
194. The Boundary Between Life and Death -4 (Part One)

Translated by A Passing Wanderer

Edited by RED


The refugees became a lot more relaxed after learning that the pursuit from the Jötnar had ceased. Supervising and commanding them became much easier after their confusion and anxiety lessened greatly.

Now that the enemy had decided to stop their pursuit for the time being, Charlotte found herself with some wiggle room to take a much-deserved break.

She laid down on the bedding to get some sleep, but in the end, couldn't keep her eyes closed.

It had been a week already. Yet Allen had failed to wake up even now.

'No, he will be fine.'

His Majesty was someone who fell down all the time, only to stand back up even stronger. He didn't know the meaning of giving up, so without a doubt, he'd definitely get back on his feet this time as well with a big grin etched on his face.


She pushed her upper body up from the bed.

A maid on standby within the darkness tilted her head before asking, "Ma'am? Are you unable to sleep?"