
156. Aslan in Chaos -1 (Part One)

Translated by A Passing Wanderer

Edited by RED

A shocked expression formed Tina's face while she was still inside the cloud of dust. She looked up at the person holding her.

He wore a set of heavy armour, with ragged cloth wrapped about his head like some kind of a hood. Then she noticed a familiar white lily hidden beneath the armour.


Flustered, she even forgot about their stations and uttered a title that was still somewhat unfamiliar to her. As she grew even more flustered, the undead carefully raised his hand and patted her on the head.

His glowing eye sockets were staring at her, but he solemnly maintained his silence.

'Could it be, Lord Angel...?'

Only the Holy King, Allen Olfolse, was capable of reviving the former king Rahamma as a holy undead like this. Without a doubt, Allen had awakened the former king in order to rescue her.

Duke Duran was also feeling rather shaken at the moment. 'Why is King Rahamman in this place...?!'