
Wind of Natural Order

The elders abruptly stood from their chairs. It didn't matter what had happened until now, this moment was probably the most shocking thing they had witnessed in their long lives.

Wind of Natural Order. Among the Heavenly Winds, only it is worthy of such a lofty namesake. The Southern Wind was known as the Breath of Life, the Western Wind was known as the Wind of Tribulation, and the Eastern Wind was known as the Wind of Sharpness, but only the Northern Wind had the right to embody wind itself, only it could encompass the Natural Order of Wind and rule them all.

However, it wasn't that the elders recognized its Phenomena that they stood so abruptly. It was impossible for them with such a narrow perspective of the world to recognize the Wind of Natural Order simply by this. Rather, it was the fact that a Phenomena appeared at all that shocked them to no end.