
188. The Job of the Bait -1 (Part One)

Ch. 188 - The Job of the Bait -1, Part One

Translated by A Passing Wanderer

Edited by RED

He might have been a mangnani a long time ago, but now, he was not.

To Alice, he was a man worthy of all the respect and adulation he received.

After being banished to the northern frontier, he became a new man. He personally hunted down a witch who had spread a deadly plague in the villages up there, and defended Ronia against a Vampire Count's invasion.

He then guarded the Theocratic Empire's capital, stopped the warmongers of Aslan and then unified it under his banner, then even went on to influence many other countries on top of that.

Now, he had even been identified by the royal family of Frants Kingdom as the Saviour and was trying his best to protect the world, too.