
Grave of infatuations: The odyssey of an autumn rose

"In the Tapestry of Heavens and Earth, a Song of Fate Begins... In a realm of gods and mortals, fate weaves a tale defying even the heavens. Tan Ju, a celestial ruler, faces uncertainty when a prophetic dream hints at his downfall by a boy born in a fateful year. Against the odds, a child emerges, destined to challenge Tan Ju. Raised by gods, Jiang Xicheng's path crosses with an enigmatic woman, and love ignites. But injustice imprisons him, while Wei's siblings rise into the realm of the dead. Lineages shift, secrets emerge, and a celestial mission awaits Jiang Xicheng after captivity. With Wei's siblings, he seeks scattered Dragon Chess Set pieces, harbouring unimaginable power. As fate converges, a symphony of destiny unfolds, testing bonds and reshaping intertwined fates. ------------------------ "I long to cherish you eternally, to remain by your side through endless ages. Even when mountains crumble and rivers cease to flow, when winter roars with thunder and summer yields to snow, and even if heaven and earth themselves unite as one... not until those unfathomable moments transpire, will I ever find the strength to bid you farewell."

jungkooks_luna · Ost
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157 Chs

Beginning of history (2/2)

In the realm of destiny, there is no surrender—no shackles that can deter the indomitable spirit of a resolute soul.

Meet Jiang Liwei, a youth whose childhood seemed lifted from the dreams of the divine. He grew up within the opulent palace of heavenly lord Tan Ju, living a life more extravagant than that of kings and princes. The luxury was his playground, and Tan Ju his nurturing father figure. Yet, as legends foretell, roses bear thorns alongside their beauty.

The cosmos had a different plan for Jiang Liwei. His path to glory as a mortal, guided by his godfather, heavenly lord Tan Ju, ignited envy and disdain among other gods and their followers.

The lavish and fantastical upbringing paved the way for a cataclysmic twist in his nature—a twisted resolve that thrust him onto a path of vengeance upon setting foot on Earth. With a sneer ever-present, he faced life's trials, each as sharp as a thousand swords poised at his throat.

Jiang Liwei's life echoed a tale of humour, of roses blooming amid thorns. As a late bloomer rose, he unfurled his spirit throughout autumn, defying the morning frost until the chill conquered the sun. He learned to love and joy came too late, just as autumn awakens when the sun's warmth wanes, missing the splendour of spring's embrace.

A realization dawned upon him: he embodied both the nightingale's longing and its mercilessness, a creature of cruel desires and humble empathy. This revelation gave a new purpose to his determination, which battled life's adversities relentlessly. No longer the pampered prince of Tan Ju's palace, he evolved into a warrior set on righting wrongs, a living embodiment of justice undeterred by odds.

Jiang Liwei's quest took him across lands, to wise sages and martial arts, facing death's whisper but persisting through his unyielding spirit. His pursuit of purpose led him to realize the potency of love, a force that could reshape destinies and outshine the hand of fate. Love drove him, love for those dear to him and a longing to be united with them.

With unwavering resolve, he embarked on a journey to fulfil the destiny uniquely his. No matter the odds, he'd conquer every obstacle in his path. He valued the affection Tan Ju bestowed and the warmth he shared with friends and siblings. He stepped back from Tan Ju's paradisiacal palace, seeking meaning beyond its glittering facade.

His journey was marked by hardship, a test of his values and ethics, his courage and conviction. He learned that life was more than a fleeting luxury; it was about understanding and shaping one's fate. Limitations could not suppress his yearning to explore the world beyond. Jiang Liwei embraced his fractured past as a stepping stone toward a future sculpted by his ambition.

The universe had something greater in store for him, and he was ready to rewrite his story. With the determination of a lion, the heart of a warrior, and a spirit unyielding, he set out to break free from the grip of fate, forging his path.

His journey was marked by uncertainty, but his spirit was unwavering. His tale was only beginning, and he was poised to redefine his destiny.

Little did he anticipate that his path would intertwine with a woman of mystique, a companion who would unveil mysteries and ignite a love that transcends time and space.

Yet, amidst this cosmic dance, darkness lurked. Jiang Xicheng, accused unjustly of kin-slaying, found himself ensnared in a web of intrigue within the very heavens that nurtured him. The Wei siblings ascended to a throne in the netherworld, rulers of the realm of the dead.

Past and present woven together, Jiang Xicheng's true lineage was unveiled—a descendant not of Duke Jiang Yao Shan, but of the heavenly sovereign Tan Ju. A revelation that shattered foundations and ignited transformation.

Central to this saga was the Dragon Chess Set—a key to uncharted realms harbouring unimaginable treasures. Underwater worlds with gold, enchanted armaments, and ancient manuscripts awaited discovery. Yet, the chess set's pieces lay scattered, their secret veiled across continents.

After years of captivity, Jiang Xicheng returned to Earth, bearing a celestial mission: to bring harmony to chaos. With the Wei siblings at his side, they embarked on a quest to reclaim the scattered dragon chess pieces.

Unbeknownst to them, these fragments held not only riches but the power to unleash a cataclysmic storm.

As fate weaved its curtains, bonds were tested, and worlds trembled—a symphony of destiny unfolded. Would Jiang Xicheng, Wei Ning Zhi, and Wei Liuxian triumph over the storm they must quell?

Could they harness the might of the Dragon Chess Set to shape their destinies? Brace yourself for a tale where cosmic heritage meets mortal valour, where power and passion dance across the cosmos, scripted by the stars themselves.

Welcome to ''Grave of Infatuations: The Odyssey of an autumn rose''. 



It's the beginning of Jiang Xicheng's journey!!

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