
Grave robber

He has been robbing tombs for 20 years and has nearly 10 billion in wealth. He is known as "Grandpa", but his life is short. In this short and thrilling life, life and death are familiar, money is indifferent, and human nature is incomprehensible.

jojokria · realistisch
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89 Chs

055 Skinny Monkey’s experiences

He Huan's sarcastic remarks didn't escape Suo Tianming's notice; he's a seasoned one himself.

"What do you mean, He?" Suo Tianming retorted.

"Hmph, I think you should be called Old Ghost."

"You dare say that again, and I'll make you regret it."

"Bring it on, I'm not afraid of you standing there pissing."

Teddy didn't understand what was happening, but seeing his owner being bullied, he kept barking at He Huan, scratching the deck and making a "scrape scrape" sound, looking fierce.

Seeing that the atmosphere was turning sour, Old Jia pulled them both away and found a few more people to tie the life rafts with steel wire ropes, threatening to chop whoever was responsible into pieces and feed them to the fish.

From then on, First Officer He Huan and Chief Engineer Suo Tianming were completely at odds.

In the following days, salvage work continued, and Wang Xiaoliang was added to the salvage team. He had excellent swimming skills, diving early and surfacing late, equivalent to the work of two men.

Even so, Old Jia and He Huan didn't warm up to Wang Xiaoliang.

Everything felt strange, and the atmosphere on the ship seemed off.

During discussions, whenever Captain Old Jia called Suo Tianming to join, Suo Tianming would flatly refuse if He Huan was also going.

Old Jia and He Huan were close, and since Old Jia was the captain, people naturally held He Huan in high regard.

Throughout, He Huan always directed and criticized Suo Tianming. While Suo Tianming felt unhappy, he didn't argue back. However, this unequal distribution of profits finally led to a showdown.

He Huan claimed he led the salvage operation, and he and Old Jia took the lion's share, leaving Suo Tianming with a smaller portion because he hadn't done anything.

Suo Tianming retaliated, arguing that although he hadn't gone into the sea, as the chief engineer responsible for the electrical and mechanical systems of the Ji Yu 0825 fishing boat, his responsibilities were significant. He had also put in effort, even fixing the compressor. He deserved his fair share.

Knowing this melodramatic scenario, I thought, "I haven't even seen a penny yet, and the castle is already crumbling from within."

I remember in middle school, teachers once said that the reason peasant uprisings were doomed to fail was that they didn't represent the direction of advanced productive forces. In simple terms, they were short-sighted, only seeking profit.

Old Jia, Suo Tianming, and He Huan epitomized this.

One evening, a fierce storm brewed at sea. The ship rocked violently, waves crashing onto the deck; it was about to change.

Due to the strong winds and waves, work was halted, and everyone hid in their dormitories, smoking, chatting, and boasting.

A few people gathered around Wang Xiaoliang, urging him to talk about the underwater situation.

"Skinny Monkey, tell us."

"The captain doesn't allow gatherings."

"Tsk, now he's putting on airs. Let's forget about it."

Everyone dispersed.

Wang Xiaoliang looked at me. "Du Ge, do you want to hear?"

I nodded.

During the Opium War, British warships primarily used sail power, supplemented by a small amount of steam power. By the time of the Eight-Nation Alliance, more advanced ironclad ships had emerged.

Wang Xiaoliang said the sunken ship underwater was indeed a British ironclad, equipped with cannons, rifles, and even Suifa pistols, but it had become a rusty mess and was unusable.

In addition to many treasures, there were also many bones on the ship, with hermit crabs crawling on human skulls, which was terrifying.

Wang Xiaoliang found a picture frame with a photo inside, but it had been blurred by seawater and was barely recognizable.

Skinny Monkey cast a glance, finding the sight familiar. Upon careful consideration, he finally recollected—it was a colossal, crooked-neck tree by the seaside.

There is a legend that during the invasion of China by the Eight-Nation Alliance, the soldiers at the Dagu Fort resisted vigorously, engaging in an unwavering struggle, resulting in heavy casualties among the aggressors.

Ultimately, while they feigned a frontal assault on the Dagu Fort, they secretly launched a fierce attack towards the junction of the Tianjin River and the border of Hebei Province, successfully breaching it.

At that time, there stood a colossal crooked-neck tree at the landing point, and Skinny Monkey mentioned having a vague impression of that crooked-neck tree.

Later, during the development of the Dagang oil fields, the ancient crooked-neck tree finally fell under the scythe of capital.

As they spoke, Wang Xiaoliang suddenly shuddered, seemingly recalling something.

Duan Huairan remarked, "Skinny Monkey, your composure is commendable, enduring such circumstances. Impressive."

Jiang Erwa jestingly added, "He's still a novice; able to urinate against the wind for yards, unlike you and me, soiling our shoes in the process."

"Hahaha," laughter ensued.

Before anyone realized, a crowd had gathered, eagerly listening to Wang Xiaoliang's storytelling.

I nudged Skinny Monkey with my elbow. "Continue."

Within the armored ship's hold was a partitioned small warehouse. At the time, Wang Xiaoliang was transferring artifacts into a net bag when suddenly he heard peculiar sounds emanating from within.

Curious, I inquired, "What kind of sounds?"

After some thought, Wang Xiaoliang blushed and said, "Sounds like...someone engaging in intimate activities."


Everyone exclaimed in unison, their mouths agape.

Duan Huairan quipped, "Such occurrences? Could it be the Dragon King and Dragon Mother engaging in amorous activities?"

Another round of laughter erupted.

Jiang Erwa playfully slapped Wang Xiaoliang on the head. "So, you're not entirely honest."

Wang Xiaoliang chuckled, "I had a girlfriend in junior high."

Upon hearing this, I swiftly interjected, realizing the conversation was veering off course.

"Did you not try to investigate?"

"The entrance was sealed by a heavy, rust-covered bulkhead. Despite the first mate's efforts, it couldn't be pried open, rendering access impossible."

The conversation continued late into the night before everyone retired to their respective bunks.

After a night of fierce winds, the next morning brought light rain. Outside, Guo Tianming's voice could be heard calling out.

"Biscuit, come out!"

"Biscuit, where are you hiding?"

Duan Huairan approached and said to me, "Lao Gui is desperately searching for that Teddy dog of his. Look how agitated he is."

Jiang Erwa, still in the midst of getting dressed, overheard our conversation and bounced over.

"Do you know why Lao Gui is so fond of biscuits?"

Both Duan Huairan and I exchanged puzzled glances, shaking our heads.

Jiang Erwa, stifling a laugh, then mysteriously said, "Men don't keep cats, women don't keep dogs, but a Teddy is an exception."

Mid-sentence, he couldn't contain his laughter, continuing, "Teddy likes to lick people, and after a couple of months on the ship, it gets lonely."

Before I could fully comprehend, Duan Huairan grinned and said, "Away with you, nothing conventional."

As I processed his words, I couldn't help but shudder, reminded of Miss Bai Ruo Xue's Great Dane.