
Grass To Grace;Slave To Queen

......... "Please Mr. Cruz, spare us. We made a terrible mistake, we are sorry............"Mrs Fisher said while on her knees " Spare you?!, Is this some kind of joke?"The tall man replied "We made a mistake!. Please we have no where to go" Mr. Fisher joined in the plea "Well, I'm sorry but not sorry, this District has been set aside for government construction. You won't want to get sued for obstruction of Government work right?!" He replied with a smirk "Take anything else, but please spare our house, please Commissioner Cruz" Mr. Fisher begged "You are a bunch of nuisance, what can you possibly offer huh!, Obstruction of Government Work and Trespassing!, You might have to pay a fine of 12million dollars!. Do you have that huge amount of money?" He said and Mr. Fisher's shoulder dropped in defeat I stared at my family for a while and felt useless. Even if I'll sacrifice alot just to see them in this situation, I couldn't neglect the fact that our house was about to be demolished because of my parents foolish mistake. I just came back from work and was in an hurry because the mere thought of the punishment for coming back late was nerve wrecking. Well, I felt a little bit of a relieve, atleast now, no one will notice I got home late. I was still contemplating on what to do, I had to save our house either way because I know I'll always be the one to suffer for the loss. No home means I have to earn extra cash and work extra hour. I stood up with wobbling legs and finally mustered the courage to talk "Excuse me sir, I don't think that's enough reasons to demolish our house......... I mean vot-voting is a choice we make and-and I think my family....... my family and the people of this district made that choice be-bec-because they............. " I stopped for a while when I realised the commissioner was moving closer to me and staring at me "Go on........" He said and kept on moving closer "I mean absolutely no disrespect sir but-but I think you should consider pardoning us" I said with pain written all over my face. I kept on praying he'll pardon us and........... but then it felt like a wasted wish "What the heck do you think you're doing you witch?!......." My mom said and pulled me down and I ended up hurting my knee "So now you go against me then take turns in lecturing me on what you think is right and what is wrong............... " He said with a smirk "No that's not......... " I couldn't complete my sentence because he suddenly smiled coldly and I felt my heart jump out, We were already in for it, I just complicated the whole issue and there was no way he would forgive us............ "That's intruiging and quite bold........ " He turned to my parents and finally said........... ............. "I'll take her, in exchange for this District and your title as my inlaw................. "

Simi_Sola24 · Urban
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10 Chs

Samantha Fisher!...........

".....If you say it that way then it makes me feel like you actually want to scold me!" I said with lifted chin

"Oh maybe I'll scold you but then it depends....." He replied with a grin

"Depends.....on what!" I asked him

"Here's your punishment....I get to do whatever I want with you for 10 minutes...." He replied

"That's all?!" I asked him looking puzzled

"Yeah,that's all!" He replied

"Ohk..." I said

"But then here are the rules. There are five things you need to avoid doing while I'm touching you. Do not close your eyes,Do not bite on your lips,Do not tilt your head backwards,Do not grab on the bed spread and Do not make any sound....moaning and groaning aren't allowed!. Think you can do it?!" He asked

"That's like the easiest thing ...of course I can!" I replied

"But then if you do any of those things,then I'll continue the punishment for another 10 minutes and if you still continue breaking the rules,then I guess I'll never stop!" He said with a smile

"This is absurd and I don't know why I'm hopelessly agreeing to this but then...Cool!" I replied.

George's hand carefully caressed my thigh as he brought them futher up. I had the earnest urge to shut my eyes but then I knew what was at stake. This was a test...an unexpected one...and the one conducting this test is my cunning husband. But I won't give in to his cunning tricks,he wants me to do what?!.....Shut my eyes and not make any movement?,that's the easiest thing ever.....

"What the fuck?!....." I screamed as George's hand landed on my V spot

All he did was smirk and then he continued what he was doing,fully concentrated like his life depends on it.

His hand found its way to the little and sensitive bud between my virginal flaps and my body couldn't help but react to his touch. I felt a wave of electrifying pleasure as his finger rubbed on my clitoris as gentle and slowly as it could. I had the urge to shut my eyes and my grip on the bedspread was as that of Queen Charlotte on King George.

"Vanessa!!!!" George's voice brought me back from my long train of thought

"Hmmmmmnnn" I replied with my eyes wide opened like I was caught in the act of theft

"Did you just shut your eyes?!" He asked with a serious look

"Nop!,I didn't!" I replied even when I knew I was busted

"That's an additional 10 minutes honey!" He replied

I stared at George for a while trying to figure out what was running through his mind but then he had that serious look like he meant every single word. He wasn't like this when he was telling me about the rules or when we started the so called "punishment",but now it was as if....he already had this planned out!.

"This "Punishment"....it was never gonna end after 10 minutes...right?!" I asked him with a frown

"What do you mean?" He asked

"What's your plan, George?!" I asked him

"I don't have a plan!" He replied as he stood up gently,not breaking the heavy gaze and my eyes also followed him as he stood up

"Yes,yes you do!. 10 minutes punishment with just 5 rules seems really easy,but it really.....it's really....." I stopped when I realized what I was about to say

"Was I really going to tell him it's not easy and I can't keep my eyes shut or control myself?!" I thought

"It's really what.....Vanessa" He called my name while staring intensely into my eyes like he was trying to read my mind.

"It's...it's ha.....it's....." I struggled to find the right word

"Vanessa Cruz....it's what?!" He asked again but now his gaze was burning with desire and lust.....And this time,he wanted something and he was going to have it!. Could that be...ME?!.

I stared at his face that was only an inch away and then...

"Hard!.....Its hard!....It's hard 'cause I can't control myself!" I replied

George smiled like a satisfied baby who has just been breastfed and he looked...HAPPY!.

"Fuck it!" He said and then my back hits the bed. His hand were on my thigh as he kissed me hungrily and with full energy like he was trying to devour me. His tongue was working on its own and trying to sweepiñg every corner of my mouth. I needed a minute to catch my breath so I placed my hands on his chest and then gave him a slight push. George understood the assignment and the next minute,his lips were on my collarbone,kissing and nibbling.

"George!" I moaned out his name and then I felt his smile on my collarbone

His lips went further to my ear and then he placed trailed kisses on the sensitive spot behind my ear.

"Hmmmmmmn George!" I moaned out his name which only seem to trigger him because the next minute,his finger was rubbing hard in-between my thigh as his lips were also doing their job on my chest

"Aaawn George!" I exclaim but then covered my mouth with my palm immediately

"What are you doing?!" George stopped to ask

"Well it's.... Bianca. She might hear me!" I replied with a blush

"Don't worry.....The room is soundproof!" He replied and he was back to work.

"What.....why is your room soundproof?!" I asked

"Hun can you do me a favor?!" He asked


"Ask questions later but for now, spread those legs!" He said

I obediently made room for George's hand and then he muttered the word "Thank you!" which took me by surprise

His hand back to my clitoris and then he gave it a good and hard rub that felt like I was in fire. I was turning restlessly like I needed to break free from something and my hands gripped the bed spread thightky as I shut my eyes and moaned out George's name repeatedly. I wanted him to stop but also desperately prayed he wouldn't stop. His hands were working magic!. The ecstasy was building up and It felt like I was ready to reach the havens when George stopped suddenly and then smirked.

"I can't let you reach those heights when we've just started....you can't have all the fun!" George whispered into my ears

I stared at him through my already clouded eyes even if I couldn't hear what he was saying,I knew he was explaining why he had to stop.

I felt George's finger move underneath me but this time it was a different movement with a totally different agend because I had hardly came down from the heights I reached when I felt his finger penetrating my V spot. I shifted a little cause of the new sensation I felt and George seem to understand.

"Are you uncomfortable?" He asked

"No...Yeah...Not really. I mean it's my first time so I guess that's natural" I replied

"Don't worry,I gat you. Just relax and trust me!" He said and it felt wonderful to hear him say that because I didn't need to put my body to work trying to relax my already aroused nerves.

George's finger began work again as I felt him penetrate deeper and deeper and then he stopped penetrating and started moving his finger in and out gently and continuously. It felt soothing and like something was building up or boiling up under my tummy. The gentle movement of his finger became hasty and this time,I was sure I was going to see stars.

"I'm going to add another finger Vanessa....Is that ok?!" He asked without stopping the movement of his finger

I nodded my head 'cause I couldn't say anything,the only words that came out of my mouth were soft moans and I wasn't sure they were from me.

"Ok,I'll add one more finger now" He said and then I felt his finger double inside me and that only doubled the pleasure I felt from what ever it is he was doing down there.

He continued the movement of his finger but this time faster and with three fingers and the room was filled with sound of my moan.

"Shall I stop now?!" He asked teasingly

"Do not even think of stopping!. Just a little more and I'm there!. Awwwn...George!" I replied through my moan

I didn't know what was happening but I knew I was almost there...just a little more and then..... I let out a loud moan that filled as I threw my head back and jerked off.

"That was great!" I thought since I couldn't say a word 'cause I needed to catch my breath. I felt George remove his finger and then brought it up for me to see his finger soaked and dripping with my juice. He smiled as he watched my blush and then he smelled his finger.

"Smells nice....I wonder how it'll taste though!" He said with a smirk and I thought he was teasing me...didn't actually think he was serious about it.

"Don't even dare!" I said through my hitched breathing and then for the first time ever,I heard him laugh. George laughed!...heartily at that too. I stared t him for a while in amazement and joy because I've always thought I was burden on him but now,George laughed and I was the reason or his laughter. He fell flat on his face and he almost bumped his head into mine when he sauddeny stop and then he kissed me gently from my mouth to my ear and then my chest.

"Vanessa...." He called my name

"Yeah!" I replied

"I'm hungry...really hungry!" He said

"Oh really...shall I wip up something for you to eat?" I asked him but I was a bit surprised,is he drained because of me?!.

"I wanna eat you!" He replied and then started biting my nipple through the thick layers of my cloth. He was trying to undress me but was having a difficult time so I pushed him away slightly,raised myself and started undressing. i didn't know where and when I got the boldness to undress but I still did it anyways. George just stared at me like he was also surprised and his gaze followed ever layer of cloth I shed. When I finllattook off my brassier,he pushed me to the bed,held my two hands above my head and then his wet tongue lashed on my left nipple and then he started sucking it. He paid equal attention to my twin peaches before pulling back and started undressing,which he did without breaking our eye contact.

I gasped immediately he took off his boxers because of his member.

"George...wait a minute!" I said trembling

"What?!" He asked

"Don't you think.....do you think....uhmm....are you sure I can take.....that?!" I asked him

"Take what?!....." He replied trying to contain his laughter

"You know....this!. Isn't too big?!...I feel like the more I stare at it,the more it's getting it's getting bigger!" I replied

"Well that's because you're keeping it in wait!" He replied with a smile

"I have t done this before so....." I replied

"Don't worry,I'll be gentle!....…....."


George's POV

"Beep-Beep-Beep..." George phone rang and he picked it up

"Arnaldo?!,What's up?!" He said

"Hey George... uhm is Mrs Cr....I mean Vanessa there?!" Arnaldo asked across the phone

"Nop,she took a day off,why?!" George replied him with a smile

"Ohk well I don't know if it's the right time to tell you or not.....It's about your wife!" Arnaldo said

"What about my wife Arnaldo?!" George asked with a frown

"Samantha Fisher!....." Arnaldo said

Bang!.... The door to George's office was forced opened and His Secretary came in running after a lady wearing a black mini skirt that revealed most of her thigh and a black crop top.

"Ma'am you can't just barge in like that!" George secretary said while trying to stop the lady

"And what the heck is going on here?!" George asked angrily

"Hey there Brother-in-law!.....or should I say dear husband?!" The lady asked while walking up to George

"I asked a question!, and who are you?!" George asked

"Sam....Samantha Fisher!...."