
Grave digging system

Became the expelled Uchiha who was demoted to guard the Konoha cemetery Awakened the grave digging system Can't awaken Mangekyo Sharingan without talent and family? The huge Konoha cemetery is my choice! Tired of refining Chakra? It doesn't matter, find a kage-level strong corpse and pick it up! Poor gymnastics? Nevermind, remember Might Guy's dad? Just pay a visit to the cemetery!

tatsumi_o · Anime und Comics
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23 Chs

Babysitting Sasuke?

In the cemetery after Kazuya left, several Anbu were investigating the Chakra outbreak reported by the villagers and Common ninjas.

According to a report from a Chūnin who happened to be not far away, that Chakra was so terrifying that he didn't even have the slightest chance of resisting.

"It's seems that this is the place where the Chakra explosion occurred." An Hyuga said.

"Here? Isn't this the Konoha cemetery and the tomb of…? Could it be..." an Anbu ninja guessed.

"What are you thinking!" The Hyuga gave the ninja a punch on the head.

"Ouch!" The ninja covered his head and pretended to be in pain.

"Don't pretend, it's useless, we have to have enough respect for the Fourth Hokage who sacrificed for the village, but judging from the current survey situation, it's impossible to make a reasonable decision. Let's go back and report to the Third Hokage." Hyuga

"Yes, Captain."

Soon in the Hokage office...

"Are you sure you can't detect anything with your byakugan?" Sarutobi Hiruzen asked.

"Yes." Hyuga replied.

"The cemetery...the cemetery." Third Hokage murmured, "By the way, remember what Kazuya said, he was in charge of managing the cemetery? You can ask him about the situation."

"Indeed… go to the Konoha cemetery and ask Uchiha Kazuya to come and see me." Third Hokage ordered.


Although I don't know why there are people alive from the Uchiha clan, but as long as it doesn't affect the execution of tasks, the Hyuga will not bother too much.

Maybe because most of the people in the of the Hyuga family are obedient.


"Times up kid, wake up already."

Kazuya, who just used a healing technique on Sasuke, patted Sasuke's head and said.


After a long time, Sasuke still didn't wake up.

Kazuya only started to panic at this time, could it be that his medical ninjutsu isn't working?

As he just used the medical nin he forgot a big factor of it: It's doesn't heal mental damage, Kazuya sighed in relief as he picked Sasuke up.

"My bad" Kazuya rushed to the hospital with Sasuke in his arms.

'It could be over, why i was so careless at the beginning, am an idiot to use 'End of Time', on a kid.' Kazuya thought worriedly.

After a while, Kazuya came to the hospital with Sasuke, and rushed to the front desk.

"Doctor, inspect this kid. He hasn't woken up for a day." Kazuya said anxiously.

"I'll take a look right away." The doctor was about to examine Sasuke.

"This kid fainted because of a serious mental injury." Kazuya explained.

"Mental injury?" The doctor laid Sasuke flat on the ground, and probed Sasuke's physical condition with his hand coated in a green light.

"That's true. We have no way to treat this mental trauma. We can only hang him with needles and wait for him to wake up." The doctor explained.

"Is it impossible to treat mental damage?" Kazuya scratched his head in embarrassment and muttered.

"Please treat Sasuke with the best equipment." Kazuya said heavily.

"Either he will wake up after a while or he will never wake up. You don't have to worry about him dying." The doctor said calmly.


So Kazuya stayed with Sasuke in the hospital for two days. During these two days, instead of waiting for Sasuke to wake up, Kazuya waited for the Third Hokage.

"I heard Sasuke had a mental injury, it is because of you?" The Third Hokage asked.

"Yes." Kazuya answered.

"Fortunately, this kid Sasuke should had been protected by you so if he doesn't wake up, you will have to be given a harsh punishment." Third Hokage responded lightly.

"I…. Understand."


'Sigh.. If you weren't 100% sure that Sasuke can endure the aftermath of his awakening Sharingan you shouldn't had helped him.'

"Well~ I came here to ask you if you know about the Chakra explosion incident in the cemetery. After all, there isn't such a strong Chakra intensity inside Konoha, I hope you can answer truthfully." Third Hokage said seriously.

Kazuya looked at Third Hokage and said, "It's was Itachi and me."

"That powerful Chakra energy was released by Itachi and me when we fight."

"Why you were fighting Itachi and when did he got in Konoha?" Third Hokage asked suspiciously.

Although Third Hokage already had some guesses, but still from Kazuya mouth, Third Hokage still had a lot of doubts.

"Itachi came back to finish me but in the end left after some blows we exchanged."


'So Itachi came here to kill Kazuya but wasn't able… these words just makes me more confused then the first time I got to know the unknown chakra located in Konoha.'

'Kazuya to be able to make Itachi retreat? This should mean he awaken too his Mangekyo Sharingan… perhaps something even worse then Shisui's?'

"How were you able to make Itachi retreat...?" Third Hokage asked with a serious expression.

"I don't really know myself." Kazuya replied flatly.

"..." Third Hokage felt that Kazuya was trying to lie to him.

[[[[Kazuya received negative emotions +100 from Third Hokage.]

"Okay, then I won't ask you about it if you don't want to answer." "Then do you know if Itachi had any companions with him?"

Kazuya stared at Third Hokage for a long time, seeing Third Hokage insisting on him to say something: "I don't know, I didn't see anyone beside him."


"Okay, but if something like this happens again, you must rush towards my office so I could help you." Third Hokage ordered.

As Konoha's Jōnin, Kazuya is obliged to obey Hokage's orders.

This can also be regarded as an attempt by Third Hokage to try Kazuya, if Kazuya is unwilling to obey his orders.

Third Hokage may have some countermeasures against such a powerful Kazuya.

"Understood. I have nothing else to say, so I will go first." Kazuya agreed.

"Hmm." Third Hokage nodded in satisfaction.

After Third Hokage finished speaking, Kazuya couldn't wait any longer and disappear.

After Kazuya left, Third Hokage seemed to be talking to himself: "Report to Anbu who are investigating the cemetery to come back. It has been confirmed that they is nothing to worry."

"Yes." The hidden voice responded.
