
The Worst of the Worst

According to the news, there were rumors that they had gained the Inheritance of a Taboo Sect.

For some reason, just hearing the words Taboo Sect made Ryu's heart skip a beat. He wasn't certain of why until his mind landed on the Unbalance Art Sect.

When he thought about it, the appearance of the Unbalance Art Sect was too odd. Not only was the Ruin too exceptional and powerful to appear like it had on the Heavenly Path, but near the end when he had accepted it, it had tried to mark him and force him to fight it out against other inheritors.

Although it wasn't necessarily guaranteed, only particularly sinister and darker side Sects would do such a thing. Having inheritors slaughter one another was generally frowned upon, at least in Sacrum, anyway. Ryu wasn't sure how the culture of the True Martial World accepted it, but it did leave a bad taste in his mouth.