
140. A Protective Shield -1 (Part One)

Translated by A Passing Wanderer

Edited by RED


I had finally learned the truth of how I got to this world. However, something still didn't feel right to me.

Before the warp gate activated, I felt the sensation of my whole body burning away. I was trapped inside the VR capsule and eventually met my demise in the other world.

The capsule burned down, the warp was activated, and I got sucked inside. The sensation back then was kinda like someone or something was sucking me inside.

That sensation felt vaguely different from the 'normal' warp magic I've experienced so far.

I thought back to the warp gate connected to Purgatory back in Aihrance. More specifically, the grim reapers trying to invade this world via the warp gate, and the black hands that had stopped them from doing so.

Back then, those grim reapers were trying hard to cross the dimensions, only for the black hands to block their attempts and pull the undead back inside.