

There was nothing special Serenity can do in Chaldea to occupy her time. Not that there were that many of them in Chaldea for everyone else mind you. But for Serenity, the already limited choice of entertainment was even more limited because of her nature.

Serenity, basically from her childhood, was practically deprived of communication with other people. So she did not manage to develop any specific attitude towards it, therefore she could not say that she lacked human companionship. Rather, on the contrary, she was happy with her situation where she extremely rarely crossed paths with other people… In fact, she hardly interacts with anyone except for Hassan and Kiyohime. Even so, it is quite the rare occurrence meeting with both the first and the second.

However she did not hate her lot in life, rather Serenity simply took it for granted. Yes, her careless touch can kill even a Servant nevermind an ordinary Magi. So for the purposes of banal safety rules, Serenity should, as much as possible, limit her interactions with anyone who was not immune to her poison.

And since Serenity could not remember anyone with such a skill, except perhaps Ainz who is often absent from Chaldea, Serenity fully understood the reason why she did not really have the opportunity to interact with anyone.

Furthermore, since not only her touch was poisonous but also any of her physiological fluid. In this case, sweat and even to some extent the smallest drops of water vapor that she exhaled constantly are also deadly poisonous. So to eliminate any chance of her indirectly poisoning anyone by accident, Serenity spent most of her time inside her room.

She did go out occasionally, mostly for books in the library — or for some food that Servant Archer regularly cooked — but naturally Serenity spent most of her time in her room.

Such a stay was not sad or depressing for Serenity. She was after all raised in a sect of assassins, a very solitary existence in the first place, but she was also groomed to one day become their head. So Serenity is used to ignoring such unfortunate moments in her life.

Still, staying in her room all the time was outrageously boring.

Although the books did a good job of brightening her loneliness - due to the fact that there were practically no alternative activities in her room, after some time, they had lost their charm.

Therefore, Serenity knew, for example, that a calm step from her was only thirty-two centimeters in length, that the back wall of the cabinet in her room had a thickness and shape suitable for creating about three secret pockets to hide daggers in. And that the small candelabrum, hanging from the ceiling, discounting the light bulbs, had exactly twenty-nine scratches.

Yes, she was nearly bored to death.

And Serenity's boredom was brightened by only three people.

First is Kiyohime. Perhaps she was the most boring of the possible people she usually interacted with. Often, Serenity would bump into that one just on the threshold of her room, like Kiyohime spent her time waiting on the door or something. After that both girls would throw out several semi-insults to each other and then with that done would go their own way. One to dream about something unrealizable, and the other… To do something else.

Second is Roman. Roman appeared on the threshold of her room less often than Kiyohime, and he often did not stay for long. Serenity didn't really understand the reason why he sometimes visited her. Usually he would just ask something insignificant like 'how are you doing?' As if something could have changed from the moment he asked her that same question the last time. Roman then would proceed to give her some book he found and then he would leave. Is it possible that he was doing the mythical 'social visit'? Maybe.

And the third, also the one who visited her the most often was Hassan. And even Hassan, a person of the same organization as hers, also tried not to stay for a long time. Serenity's room, during Serenity's stay, was completely saturated with her poison. It was very obvious why. Even though Hassan couldn't stay long, it was very interesting to talk to him. After all, both of them were the leaders of the Assassins at one point of time. They are both the leaders of a sect that had existed for many years, so they had a lot of topics for conversation. Their topics of discussions were very diverse, ranging from politics and tactics of conducting a secret war to discussing curious cases that would prop up in their occupation.

The latter, however, was an incredibly rare topic of discussion. Serenity and Hassan are professionals and therefore, even with each other, they could rarely relax. Not to mention the fact that due to their personal qualities, which did not allow them to easily talk about some casual topics.

However, Hassan was an interesting conversationalist, one of the best, perhaps, on whom Serenity herself could count on to talk about something interesting.

Of course, there was one more, the best of all possible options, but...

Serenity shook her head. Dreaming about the unrealizable is a useless occupation for both body and mind.

Therefore, when another presence came through her door, Serenity assumed that she would find… Master, hah, as if. So who? Hassan had visited her recently, and with his taciturn nature it was probably someone else, so either Kiyohime or Roman.

As usual, as if natural, Ainz had greatly surprised another Servant, breaking her idea of the probable.

Serenity froze, staring at Ainz as Ainz also froze looking at the frozen Serenity.


The last time Serenity saw her Master was… About three weeks ago.

For a Servant, this phrase itself was paradoxical. The Holy Grail War itself usually only lasted less than a week. And during all this time, more often than not the Master was always next to the Servant. Therefore the phrase that the Servant had not seen his Master for three weeks was strange in itself… But it was also true.

And it couldn't be said that Serenity didn't think about it. Didn't dream or plan of what she would do to capture Ainz's attention, or even what she shouldn't do so as not to divert Ainz's attention from herself. However for some reason, even with all the free time she had to plan it, Serenity did not have a plan for her current situation.

"Master?" Serenity blinked. Can she still use her title of 'official wife', or would her Master object the use?

Ainz blinked once more slowly, looking at Serenity... No, it would be more correct to say, through Serenity. As if his gaze was wandering somewhere far away, and his mind was lost in deep thought.

"Huh?" As if in confirmation to Serenity's thoughts, Ainz blinked as if just emerging from his thoughts. A second later he looked around him, as if trying to understand where he was now. After which he finally noticed the Servant in front of him, "Serenity?

"Please come in," Serenity, paying no mind to Ainz's confusion, took a step to the side, letting Ainz pass, after which he took a step inside.

'I wanted to go to Roman…' Ainz shook his head. Apparently, having lost himself too much in his thoughts, he chose the wrong corridor and went out to Serenity's room… Well, in that case, there was nothing else to do but to visit her. Ainz would not want to immediately, after two declarations of love from the two most beautiful girls of his life, to correct the balance of his relations with women in his life by offending another innocent girl.

'However…' - Even when visiting Serenity was a mistake, Ainz still took a step inside Serenity's room and immediately remembered that Serenity was also 'close' to him - 'Serenity is... practically a child... Well, that is, she looks at most sixteen years old…'

The thought that even in the best case, Serenity herself was just a few years apart from Olga age, made Ainz swallow and grimace.

Serenity, noticing Ainz's nervous gestures, however, interpreted them differently.

'Of course, even if he is immune to my poison, it may be unpleasant for him to constantly feel it…' Serenity bit her lip, a bit saddened by the misunderstanding. A slip, a big slip on her side.

Serenity, of course, was not a slob so her room was impeccably clean. But, due to the fact of her deadly poison, even washing her clothes was a non-trivial task. Which is why her bed linen was changed last time a week ago… Serenity was very nervous that Ainz would find her room to be dirty and leave.

Ainz, however, shook his head and took a few steps forward and then sat down on the corner of Serenity's bed, allowing Serenity to follow after him.

An awkward silence then settled in the room. However, Serenity noted, Ainz did not seem to be paying any attention to her, once again plunging into some deep thoughts, practically not paying attention to Serenity. Even so, she silently sat down next to Ainz.

Serenity silently glanced at the deeply in thought Ainz.

And now, she is now alone with her Master, with the Master invulnerable to her poison, a very noteworthy fact. Her Master is now in her room, sitting next to her…

Not having to fear that her poison would kill her Master, Serenity sat down not opposite of Ainz on a chair, but next to him, on her bed. But, Serenity, mistakenly realizing that it was probably still unpleasant for Ainz to constantly feel the effects of her poison, did not sit too close to her beloved Master. Serenity sat about a meter away from her master, silently looking at Ainz.

His gaze was thoughtful and would constantly wander through the surrounding environment of the most ordinary room that could only be imagined, focusing on something that is visible only to him. Serenity exhaled.

Ainz is here in body, but in his mind he was somewhere else. And worst of all, Serenity could not even guess where Ainz's mind was currently wandering and what incredible problems he was pondering.

Was he in deep contemplation about the next Singularity? Or was Ainz reflecting on what had already happened? Was he in the depths of the creation of the most complex, refined battle plans for their future battle. With his experience combating a hundred opponents of a level that Serenity herself could not imagine, what kind of threats would occupy her Master imagination so? Or perhaps he was thinking about the fate of humanity and thousands of possibilities of the future, from which Ainz could weave what he wanted of humanity? What kind of thoughts were preoccupying Ainz's mind so much now?

'In theory, if I just ask Medusa to stay as friends… No, that's definitely the wrong thing to do. It sounds bad even in my head!' - If she could hear Ainz's real thoughts now, Serenity would be greatly surprised. However, in some vague sense of the word, she was right - Ainz was really thinking about issues of truly epic proportions right now.

But Serenity couldn't look into Ainz's mind and therefore came to another conclusion on her own.

And that is what pushed her to action.

"Master," Serenity turned to Ainz, but he did not react to her address, "Master!"

After a slightly louder shout, Ainz blinked, and then, having just realized where he was again, shook his head, "Yes?"

"Master, are you... worried about something?" Serenity tilted her head slightly, looking at Ainz, forcing him to sigh.

"Yes... A little," Even though both of them had come to two wildly different conclusions, however, both Ainz and Serenity were very much aware of how much Ainz was worried about something.

"Master, I'm not sure I can be of any use…" Serenity softly spoke. Of course, Serenity wouldn't even dream of comparing herself with Ainz, his genius and other capabilities surpassed that of Serenity herself by orders of magnitude, so there was clearly no sense in Serenity's suggestions. However… "I have heard that even just by speaking your thoughts aloud, you can find a different way of looking at a problem…"

Ainz blinked again and then looked at Serenity, expecting her to continue.

"So I thought…" Serenity shook her head. "Perhaps if you told me what you're thinking about now… you could better organize the thoughts in your head."

Of course, Serenity didn't think that her intellect could in any way provide any possibility that Ainz had not previously considered. But it's possible that just by trying to tell her about what had worried him could help him… And… Well… Serenity was curious about the thing that could have occupied the mind of her Master at the moment.

Therefore, when Ainz slowly sighed and then looked like he would start talking, Serenity was elated.

"I…" As he started talking, Ainz just shook his head slightly, "It is… It's a very difficult question that I would not want to drag you into."

Serenity blinked and then looked at Ainz.

Of course, if that was his decision, then Serenity would not needle him needlessly. She had no moral right to do anything about it, however...

Serenity swallowed, and then nevertheless timidly continued on, "I… I understand that I cannot fully understand the whole problem that would trouble you. Or even hope to have the answer to what is bothering you. but… Perhaps, even if just briefly…"

Ainz widened his eyes slightly, like he just received some kind of epiphany, after which he looked away and Serenity grew a little bolder, "Even if I can't offer a solution. I can at least offer an ear to listen to your troubles…"

Ainz blinked again, and then slowly lowered his gaze, "Okay… Telling you won't make it get any worse anyway."

After that, Ainz turned his gaze to Serenity, then nodded to himself and began talking, "The thing is… Not so long ago… Very recently in fact… A choice was presented before me."

Serenity nodded understandably. Recently Ainz was presented with a situation where he had to choose something, Serenity understood that.

"I... I won't say that I liked making such a choice... I... I don't like it in theory," Ainz exhaled as if it was difficult for him to formulate his thought. However, Serenity could say that most likely it was difficult for Ainz to express his incredibly difficult situation affecting the fate of the world into a form in which Serenity herself could understand this situation, - "More precisely, everything that happened... It is not so bad in itself. Maybe, I should even be happy about what has happened... It's just... I don't understand why it happened and, I must confess, I was just extremely unprepared for it…"

Serenity nodded gravely, trying to determine what kind of situation would trouble Ainz, her imagination was engaged fully at the moment.

So, some event happened... An event whose effect was unexpected for Ainz, and so much so that Ainz was not completely sure even now what had exactly led to this unexpected event and what kind of effect would Ainz participation do to the event.

Moreover, judging by Ainz's preoccupation and the way he reacted to what had happened, this event was significant and very important. Not only in the overall picture of the world, but also for him personally…

In that case, Serenity could start to guess about what Ainz is talking about.

'Supertier magic,' Serenity nodded.

Supertier magic, at least that's what Da Vinci, in a crazed frenzy, called it. In the last Singularity, Ainz had done something that made Da Vinci grab her head in frustration and for the first time ever show her great ability to run. First, the most ingenious of the geniuses ran to her workshop screaming. After which she had locked herself in her workshop for about forty minutes, searching or creating something. And judging by the rumble and noises from behind the locked door, she was working on something that required at least three industrial demolition vehicles and two excavators. After that, something else caused Da Vinci to go running again, this time to meet Ainz.

And although Serenity was in her room at the time, the screams and tremors with which Da Vinci reacted to something that had happened in the Singularity was heard not only by her, but, quite possibly, by all the remaining surviving humanity in the world. Considering that all that remains of humanity was currently in Chaldea, there was no exaggeration in these words from Serenity.

So, then, supertier magic… Perhaps the reason why Da Vinci finally lost her head and the reason why Ainz was so thoughtful lay in this tidbit.

What could Serenity suggest to that kind of problem? Hmm…

Of course, Serenity could not vouch for it, but... Judging by the way Da Vinci had reacted - for the Servant who built her legend on creating impossible things and making impossible discoveries to seemingly lose her head - then what Ainz did in the Singularity could indeed be regarded as an 'event'. Though Serenity herself could not put heads or tails on what had happened, it clearly had disturbed his Master somehow. Perhaps her Master was surprised by his spell's unexpected power? In the sense that a person holding such power in his hands often sees it as a normal thing, so the opportunity to have even more was troubling. Or, in other words, 'why did that spell I've always used have a different effect now?' That kind of feeling.

In this case, most likely, Ainz's Supertier magic had caused such an unusual discovery for him. Perhaps Ainz did not expect the effect that his magic would acquire in the Singularity and in these conditions - or something similar to that… Indeed, such a thing could not be called 'unpleasant' in any way, but definitely unexpected... Especially if Ainz did not understand the reasons why his magic changed in this way, then he really could be confused or even feel the danger posed by this mystery.

Hmm, it seems Serenity has managed to understand the gist of the problem, at least as far as she understood it herself anyway. So she, understanding the quandary her Master is in, finally nodded, telling Ainz that she was following his thoughts.

"Okay…" - Ainz slowly exhaled and looked down at his hands, - "And, I was thinking about this... Choice. Not for so long mind you, but it even began to seem to me that I was able to come up with some definite decision, but…"

At that moment, Ainz froze, as if he was again lost in his thoughts, only to then continue a moment later in a more even voice, "However, there was another event... An event that is extremely similar to the first event, which showed me another possibility that I could choose."

'This is…' Serenity pondered.

Serenity, of course, like every Servant and every person in Chaldea, felt the wave of primal horror that had swept through Chaldea. But unlike any other Servant or person that would escape in horror from the source of fear that he felt, Serenity was able to calmly take notes about the incident.

Of course, she was scared like anyone else, who wouldn't when confronted with Death. However Serenity has always treated her life stoically, so feeling the cold embrace of Death didn't paralyze her..

'If my Master wants to get rid of me, I will be glad to please him.'

So Serenity took the last wave of terror stoically. If Ainz wanted to kill her, good. If not, it's even better.

However, Serenity did not reflect on the reasons for this and why Ainz, her kind and gentle Master, did such a thing.

Perhaps in this second, strange event, what made Ainz react that way was the answer to her question?

"And although the two events that have taken place are, in essence, very similar…" - Ainz exhaled once more, - "They are mutually exclusive. Or, more precisely, I always thought that they were mutually exclusive... Until I encountered the second one... That is, these two events when taken together, had opened a new path for me."

So... Hmm...

Serenity was not a great scientist or was she particularly talented in theory crafting. She would only embarrass herself if he deigned to opine her thoughts to someone more dedicated to the secrets of this world. But as far as Serenity herself understood, it means that two events that happened to Ainz, the Supertier magic and something that made him release a little his aura of fear, were in his view mutually exclusive... Or, more precisely, they should have been. However, as Ainz just found out, they were not.

"And, with that epiphany I was presented with a… A strange opportunity", - Ainz finally came to the conclusion to his story, - "To do what I always thought was incompatible… And, theoretically speaking, I should feel incredible joy now from this achievement. I am sure there would be many, even my friends, who would be ecstatic to be in my place. However… I'm… troubled."

Serenity blinked.

So the two incompatible events turned out to be compatible and Ainz was now considering a third option in regards to them… Supertier magic and something else… Perhaps it is another ability that Ainz suddenly discovered in himself? Or something that happened allowed him to use two incompatible abilities in a new different way…

Serenity frowned, the puzzle in her head is still missing some key pieces that would get her to understand the problem. She clearly lacked the general, basic knowledge in order to complete in her head the whole picture of what was happening.

"And that's why I'm now... I'm not sure what I need to do.", - Ainz breathed out, resigned to the impossibility of the task ahead of him. - "Of course, one of my friends would probably advise me to grab both… Both opportunities, I mean, and be glad that this chance was given to me. However I… I never considered myself to be suitable for such a role and never even thought about what I would do in such conditions. Moreover, probably, even my friend did not think that such a specific event would happen…"

No, Serenity lacked something, either some kind of understanding or information, in order to correctly compare all the disparate facts that would allow her to give even a modicum of advice… Being locked inside the four walls of her room really did not do her any good. But if nothing else, Serenity would support her Master fully whatever decision he takes… Though Serenity has not come any closer to understanding what the problem was, she could at least show her support to her beloved Master.

Ainz finally shook his head and grimaced a bit, "I… I'm not sure if I was able to come close to a solution by telling you of what has happened… But, I really managed to lighten my mind with this conversation a little."

Serenity nodded and then extended her hand forward slightly, placing it on Ainz's knee, " I am always here for you, Master."

Serenity behaved as she usually does with Ainz, and under any other situation Ainz would have regarded her gesture as something harmless and innocent. Perhaps as something like a childish desire to hug his parents or something like that.

But… After all that has happened... After Ainz's perception of reality was drastically changed over the previous hour, Ainz blinked and then slowly turned his gaze first to Serenity's hand, then to her.

"S… Serenity," Ainz exhaled, then looked at her directly at her eyes, "I… I don't want to presume, but… I know it might sound strange, but I would like to…"

After that, as if an invisible wave passed through Ainz's body, Ainz's tightly coiled body relaxed and he then confidently looked into the Serenity's eyes, "I would like to know... Do you love me?

Serenity blinked. Ainz also blinked.

"Hm, apparently I was wrong. After all…" -Ainz did not finish his sentence...

Which is to be expected.

Serenity, demonstrating her agility worthy of her class as an Assassin, rushed Ainz and...

The man who hasn't received any kisses for the last fifteen years of his life got his third kiss in an hour.

This time, Ainz's mind didn't even bother freezing over. Rather it simply gave up, allowing Ainz's body to go limp, and then, as if crossing some critical threshold of insanity, forced Ainz to respond to Serenity's kiss.

The kiss was not very skillful on Ainz's part, but quite passionate. On the other hand, it was done very skillfully and full of passionate love from Serenity.

However, even though Serenity wanted to do more, the kiss did not last long. Only about a minute. Serenity pulled away from Ainz, wiping the poisonous saliva from her chin, assuming her usual facial expression and posture. A feat that was difficult to do, since even the dark skin of the Assassin showed the bright red blush of her embarrassment.

"I will take that as a 'yes'" Ainz replied easily, as if nothing in this world bothered him anymore, "And just in case… Do you also mind that I will have other mistresses in the future? Well, let's say ten... Or a hundred... Or, who knows, maybe we will be able to create a whole small nation, ha-ha... Father of civilization, in the literal sense of the word…"

Serenity, however, did not hear the half-insane mumbling of Ainz or the manic look in his eyes. Ainz, whose mind finally gave up, is trying to find a rational explanation for everything that has happened. Serenity instead was focused on silently trying to remove the blush from her cheeks, failing completely as her mind repeatedly replayed what she just did, intensifying her blush to luminescent levels.

Although, even with her addled mind, she still heard the one important thing and therefore nodded seriously, - "Of course, I understand that I will not be alone as your lover. If official lists or schedules have already been drawn up, then I…"

Ainz suddenly raised his finger to Serenity's lips, interrupting her words, and then looked at her carefully, "Please… Don't. Or I'll really go crazy."

After that, silently and without taking the finger from Serenity's lips, Ainz got up and then walked slowly away, "I… I just want to have a beer with Hector now…"

After that, after taking a step to the exit, Ainz suddenly froze and his face took on a disgusted expression, "But what if Hector…"

Ainz blinked, after which he finally surrendered any resistance to what is inevitable, - "Hector, Cu Chulainn, Roman, Emiya and Asterios at once, why waste time on trifles, ha ha ha…"

Ainz opened the door, and then silently left Serenity's room, closing the door behind him.

Serenity was left alone in the room, still not fully aware of what had happened.


She kissed Ainz.

She kissed Ainz!

And he didn't die!

And they kissed!

And both of them survived!

Serenity had been taught all her life not to show more emotion than what was necessary in any situation. But this time even she could not really contain her inner impulse and slowly got out of the bed...

Then she heard a loud crash.

Serenity blinked, then moved to see what just happened.

The crash came from the corridor near her room. When she exited her room and looked around, there was no one in the corridor. There was nothing strange in the corridor, except for the dent in the wall of course.

The small, neat dent in the wall was about the level of an average person's head and was so strangely shaped that an inappropriate thought occurred to Serenity. It is as if someone had jumped headlong into the wall, breaking through it with their head, after which, as if nothing had happened, walked away.

Serenity pondered the idea, then dismissed it as having no chance of being real.

After all, who could have come up with such a strange idea, and most importantly, why follow through with it?

Serenity sighed, then returned to her room.

She needed to think about what she would do in the future. Her whole life is now ahead of her as Ainz had accepted her as a lover!

However, even that absolutely unknown perpetrator of that dent, without any doubt the person who had just broken his head through the wall in Chaldea, needed to rethink his life too.

Name: Hassan of the Serenity (Serenity)

Racial Level: -

Class level: Rogue (5)

Assassin (15)

Poison Master (10)

Poison Flower (2)

Others (10)

HP: 20

Mana: 40

Physical Attack: 20

Physical Defense: 0

Agility: 90

Magical Attack: 0

Magical Defense: 0

Resistance: 80

Special Abilities: 40

Ability: Zabaniya

Level: 50

An ability that imposes a very strong poison on the enemy. Which, moreover, has no expiration. In other words, this poison will act until it kills its target. Of course as long as it is not removed by various abilities. The poison itself is strong enough for its level, and besides that, the effect stacks, increasing the damage done over time, which is rare for poisons of this level. Also, this ability further reduces the target's resistance to poisons in general making it especially deadly to anyone not excessively prepared for poisonings.

Skill: Presence Concealment

Level: 90

A high-level skill of any self-respecting assassin or rogue that reduces the user's detection rate, creating something similar to invisibility around the player. However, this skill is automatically canceled as soon as someone notices the player, the user himself attacks, uses an object, or if they were to interact with the environment.

Skill: Independent Action

Level: 80

A skill that allows the user to remain in unfriendly environments longer and resist magic such as anti-magic or attempted dispelling. A fairly specific skill, useful only for non-material beings like spirits.

Player comments:

-You know what? This build is good! Yes, that's right you heard me! This build is good! You can sit at the base and you can do poisons. So if someone invaded the base - you have enough time to get ready, turn on the invisibility, and run! A great build for a character who WILL NEVER FIGHT IN ANY SINGLE BATTLE! WTH is WRONG with you!?

-Why is the HP is as much as 20?! Phys-def is 0, mag-def is 0, and HP is a whole 20? I demand that the HP should be dropped to 0 too! And throw all of the free points into agility, it's certainly way too small for such a level, especially when being so specialized...

- I'll give you mana to the level of a middle-ranked mage, but I won't give you any magical attack though. I will give you resistance at the level of a good tank, but I won't give you any phys or mag-def though. I will give you a level of agility to the level of a racing car, but I will not give you any strength to utilize this agility though. IDK, like… My GOD, just tell me, WHY?!