cubs; they must bring back food."

Big Nose looked astonished. "Is that even possible?"

Liu Yuanbao nodded grimly. "A fierce battle is inevitable."

Bai Ruoxue produced a handgun, cocking the trigger. With a few shots, tongues of fire briefly illuminated the scene, the gunfire echoing continuously.

One wolf fell to the ground, its legs twitching, but the pack remained unfazed by the loss.

I was speechless at the sight. Even animals fear gunshots; consider police dogs—they require extensive training from a young age to overcome their inherent fear.

It was utterly bizarre that the wolves of Yanmen Mountain seemed unaffected by gunfire.

Then, a surreal event unfolded. The wolf Liu Yuanbao had conversed with earlier lunged forward and, with a swift bite, snapped the neck of the fallen wolf.

Instead of retreating, the pack grew agitated. The alpha emitted a chilling howl, signaling the pack to surround us in a semicircle, teeth bared as they closed in step by step.

Liu Yuanbao inquired, "Miss Bai, how many bullets do you have left?"

Bai Ruoxue's expression remained cold. "Two rounds. Why?"

"We must not shoot. The alpha has signaled; more wolves will only come," Liu Yuanbao warned.

With no retreat and a direct confrontation unwise, our situation was dire indeed.