
Grand Sorcerer in the Omniverse

Yuri Nightingale is a man whose life has been defined by extraordinary talent in numerous areas, and a feeling of depression and worthlessness that made all of it go unused. He fled from these feelings the same way most of us do, consuming Japanese media and fanfictions like his life depended on it. In a fleeting moment of impulse built up from years of living this way, Yuri leaps off his company building... and immediately regrets it. He feels what everyone else feels when they die, absolutely nothing. It isn't long before he's woken up by a god that offers him... a job? Yuri's talents weren't meant for a mortal life, it seems. Join Yuri in taking the Records of worlds for his patron and himself and living a life filled with the fantasies he never knew were actually real all along. {First World: Nirn, Elder Scrolls 4E 200 - Chapters 4-104} {Second World: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Chapters 104-?} *I do not own cover art, if you do and would like me to take it down just ask* *I won't be making smut every chapter like Devil_Paragon sama, but it will happen so be warned*

Reddsaint · Anime und Comics
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153 Chs

I Tell You, I Tell You the Dragonborn Comes

Yuri and Toni had long prepped for this day, but Yuri wanted to keep most of it a surprise. All he would tell her was that they were going to attend an execution. Toni knew it was about those prophecies his world was privy to about her own, so she couldn't help but look forward to a day that would be worthy of the 'Prophet World' to take note and wonder who would be executed.

In the two months before this day, they had trained. Yuri's perception had crossed the 100 point mark and he suddenly gained full access to every memory he had. It was quite helpful, though not as much as he would have thought. Remembering every word to the Dragon language would have been helpful before he had retrieved the book for it. Yuri wasn't certain, but he should be ready to spiritually metamorphize by the time his Perception reached 200.

Toni was the one who improved the most physically. While Yuri was reading and soul refining, Toni was growing stronger each day. Every time she grew too strong for her old weights she would add the older ones on top, only after she grew accustomed to more would she ask for heavier ones. Yuri thought he was keeping tabs on her progress closely, but he didn't know she was still wearing the old and the new ones. The last time they sparred, Yuri had to use ESP to keep track of her and TK to block more times than he would care to admit, getting called a cheater. She was also already at the Expert level for Alteration and Illusion, nearing Mastery. Her pace was in the 97th percentile.

"We'll be shutting down the 'Vulcan' business for the foreseeable future. It'll be on the road to and fro for a while," Yuri warned her for the umpteenth time.

"You brought the bed, right?" Tonilia's only concern came out. Yuri nodded and they were ready to go. He opened a portal to the woods just outside of Helgen on the path to the front entrance some miles away. He had scouted this place from above a month prior and checked for news to verify his timetable.

At a fair distance away, Yuri could hear the sounds of fighting.

"I think it's starting"

"That battle? Well, let's go!"

With a *Swish* Tonilia was already running like the wind while weaving through the forest. In only four seconds, she was outside his ESP range. Yuri took to the air and shrouded himself before taking off in the same direction at ease.

In a blur, Tonilia arrived first and hid behind a tree while witnessing the battle from behind the Stormcloak side. Just ten feet away on the road, the most beautiful woman she had ever seen with blonde wavy locks and a bloody forehead that didn't detract from her lie on the ground. Toni barely registered her existence when she felt an arrow in her ESP glide towards the down woman's head.

She reached out and smacked it away to save the poor lady. She was about to step in and take her away when a hand fell on her shoulder.

"Yuri, she's a civilian!" She hiss/whispered.

"Her soul is five times stronger than a normal man's. Thank you, baby," He planted a kiss on her cheek. "You've just saved history."

"...Is that who we're here for?! Let's take her then!"

"No, I want to save her at the right time while ensuring a few things go smoothly." He said while his voice got lower and lower when his eyes glued to Alera. "Damn, she's gorgeous..."

{Picture here}

Tonilia elbowed him in the side, "Hey, you thought it too!" "Ha, you got me"

"So... who is she?"

Yuri smirked and started humming a melody for a few seconds before singing with a low volume in a deep and sultry voice: "Our hero, our hero claims a warriors heart" Tonilia raised an eyebrow and Yuri grinned before continuing: "I tell you, I tell you the Dragonborn comes"

{A/N: Lucky me, Voiceplay released their cover of this song this month on Youtube. If you want to know what Yuri sounded like, check it out. Link in the comments for easy copy-paste!}

Tonilia's other eyebrow joined the raised one in surprise while her eyes widened, "The DRAGON,"

"Shhhh" He covered her mouth. "Just watch, this is gonna be great."

───※ ·❆· ※───

The sounds of wooden wheels and neighing horses gently rose into Alera's senses as her blurry vision came into focus.

She flinched when she forgot where she was or how she got here, only to rub her wrists against the ropes that tied them. She found a brown-haired and lanky man in a raggedy brown outfit and another blonde man in those familiar blue fabrics with chainmail underneath directly across from her, and to her right sat the last man, and the only one who was gagged.

"Hey, you! You're finally awake..." Beckoned the friendly-looking blonde man.

"Where are we?" She asked.

"You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us and that thief over there." He chin-pointed towards the lanky poor-looking man.

"Damn you, Stormcloaks. Empire was nice and lazy till you turned up. You there, you and me we shouldn't be here," He looked towards Alera and said with more empathy. "What's wrong with him, huh?" motioning towards the gagged man.

"Watch your tongue! That's Ulfric Stormcloak, the true High King!"

Alera grew alarmed. She was on the same caravan as one of the continent's most famous rebels surrounded by Imperials! She didn't like where this was going, and neither did the thief. Ralof, the blonde man, all but confirmed they were being executed.

"My first day in Skyrim ends up as my last, huh?" Alera let her head fall behind her as she looked skyward with melancholy.

"For what it's worth, I'm sorry lass. Where are you from? Last thoughts should be of home."

"My home has nothing left for me, my last thoughts go to the woman who helped me stand strong."

"Fair enough," Ralof said. She even earned a slight nod from the 'High King' to her right for her bravery in contrast to the man across from him.

They made their way through a city of stone brick battlements surrounded by high walls and even higher mountains, eventually finding a wide and short tower dead center in the city beside which they came to a park. General Tullius was on cloud nine, no Thalmor in sight and victory nigh. It was time for his favorite, a speech.

Two people stood hidden by their own casts of 'Shroud of the Hunter' atop the tower across from the one from where Alduin would land, beside the place the wagons parked. The prisoners were eventually commanded to dismount in an orderly fashion.

"Step towards the block when we call your name, ONE AT A TIME!" Shouted a female Imperial captain beside a nervous-looking man. {A/N: I swear she doesn't have an in-game name}

"Empire loves their damned lists," Commented Ralof with a tinge of helplessness.

"Ulfric Stormcloak, Jarl of Windhelm," Spoke the nervous man almost too quietly. A secret fan, perhaps? The Jarl took his place without hesitation.

"Ralof of Riverwood," And so did he without comment or delay.

"Lokir of Rorikstead"

"No, I'm not a rebel! You can't do this!" He pleaded despite being on the list. He must've already had a bounty meaning his argument was in vain. Lokir ran and was unceremoniously shot in the back by an unimpressed archer.

"Wait," The nervous Imperial looked confused while he checked his clipboard. "You there, step forward."

Alera raised her head and did as told with lifeless eyes. "Who... are you?" He asked.

───※ ·❆· ※───

"Who... are you?"

Yuri's eyes locked onto Alera tightly after he said those words, but her response let him rest easily.

"Alera... Silius."

'Ah, she's not a shapeshifter' He joked to himself. Tonilia frowned at him but put it aside as her boyfriend's antics.

"You're a long way from Cyrodiil. What are you doing in Skyrim?"

"Finding work, or I was"

"Captain, what should we do? She's not on the list." Hadvar asked.

"That's my cue," Whispered Yuri while stepping over the top of the tower.

"What are you doing?" Toni whispered.

"What I do best, making an entrance." With that, he rose up and revealed himself floating above it all while he slowly descended into the fray right as the captain damned the poor girl.

───※ ·❆· ※───

The Imperial captain looked at Tullius briefly before she shook her head and decided against complications on the General's proceedings.

Alera looked at the captain deciding her fate with the rest of her hope before it was quickly dashed. "Forget the list, she goes to the block." She had no more tears to shed this week.

But she wouldn't need to.

"Lightbringer!" Shouted Tullius in surprise while looking up 20 feet above the captain and behind by 10 feet. Alera followed his alarmed gaze and found a miracle.

Hair in wavy bands of onyx silk caressed the sides of his forehead while eyes of polished gold flashed in a piercing yet wizened luminescence. A face as smooth as porcelain and an angled jaw powerfully set below full lips and a manly medium-sized nose. White armor adorned him naturally as if created by and for the Ehlnofey, an untarnished cloak of cherry hue unfurled in scenic billowing as he descended from the sky.

{Picture Here}

Alera was enraptured, blaming her final stroke of luck on the scene. 'Lightbringer, they call him? I've heard of the man who saved Solitude from the rumors, who knew he was this beautiful. The name fits.'

"I was lucky enough to witness the end of the rebellion, but who knew I would catch an unjust execution before the real event even began! Is this how the Empire operates, Tullius?" His deep and disappointed tone matched his frown as he landed on the ground gracefully. Tonilia snickered as she watched, wondering if the girl was already smitten.

'He came... for me?' Alera thought, and she brightened up visibly without her notice. Her hope had returned.

"What do you mean, Grandmaster Nightingale?" Tullius frowned while sending a glare towards his subordinate, the unnamed captain was sweating under her helmet. 'The Hero of Solitude, the paragon of justice, The man of a thousand admirers had to save the one I just condemned!' Professional appearances were the only thing preventing her from beating herself over the head.

"Come along, Miss," Yuri held out his hand for Alera. "You're with me now." He said with utmost finality while a calming smile assured her. Tullius couldn't care less, waving the captain and Hadvar aside wordlessly. Alera stood still for a moment, not caught up to the sudden change yet. Yuri laughed lightly before loosening her bonds and letting them fall with telekinesis.

With her hands free, she trotted forward to escape the situation and grasped his wordlessly, still somewhat shaken. Yuri brought her aside to the front of the tower Tonilia was on and stood before the door with her to watch the proceedings. Ralof looked at her with a little bit of joy he had left that she got her justice.

Tullius resumed his victory speech in Ulfric's face, but a hollow-sounding roar echoed beyond the mountains bordering the city.

Yuri let a smirk stretch for a moment before he regained control, then looked at Alera who still held his hand. She had suddenly stopped shaking when she heard that roar, her eyes gained a primal glint for a moment before she shook her head and looked back up.

"Do you know what that was?" She said, noticing her hand was still in his but not letting go.

"I have a theory, but I hope I'm wrong. That's shouldn't be possible," Yuri feigned a frown and looked up before returning his gaze to the execution.

The attendees looked up and around in a mix of confusion and stifled fear before Tullius told them to carry on. The Priest of Arkay in attendance drabbled on for a moment about the Nine Divines instead of just Eight like Yuri remembered, before a brave soul decided to meet his proud ancestors with a legendary line, "My ancestors are smiling at me, Imperials. Can you say the same?!"

Next, Ralof was called. He walked forward without hesitation when a second roar was heard, this time much louder and longer. Alera squeezed his hand harder and her pupil started to tighten into an elliptical slit while her blue eyes glowed harder. Yuri looked at her with a smirk, wanting her more and more at this point.

Ralof reached the block and basket, when Alduin came into view with a triumphant roar.

Tullius, Alera, and Yuri all had a perfect view of the gigantic dragon that swooped over the front entrance of town! Scales of charcoal and thirty feet long wings of sinewy fabric, spines that riveted his back and beady eyes of blistering red, horns climbing skyward in symmetrical horror and a tail that wrapped around the tower he landed on with a boom. The stone bricks expelled dust from every crevice and threatened to cave in, Alduin was barely perching atop the thing like a fat cat. He was almost as big as 'Shadalduin' and much stronger.

"WHAT IN OBLIVION IS THAT?!!!" Shouted Tullius.

Alera was trying to break Yuri's hand with the amount of grip she was using, it looked like she was deciding on charging or fleeing.

'Good, fear and fire in equal parts' Yuri smirked before telepathically asking Toni to take her a safe distance while making sure she could watch. In a flash, Toni was grabbing Alera's other hand and ready to take her.

"This is my confidant, she will take you to safety," and Alera released her grip before they disappeared in another flash.

"LIGHTBRINGER!!!" Tullius looked at the only man he could depend upon in this situation.

Not a second later, Alduin let out a blast from his mouth and the sky twisted in compliance. Meteors began to hail from the sky as the clouds formed a cyclone.

'I know what comes next'

Yuri sprung into action, running into the block area before aiming his own shout above at Alduin, who recognized the act and gave his own mocking glare.

"ARN""FUS" Yuri clenched his fists to his sides and glared with a maddened grin of challenge. Two titans breathed the world into them and space contracted at their whims like two magnetic poles. Everyone even close to the block went bug-eyed and turned around to flee. Yuri had already warded the area away from the clash, but they didn't need to know that.

"VOLEI!!!""RO DAH"!!! Two titans pushed the world away from them and their words took the form of power, rings of warping chaos torrented towards their opponents before the shouts collided and became a mess. Like several horrible thunderstorms happening at once, the noise grew unbearable and the ground cracked, the tower under Alduin was blown away and the ground behind Yuri was turned up and mashed, the effect stopped before it hit the house behind it.

Alduin had to take flight once more before he clumsily went down with his tower.

"What is thy name, human, that I may remember it after your death," Alduin spoke in Dragon language to the human who has shown the greatest Voice talent he had ever seen so far. He hadn't processed that shout since it had the same effects and they meant almost the same thing.

"The name, which defies yours, is Lightbringer. Remember the name of the man who defeats you today!" Yuri shouted back in Draconic.

Alduin's eye sockets grew the widest and most strained they had since his first death. He didn't recognize that language, but he certainly understood it! That shout, so it was this language!

"What language is that which you speak, Lightbringer?!"

{Next Chapter: A War of Two Terrors}

I've made a new chapter in the Auxilary section, though its not necessary for most people to go back to it I decided to make a note about my writing style and things for the future.

Reddsaintcreators' thoughts