
Grand Sorcerer in the Omniverse

Yuri Nightingale is a man whose life has been defined by extraordinary talent in numerous areas, and a feeling of depression and worthlessness that made all of it go unused. He fled from these feelings the same way most of us do, consuming Japanese media and fanfictions like his life depended on it. In a fleeting moment of impulse built up from years of living this way, Yuri leaps off his company building... and immediately regrets it. He feels what everyone else feels when they die, absolutely nothing. It isn't long before he's woken up by a god that offers him... a job? Yuri's talents weren't meant for a mortal life, it seems. Join Yuri in taking the Records of worlds for his patron and himself and living a life filled with the fantasies he never knew were actually real all along. {First World: Nirn, Elder Scrolls 4E 200 - Chapters 4-104} {Second World: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - Chapters 104-?} *I do not own cover art, if you do and would like me to take it down just ask* *I won't be making smut every chapter like Devil_Paragon sama, but it will happen so be warned*

Reddsaint · Anime und Comics
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153 Chs


Yuri decided his next move would be to destroy the pool he was taking power from first of all.

"Girls, please step back," Yuri said without looking back to them.

"Alright!" "Cool." "Kick his ass, baby"

The star wasn't working, for now. He made a screen of shadow magic around Serana to protect her, then pulled it back to be within his grasp. He turned his wrist and reshaped it into a blade of epic proportions. It stretched out and grew till it reached the ceiling and punctured it like gelatin, scattering dust. When he felt it was long enough, Yuri spun his hand like he was playing a game show and the sword followed, slicing from the top of their side of the cathedral, curving right and making a straight and giant burning incision as it passed the side balcony, destroyed pews, cleaved the other balcony, and returned to its starting point.

"What are you doing?!" Harkon was alarmed, it was too fast to react and he didn't like the implications.

With his right, he held the blade aloft, and with his left, he pressed the building from the cracks and forced the wedge to widen faster. Earth magic erupted from under his feet and turned the earth supporting the building to mud. Cracks and fissures spread with a rumble across the building struggling to stay together as Yuri pushed it over a cliff he was creating. Harkon was frantic, shooting as much ice as he could muster which the sword wouldn't let exist in its vicinity. He switched to lightning, aiming at Yuri who blocked it without issue. Harkon couldn't pull off this level of telekinesis, this was ridiculous!

It finally started to tilt forward. Harkon gave up the shield of light and his skin started to hiss, but he ignored it and tried to gather the blood in the pool into an orb as quickly as possible. As if a ledge had been reached, the building tilted nearly a perfect 90 degrees and started to free fall.

"Christ, Yuri, are you trying to drop the building on him?" Toni asked Yuri with amusement, who was still beside them watching it fall. He smirked in return before focusing his attention on the blade he created. He shrunk the blade and made a screen of shadow magic around it to block out the effects until later.

Yuri dove into the open hole of the now cup-shaped building that was still falling and floated in the entrance as he watched Harkon trying to save the blood.

"YOU CRAZY BASTARD!" Harkon shouted over the sound of wind entering the 'cup' while struggling to collect blood and keep the falling pews from hitting him or the statue with telekinesis.

"Hahaha! You're one to talk!"


Yuri stilled his descent as soon as the 'bottom' of the cathedral hit the ocean floor. He watched the singular window explode and shoot out water upward like a faucet, that side of the building collapse as water entered the seams and buried the stage along with the pews that were forming a pile of splinters, and the rest of the walls sink beside him and follow it into the deep.

Yuri looked back to see the castle he had gouged out, including a landslide above what was now barely a viewing balcony with three beauties occupying it. He waved lightly and received waves from Toni and Ally in return.

Like a breaching dolphin, a burst of water sounded behind Yuri. He knew exactly who it was, and turned around with a grin.

Harkon was panting with obvious fatigue and rage. His replenishing fountain had become a ball of blood one third the size. Most of the stuff he managed to collect was diluted as he tried rising to the surface.

'He has to be out of Magicka at this point, right?' Harkon asked himself.

"Such an expensive and risky play will be your undoing, mortal. You should have accepted my grace when it was offered!" Harkon exclaimed while wet and miserable.

'Vampires can get wet here, noted'

Yuri drew his silvery blade, fashioned after the likeness of the weapon of his favorite Vampire: Alucard from Castlevania, and pointed it to Harkon.

'That show really did a good job of making me hate being human sometimes. I empathized with Dracula. This guy has no such backstory, he's just a selfish asshole'

"Your move, Harky"

Harkon snarled and decided to stay at range from that flaming mode he still likely had. He stretched his index out and bullets of red light flew at Yuri as he walked on the surface of the water and tilted his head or stepped to the side whenever necessary. Yuri let a smirk grace his face.

Harkon stomped his foot on the water and it turned to ice, expanding quickly in a sheet and reaching Yuri quickly. He walked on the ice as easily as the water and continued while tapping his sword against the new ground.

Harkon continued firing drain bullets and mental curse bullets in no particular order, but added ice attacks from the ground below Yuri to the mix.

Nothing Harkon did worked. No spell hit him, sometimes the ice below Yuri refused to even move and any spear was easily dodged or blocked with that sword. Harkon was continually backpedaling.

'He is out of mana! That's why he's using his sword and only telekinesis! He won't withstand a brawl without that fire form' Harkon thought to himself and let a smirk escape him while charging Yuri. That blood ball orbited right behind him.

Harkon reached him in a moment, while Yuri remained in the same motion. Harkon assumed he couldn't react, coating his claw in red light and swinging from above.

*Squelch* "AAAAHHH!"

Yuri's sword tilted in a split second and Harkon had slammed his own palm past the tip and 6 inches down the blade. In a fluid movement, Yuri twisted it and bisected his arm vertically down to the shoulder.

"AAAAAHHHHHH!" Harkon swung with his other arm to free himself but was caught by the wrist with Yuri's hand. Yuri noticed the arm he split was already healing and stitching back together. While Harkon was incredulous that he couldn't budge his arm from a mortal, Yuri raised his sword and severed his other one.

With his caught hand, he switched to his more potent pure-blooded vampiric drain. Yuri actually felt it, but it still didn't affect him greatly. Yuri swung him with his arm over his head and slammed him into the ice on his back. The ground shattered like glass and Harkon was nearly submerged again. He rose with his wings again and took flight higher in the air, taking blood from his orb and letting his arm regrow.

Yuri raised his eyebrow, then raised his left hand and pulled at the blood orb to remove it from the equation. Harkon grew startled, increasing the strength he was using to hold onto the orb and joining the tug of war hoping he didn't have enough Magicka left to beat him.

'Wait, where is he?!' Harkon didn't realize Yuri had teleported because the orb was being dragged in the same direction. He found him with life detection and immediately attempted to whip around and backhand him! His hand arrived where he felt him, and there was nothing there!

"What?!" *PSSSHHHHH!*

A red mist exploded from Harkon's side, and the orb he was holding could no longer be felt!

Yuri had stuck his hand inside the orb, which was only the size of a beach ball, and used water and fire magic simultaneously to rapidly boil and expand it into steam. 'Thank you for the lesson, Mirabelle'

Harkon still couldn't feel Yuri. He tried to inhale as much of the blood steam as he could but was immediately struck in the solar plexus and coughed it all up, being hurtled toward the icy ground once more. Harkon created cracked craters where he landed and bounced, skidding across the surface to a halt. He rose once more in agitation as Yuri burned away the last of the steam and revealed his form.

"If I can't have that blood, I'll just use yours!" Harkon shouted in defiance, before lunging and taking flight once more.

Yuri remained smirking as Harkon drew near, not moving even as Harkon clawed at him and swiped through... through? Harkon's claw passed through as Yuri turned into more blood mist.

Harkon felt a palm grasp the back of his neck and reel it back, while a knee planted into his spine and cracked it. The palm let go and Harkon swiped once more, hitting a 'Yuri' and creating another cloud of blood mist in his wake.

'Okay, I think I mastered the substitution jutsu' Yuri thought.

'This isn't blood, just an illusion. How is he doing it? He's fooling my life detection!' Harkon speculated.

With the sound of a tornado being born, a hundred 'Yuri' popped into being around him with a flash as if they teleported. He couldn't tell the difference between them, and they all talked at once to mock him.

Harkon drowned out the voices while he focused on the facts. Life detection was showing only half of them as living, undead detection was showing the other half as undead! He can't be found reliably this way. He was likely neither, hiding among them and waiting to strike.

The hundred clones charged forward at once, landing punches on Harkon's face, kicking him in the nuts, laughing and jeering, colliding with him and spreading their mist for a moment before it disappeared.

Harkon kept his eyes open and ignored the relatively soft blows as he healed the bruises and breaks easily. He frantically looked around past the crowd while switching from life and undeath detection to find the one who wasn't registering with either.

He found him. At the edge of the crowd, the real one was standing still while folding his arms and smiling with schadenfreude. Harkon blew a fuse, charging through the onslaught of small fry to try to reach Yuri while blasting ice in his direction to clear a path. Yuri wielded his blade and charged it with fire while keeping a stance and waiting for his arrival. With a roar, Harkon charged both his arms densely with a blinding amount of red light and readied himself at his fastest to cleave Yuri.

"Trying to buy time?! Hiding time is over, mortal!" Harkon arrived and swiped both claws to him at once. Yuri raised his sword to try to combat the coming arms, but Harkon tilted his claw out of the way and Yuri's blade missed! Harkon's smile broke through his exhaustion, the end was near!

Harkon's claw collided with Yuri's sword...


Yuri's sword turned to mist as his claw passed through, while Yuri himself turned to mist once more. A blinding light assailed him as a black veil was lifted from behind the last clone of Yuri, revealing a sword of light that flung itself into Harkon's chest and evaporated the steam around him in a single microsecond.

"Kugh!" Harkon spat blood. The place the sword was buried in was turning his body into dust slowly, fighting the regeneration he had and winning ground exponentially. The clones scattered, revealing that Yuri wasn't around, to begin with.

Yuri telekinetically grabbed the hilt of the sword and pulled Harkon to him. Harkon descended back to his castle, back to the structure his cathedral was torn from and floated in front of his adversary beside his daughter and the two women who butchered his clan.

"You... you played games with me the whole time?"

"I left as soon as your orb was destroyed," Yuri confirmed. "Care to say your goodbyes?" He asked Serana. Harkon's legs had already turned to ash and fallen off, so this was her last chance.

She rose her head and took a breath. "Rest in peace, father."

"Ha...Hahaha... I'll see you in Coldharbour" He dug one last time, then released some kind of tension and the rest of his body quickly succumbed to the gray and scattered into the ocean below.

[Record of Harkon Blackwater Obtained, 4,000 RP]

'Hm, cool. Looks like he won't be going to Coldharbour after all though... But they don't need to know that'

"Way to be the bigger person, Sera." Ally mentioned soberly while patting her shoulder.

"Agreed, girly. It was bound to be tough, but now you have a peaceful future ahead." Toni chimed.

Yuri is the one who killed him, so he felt awkward about giving his opinion on the matter but tried anyway.

"I won't pretend to understand your brand of family, but you still have Valerica. Daughters of Coldharbour like you are more than welcome with Lamae Beolfag if you so desired, or if you want to stop being vampires I can cure you and welcome you to my College."

"Thank you... I'll... I'll think about it."

The gang walked back into the castle and Yuri opened a portal to the Soul Cairn portal room to fetch Valerica once more. Durnehviir didn't make a second appearance, and it hadn't even been a full day since their raid so the path in was just as easy as the path out was. Valerica finally changed her tune when Serana told her Harkon was finally dead. She bowed and thanked Yuri for all he had done, then the two departed without issue. The Ideal Masters were a tad slow on the uptake, as a purple shield had manifested on the castle behind their backs once again to try to trap Valerica. They told Durnehviir to go and capture or kill her, which he was obliged to do lest they take his soul. Yuri grabbed Saint Jiub before he could whine about his missing pages and teleported all of them out before they had to put Durny in a bad position, promising to bring him out later with telepathy.

Fresh air greeted them on the other side of the portal, because they had left the door to the balcony open.

"Alright, if you want to find Lamae's Coven I don't imagine it will be hard for you. If you change your mind about Vampirism, you can find me by going to the College and they'll contact me," Yuri told Serana. "Ally, Toni, let's return to the College. I have a few things to research before we can bring Durny back"

"Actually, Yuri, I think I've already made my decision," Serana interjected. "I'm ready to be mortal again..."

I was changing all my stuff to go to a single email and at one point was convinced that Webnovel wouldn't let me back in with the new email and I had screwed everything up and lost this novel. I got it back though, it was easier than I thought. That was a small heart attack.

Reddsaintcreators' thoughts