las, another victim of randomly dying and getting reincarnated. Will this protagonist receive broken authorities of the universe? A demon in their right arm? Or maybe even reincarnated as another character? Gasp! Maybe even limitless wishes! No! It's something totally new and original! They shall receive the incarnation of hell itself! A gacha system! ( This is a novel that I found on Wattpad, the original Aurthor is Okipullyurireal. )
Gudako P.O.V
Guhh... that revelation hit like a truck. Also wait a minute, I didn't die to a truck did I? That must count for something at least. Well even if I didn't die to one, it feels like I got hit by one, because everything hurts! Like really hurts! If it hurt bad when I woke up, it hurts even more now! Although luckily the kind Guild Girl let me just stay in the back for now since I'm dirt poor and injured. I should thank and give her something when I get some cash. But for now I guess I'm just waiting for Cu to finish up his quest along with the Goblin Slayer. Yup, still trying to let the fact that my tutorial world is Goblin Slayer sink in.
Also the guy's name and the anime's name is the same thing, that's totally not going to be confusing later on. With that out of the way I lazily look around the room that I was left in since I was bored. It appears to be nothing more than a plain old storage room. Some parchment here and there, a couple random ink bottles and all the normal stuff needed to run the front desk on some dusty old wooden shelves. Guess they wouldn't let me in to where they keep the cash and monster parts. Not that I would steal! I'm gonna make an honest living by using my magical slav- my loyal servant to get cash!
But first off I still have 5 gacha rolls to use! Woohoo! I mean I have nothing else to do and saving these things won't help since as far as I can tell there are no limited characters just yet. Yes, I am justified in using these immediately, It's not like I am unable to save these rolls. I simply choose to use them right now, I am not addicted this early on. So with a thought the screen pops up in front of me, displaying the standard FGO banner and I click. I wonder what I am going to get this time?
[ Congratulations! You've won a: Small Pocket Knife (D+) ]
At least I have a form of self defense now, not too bad I guess. I was a bit scared it would materialize with the blade out but luckily it was folded. I also do still have 4 rolls to go, so there is still hope of another servant!
[ Congratulations! You've won a: Dead Fly (F-) ]
As I see the disgusting thing materialize mid-air I make sure to carefully dodge it. As it lands on the bench I'm resting on I quickly grab a quill to use as a makeshift broom and sweep it off. Ok, not a good omen, but next roll it is!
[ Congratulations! You've won a: Small Potion of Healing (C) ]
Ooh! Something useful! I quickly pop open the small bottle of red liquid and chug it. Hmm... my body does hurt less and the bruises are a bit more faded. Well that's nice, if only there was more in the bottle though. Let's hope the good rolls continue, ignoring the dead fly that is.
[ Congratulations! You've won a: Mystic Code Halloween Royalty (A) ]
UOOOGHH!!! AN A RANKED ITEM! I GOT SOMETHING GOOD THIS EARLY ON! YEAH! THE NEXT ONE IS GONNA BE AN SSR- GAH! I shouldn't have jumped up in excitement... my body still hurts... oh! It materialized in front of me all neatly folded along with a nice flowery fragrance, how nice of you, system. Besides that, next roll go!
[ Congratulations! You've won a: Gandr Spellbook (B) ]
Not an SSR, but cool magic is a win in my book! But where is it anyways, I didn't see it materialize-
Ah! Why did it materialize above my head! That hurt! What if I really get dementia huh?! I take it back, the system is a bully!
Anyways now that my mood has been boosted significantly I guess it won't be too boring waiting for Cu to come back. So I pick up the spellbook first, saving the best new Mystic Code for last. It seems somewhat old, but the cover has a fancy gold trim along with words that I can't read on the front. Do I really have to read this whole book though? It's surprisingly hefty and thick for just 1 spell. Ughh... I know I was bored but this is somehow even more of a drag, I really hope I don't have to go through all of this just to learn one spell-
[ Do you wish to learn spell Gandr? ]
Oh, maybe I don't have to? I think yes in my head and the book begins dematerializing into blue particles that slowly float up and into my head? It leaves a weird tingly feeling on my forehead. Huh, I thought there would be that typical headache involved with getting info shoved into your brain like that.
[ Only spells ranked A or higher will cause mild discomfort or pain. ]
Thanks for the explanation I guess? But if I can prompt explanations or decisions by thinking... hey system! What does this spell do?
[ Description requested. ]
[ Processing... ]
[ Description: A type of curse that can lower a target's physical ability. If high enough levels of magical energy are used, can be used as an offensive attack with firepower similar to a bullet fired from a modern handgun. ]
Oh! That sounds good, while it isn't exploding a castle level of firepower, essentially turning my hand into a handgun is pretty strong in of itself. But now for my grand prize! My new Mystic Code! I unfold it carefully to reveal... a very... expensive looking piece of clothing... stop drooling me! I'm not going to sell it! Must wait for Cu to get the money! But besides that, doesn't this stand out too much? Not complaining but I feel like some people are going to mistake me as a noble with this. I also know from the game it lets me cast buffs and stuff, but I wonder how that would apply here since the real world isn't turn based. Alright! System explain!
[ Description requested. ]
[ Processing... ]
[ Description: A prestigious and noble product. Now you can be the (Halloween) Crown Prince! ]
That's not helpful at all! I already won it, so why does it sound like the system is trying to sell it to me?! Ok, maybe I need to be more specific. I want to know it's abilities, system. A. BI. LI. TIES. Got it?
[ Ability description requested. ]
[ Processing... ]
[ Abilities:
Brilliant Escort:
- Increase one ally's strength for 10 minutes.
- Increase one ally's Noble Phantasm strength for one use.
Pure Coordinate:
- Grant an ally complete invulnerability to 2 attacks.
Blessed Regenerate:
- Remove the debuffs of a single ally that relate to immobility or inhibit their performance.
- Increase an ally's mana supply by 10% ]
This is good! Really good! I can buff my servants and make Cu even more of a cockroach! Also I guess this uniform which I had on isn't actually a Mystic Code, it just looks like one. They couldn't even be nice enough to give me a real one from the start huh? Well at least I won one now, so it's all good. Hmm, the Guild Girl hasn't come in for awhile so I might as well put it on now, my current uniform with blood stains and tears everywhere isn't exactly comfortable to be in.
Alright! Done putting it on!
( Image )
This definitely stands out too much doesn't it!? Screw looking like a noble! I look like the damn crown prince of the kingdom! What if people think I'm some sort of runaway royalty of some fallen country?! *Sigh*, I'm probably just overthinking things. At least it fits in more with the whole fantasy theme as compared to before.
*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*
The clicking of shoes? Must be the Guild Girl coming to check on me, so she opens the curtains and pauses for a second. Why is she staring so blankly at me-
Guild Girl: Since when was there royalty in our storage?!
It totally just happened! I look way too fancy! I know... I'm suffering from success... wait! I need to calm her down first!
Gudako: Calm down! I'm not royalty or anything ok?! I just changed into new clothes, that's all.
Guild Girl: Still, no ordinary person could afford that, and considering how you were desperate for money... so how else would you that explain that attire?
An arrow struck my heart, did I really look so desperate for cash when I took that quest? But I don't really have any good defense either, I can't just tell her the magical voice in my head magically gave me stuff can I?
Gudako: Uhh... uhm... I- ah...
Guild Girl: Ah! I got it! You must be runaway royalty right? There was that small kingdom which collapsed recently due to the Demon King... oh! That has to explain how you had such a strong looking spearman with you, that must have been your personal guard, right? So that old outfit must have been your disguise but it got ruined, so you were forced to use these clothes.
You totally just made up the backstory which I was afraid people would assume I had! But I can't tell her I got blown up by some random crazy person and reincarnated either, so I guess this is my backstory now. I can only awkwardly look off to the side in silence, I don't really know how to respond to this situation.
Gudako: ...
Guild Girl: Ah! Don't worry, I won't tell anyone about this, ok? So don't feel scared, and I'm sure if people did find out they wouldn't discriminate against you or anything, because even if some people here are a bit... eccentric or odd... they are still good people at heart. Plus with your looks and a strong party member people will team up with you in no time and even make some friends here. I can guarantee it!
I'm silent because I don't know how to respond to this massive misunderstanding!
Guild Girl: Oh! Sorry, I almost forgot that I was here to check up on how you are feeling. Do you feel any better?
I can finally respond now. I mean I could have cut in and clarify but I don't really have any good defense against mysteriously appearing, having all these weird items, and fancy clothes with me either. Especially once they realize how strong Cu is and how... not good at fighting I am, at least until I unlock my ultimate abilities. Why would someone as strong as him team up with me unless he was my personal royal guard. Well look at the bright side! I probably look really fancy and cool in the eyes of others! Hopefully...
Gudako: ... I feel fine, better even. But you said I could make friends here right?
Guild Girl: Well that's good to hear, and yes I did. Why?
I grab her two hands and hold them closer, simultaneously bringing her closer to my face. I'm not exactly sure why or how I'm doing these movements, but they just feel natural.
Guild Girl: U-uh... { Ah! She's so close! Also that she's really pretty and handsome in that outfit... wait a minute, don't tell me I have a crush on her too?! But she's a girl?! }
I squeeze her hand a little tighter and give her a bit of puppy eyes.
Gudako: Is it not ok? It's fine if you don't want to-
Guild Girl: No! That's not it, I was just caught by surprise. In fact I would be very happy to, most adventures are guys, even if more women have been signing up as adventurers recently. I also don't really have all that many friends either, so I'd be happy to!
Gudako: Really?! Thank you! But... are you ok?
Guild Girl: Yes I am, why? { Her smile! It's too bright! I'm not ok, I think my heart is about to explode! }
Gudako: Your face is a bit, how do I put this... red?
Guild Girl: N-not at all, I feel fine! B-but I do have work to do now, so I'll see you later, bye!
She then hurriedly walks off back to the front desk... which I find a bit odd. I wonder what could have caused this, until suddenly it hits me. Why I did all those actions so naturally, why her face is a bit red, it's the number #1 most dangerous ability of Gudako. That is...
[ Harem Protagonist EX ]
Did I accidentally just steal one of Goblin Slayer's love interests?! Also I accidentally made Guild Girl interested in women, didn't I?! I literally changed what gender she likes! This ability is more dangerous than I thought! I hope it's fine, I mean he doesn't really seem interested in anyone but goblins, so I'm sure its fine right?
He sleeps with 2 women to heal at some point right? It's perfectly fine then! Damn you, sleeping with those 2 hot women for the sake of healing! You have so many different women attracted to you because of your deep voice, mysterious aura, and muscles! I can make at least Guild Girl into my pretty face and tiddies, right?! I'm justified! I'm simply equally distributing the love from you to me! They aren't even in a relationship, it was just a crush, so in fact I'm not stealing anything! I'm in the right here!
But just to play it safe I won't steal his childhood friend or anything, that would be cruel. I'll try to reign in my skill as much as possible. But *cough* *cough* I wouldn't mind if any more hot women fell for me. That aside! When is Cu coming back! I'm bored! Also I wonder how his quest is going?
Third Person P.O.V
Cu: Oi, ya dumb goblins! When will you learn that arrows won't work on me huh?
With a twirl of his spear every arrow shot by the goblins were simply deflected without effort. A grin crept up his face as he dashed faster than the goblins could see, even their strongest, a goblin mage was unable to keep track of his speed. In a flash 3 goblins were decapitated and 2 had gaping holes in their chests. In a panic, the goblin mage shot a fireball at Cu Chulainn.
Cu: C'mon, even if my magic resistance isn't all too high that won't be enough to hurt me at all.
All he did was raise his spear toward the fireball, which from his perspective was incredibly sluggish. The second it made impact with the tip of the spear it simply disintegrated. Gae bolg had no anti-magic properties, it was simply the fact a spell as weak as the one casted by the goblin mage wouldn't even leave a mark on a weapon of such a high caliber. After the goblin mage realized this, it tried to hurriedly scuttle away before being stabbed from behind. That person who dealt the finishing blow was none other than the Goblin Slayer himself.
Goblin Slayer: Good work, although you were a bit sloppy and too risky, you handled yourself well. Working with unexperienced adventurers always results in problems down the line.
Cu: Course I did, I have to show off a little bit to give master a good reputation. You did pretty good yourself, I can't help but say your tactics and skills were effective. I prefer facing my enemies head on though, as compared to your tricks and stuff.
Goblin Slayer: Not everyone has as much absurd speed and strength as you, so taking down goblins requires a lot of preparation and skill. Most people your level ignore goblin quests, so I'm left to deal with them, not that I mind.
Cu: Yeah, yeah. Most strong guys just wanna fight even stronger enemies. Anyways, we done here? I'm sure my master is getting impatient.
Goblin Slayer: Even if your partner is getting impatient, rushing through this is dangerous. Any hidden passages or goblins can lead to them rebuilding. Not to mention they may be preparing an ambush in the hopes of winning, even if the leader has been killed.
So the pair of warriors continued wandering the cave, with Goblin Slayer on guard and Cu carelessly twirling his spear in boredom. However much of what greeted them were dead goblins, rotting animal carcasses, and unfortunately the occasional human one. There was some crude furniture here and there as a goblin mage had led to the goblins being more advanced than normal, but the cave was now silent as its residents had all been killed. That is until high pitched cries and squeals were heard by Cu, courtesy of his honed senses.
Cu: Oi, you hear that?
Goblin Slayer: Hear what?
Cu: Sounds like some high pitched cries, kinda like a baby. Wait! Don't tell me these things eat babies?!
Goblin Slayer: They do. But more importantly, where did you hear those cries?
Cu: Hmm... right ahead from the right passage.
So the two continue forward, until they enter a small room that appears empty. That is excluding the loose rock which cries were heard behind.
Cu: Is that where they keep the babies to eat?
Goblin Slayer: It's where they keep the babies, yes, but not human ones. Goblin babies.
Cu: Got it, so what do we do then?
Goblin Slayer: Kill them all. If you let them be they'll grow up with a vengeance and go after the adventurers responsible before killing an entire village.
Cu: Sure thing then!
Goblin Slayer: Most people are disturbed by that, you're different.
Cu: I don't really see an issue with that. My kind just fights and kills, when and where we are told. If it's my job, then I'll go right ahead and kill them. Plus from my experience with what they nearly did to my master, I don't really like em' either.
Goblin Slayer: Good, there can be no mercy for these monsters. They would rapidly multiply and prepare an assault on a village close by.
With that Goblin Slayer attempts to pull it away, before Cu cuts in to help out, by shattering the rock with a strong kick. When they both look inside, around 4 goblin children had been crushed and killed by the debris from the kick, their organs and brain matter spilling out, with the rest cowering as far away as possible in the back in fear from what they witnessed.
Goblin Slayer: There is no reason to let them live. The only good goblins are dead ones.
Cu: Oh! My master said the same thing at some point, what a coincidence. Anyways sorry ya guys, but orders are orders!
Goblin Slayer picks up a large femur, most likely from a large animal. While Cu simply sticks to his spear. As the helpless goblin children cower in fear, the two begin swinging their weapons with full intent on wiping out the goblin settlement for good.
The only thing that is left is what can barely be described as corpses, more akin to a pool of blood with unrecognizable organs splattered everywhere. The once grey and brown covered cave now dark red with blood. With the job done, the two begin to head for the entrance of the cave.
Cu: Phew! It's alot harder and more tedious to wipe out a goblin cave then I thought.
Goblin Slayer: That's the issue, many adventurers are reckless with goblins from overconfidence or foolish bravery.
Cu: That reminds me of some people... anyways! I'm sure master will be happy with my work here!
Gudako: IT'S BEEN 6 HOURS!!!
Guild Girl: Calm down, I'm sure he'll be back soon. These quests take awhile ok?
Gudako: Yeah, you're right. Plus with you here time has been passing by fast. They do say time passes quicker when you're with people you like!
I give her a little smile to show my appreciation for her talking to me. While there are other adventurers and staff, she was the only one to help me so far.
Guild Girl: L-like?! E-excuse me, but I do like you- I mean I enjoy spending time with you as well!
I accidentally turned her into a stuttering mess. I think this skill is a weapon of mass destruction. Also wait... weren't skills supposed to be turned off during the tutorial world?
[ Correction, 3 sponsors of the system changed the rules with the following messages: ]
[ "It's gonna take too long for my yuri to happen. I wanna see women kiss! I wanna see them violently fu-" ]
[ Message was cut off for safety of host. ]
[ "Hmm? Why I did that? Well, well, if the actor on stage doesn't have the proper tools, things would naturally grow dull, wouldn't they? I want brilliant and exciting entertainment!" ]
[ Additionally ]
[ "Well even I thought it was a bit unfair, so I decided that skills that didn't provide an insane starter boost or the ultimates were fine. Hmm? I'm being nice here? I'm not, shut up. Be grateful for this gift alright? Oh! Make sure to kill plenty as thanks, see ya my victim!" ]
Thanks random sponsors of my system? Anyways-
Random adventurer: Hmm? Since when did we have royalty running the front desk?
Gudako: I. am. NOT!
Guild Girl: Calm down! Don't punch him just because he got close to your true ident- oops...
Gudako: You... just... made it worse!
Guild Girl: I'm sorry! I'm really sorry!
Great... so the misunderstanding spreads. I hope this doesn't cause any issues.
Some Guild Girl appreciation:
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