
Gran Rey Cero

This is a story set in an AU where during Ichigo's final battle with Ulquiorra while he is in the vasto lord form, he foolishly rips off his mask in such a way that he becomes an arrancar and as such he becomes a full hollow permanently, this also creates a storm of reiatsu killing Inoue and hollowifiying her, but heals Nel's mask, he becomes the king of hueco mundo, Gran Rey Cero.

red1reaper · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7: Hell Invasion

I do not own bleach

Author's note:

Some have pointed out that I need a beta reader, if someone wants to volunteer, just pm me, I am shy enough to not want to bother anyone specific, but lazy enough to accept any help coming my way. I at least installed a better spell-check software, so there is that.

Thanks:Thanks to the Bleach English wiki, specially for the descriptions of the levels of hell.


Tatsuki awakes for a second time, now she finds herself in an unknown room where everything is white, to her left there are two over-exited oni.

"Where am I? What has happened?" asked Tatsuki in a sleepy voice.

"Tatsuki-heika! You are awake!" Shouted both of the oni.

"Yeah, yeah, I am awake… but my mind is a bit… I do not remember well what I was doing? I remember finding Ichigo and Orihime, but not the circumstances." she said.

It was then that before the oni could explain, someone busted the door open, it was someone that Tatsuki knew well.

"Tatsuki-chan!" screamed Orihime as she sonido'd in front of the bed and approached her face to Tatsuki's "Are you okay?" she asked distressed.

Tatsuki looked at her best friend worried, her best friend was dressed in this weird creepy white dress that exposed a part under her neck and above her breasts that had a dark void on it, she also had weird white fragments of something on her face and something about her presence seemed off, not to count that she carried a sword around.

"Orihime… my mind feels mushy, I feel like I asked this before, but what has happened? What has happened to you?" asked a worried Tatsuki.

"Where to begin…" answered Orihime as she tried to think of a way to tell what had happened to her and Ichigo, wondering where to start.

Eventually, Orihime settled for telling her friend everything from the beginning, at least from her perspective, since the day she met her deceased brother turned hollow that escaped, to what Ichigo was at that time, how they invaded soul society, about Aizen, about hollows, about the hollowness that Ichigo had before, how she was kidnapped, how everyone came to rescue her, how Ichigo transformed in to a raging hollow, how he tore off his mask, how she died while embracing him and turned to same, how they meet allies and finally attacked the castle she was a prisoner before, how she was able to remove her mask, how Ichigo was now the king of the hollows, how the other day togabito attacked, how they launched an attack against them and then, how they meet her, ending her story at the present. She was smart this time and omitted Ichigo's relationship with her or his other wives, as that seemed to have been the trigger for Tatsuki's fainting for some reason.

"So… you and Ichigo are now these soul eating monsters that shinigami exterminate? Not only that, but Ichigo is his king somehow?" She asked as she looked intensely at the hollow hole of Orihime.

"It is not as bad as you think Tatsuki-chan, we are not that different from before, as arrancar we neither need to eat souls anymore nor do we feel a hunger for it, we are ration as well, mentality wise we are basically the same as any human" explained Orihime.

"But you can still eat souls, right?" questioned Tatsuki.

"Well, yeah, we can still can in fact, that is the way we were dealing with the togabito, eating their souls, I just was able to snatch a few, but I am pretty sure Ichigo-kun ate on the order of hundred of thousand of them, not that they were any delicious, though, they tasted quite nasty, a mix of very spicy and very sour" continued explaining Orihime.

Tatsuki looked at her friend with a horrified look in her eyes, as how Orihime has talked about eating souls as something normal and commented on their flavour.

Orihime wanted to lighten the mood and tease her friend not considering her perspective, so she teased, "You know Tatsuki-chan, I bet your soul tastes spicy and sweet, very delicious, do you want me to eat you?" asked Orihime with a wide grin on her mouth as she licked her lips, thinking this was a superb joke.

"Hiiih!" Tatsuki clearly did not think the same, as she screamed a bit and retreated to the back of her bed in fear.

Orihime for some reason found this hilarious and started to laugh, "Hahahahahaha, Tatsuki-chan I was just telling a joke, I was not serious… Or am I?" she said as she opened her mouth and jumped toward the frightened Tatsuki, ready to tickle her.

But she was stopped when the white clawed hand of the new visitor picked her from the back of her dress

"Hime, you shouldn't be scaring Tatsuki like that" said Ichigo as he released his wife, and approached Tatsuki

"Tatsuki do not listen to Hime's idiocy, she was only trying to scare you, the only reason we even ate the souls of the togabito was because we did not know what to do against an inmortal army, and them being sinners of hell, all around bad people, did also help" explained Ichigo

"Ichigo? Is that true?" Asked Tatsuki.

"Yeah, yeah, it is not like we like to do it, at least I do not enjoy it" reassured Ichigo.

Tatsuki seemed to calm herself, she didn't understand why she was even that scared, she usually would have taken a more aggressive stance, but maybe the fact that it was her best friend who scared her changed her reaction.

"But then again, Tatsuki, we have explained what happened to us and why we are here and in this form, but what about you? You for sure do not feel alive, nor do you feel human" said Ichigo as he glanced at Tatsuki's little oni horns.

Tatsuki then got to talk her rather short story about how the others revealed to her a bit of information, how she talked to Onimaru in a dilapidated shrine belonging to her family, how she cleaned the sword, how the sword killed her and rebirthed her and the rest.

"So you are meant to tell us that you suicided yourself to find us?" asked Ichigo as he facepalmed.

"Hey! I was very worried, and I did not even know that I was even going to die, I thought It would be a similar deal to that shinigami stuff you had where you were still kind of alive, I did not expect for Onimaru to burn my body" retorted the demon girl.

"What did you expect when dealing with a cursed demonic sword Tatsuki-chan?" asked Orihime

"You are no one to talk, you suicided embracing Ichigo…" said Tatsuki as if trying to excuse herself.

"But… just one question… How long did I sleep?" asked Tatsuki.

Orihime looked at her with a guilty face, "Tatsuki-chan, you were asleep for two weeks"

"Anyway Tatsuki, now we have to explain to you the part that made you unconscious" Ichigo paused for a moment, "I married Orihime and two other women" said Ichigo with a blush.

Then at that moment, Tatsuki unsheathed her sword, picked it by the blade and hit ichigo in the head with the handle in an excellent demonstration of half-swording, has her zanpakuto had a pommel, she could have unscrewed it and trowed it towards him to end him rightly.

"How dare you marry other women apart from Orihime, you hentay monster! Pervert! Idiot! Chauvinist! What happens that now that you are a hollow, you need various women to fill your hole or something?" Said Tatsuki in righteous fury as she smacked Ichigo's head, he is allowing this as it didn't hurt him, and it may prove therapeutic for Tatsuki.

"Tatsuki-chan calm down, It was not even Ichigo's Idea, it was our idea, hollows have different ways to structure relationships than humans, and this is normal by hollow standards, we do not even feel jealous or anything, our instincts push us to these types of relationships or something" tried to explain Orihime to limited success as she was not exactly a master on hollow nature either.

"Still…" said Tatsuki with a tear in her eye, as she was remembering how she abandoned the idea of wooing Ichigo to let her best friend have him, and now she seed her best friend sharing Ichigo with other women, she felt betrayed.

But Orihime knew about this, she always knows, so now she has an idea, "I got it Tatsuki! Now that we are neither us nor Ichigo human anymore, there is no reason for you to not pursue him, if you'd like, I can convince the other two to let you in" offered Orihime with a beaming smile.

"Wh- what? What do you mean Orihime, how can you be saying such things?" said Tatsuki.

. . .

Urahara's shop

. . .

Karin has been training the last few weeks with her asauchi while outside her body, she still tripped occasionally on her chain of fate, but apart from that, she has improved a lot, now she can move at speeds over a human in her spirit form, and could reflect some attacks.

"Karin-chan, let's stop the physical training, I think that it should be enough at this level" said Urahara.

"What do you mean Hat and Clogs-sensei?" asked Karin with the most bizarre name for Urahara you can imagine

"I mean that we should go to the next step in your training, meditation" answered the shopkeeper.

"Meditation? That sounds lame" said Karin with a bored expression.

Urahara put his fan on his face and started laughing, "My, my, of course this would not be your run-of-the-mill meditation, you are going to meditate to speak with your zanpakuto spirit and learn its name"

"What?" she looked at her blade, "These things have names?", she then revised what Urahara said and asked, "These things can talk?" with a surprised face.

"Yes they do, your zanpakuto spirit is formed from a part of your soul, so they can talk, and they do have names, you will need to learn its name to display its real power and become a real shinigami, while dead souls could become shinigami just with an asauchi, clothes, and some training, they are not really shinigami, to become a real shinigami one ought to form the sword spirit, learn its name and release its power" Urahara explained.

After a bit to recuperate breath, he continued, "Usually it would take time to form such a spirit while training with the asauchi, but due to your special heritage… you already have such a spirit that has been forming since you were born, these days by training with the asauchi you have been slowly passing the spirit to the blade, now you are ready to awaken it" Urahara pointed with its cane to the blade.

"You will enter your inner world, your mindscape so to speak, and you will meet your zanpakuto and ask its name, so for this, you will be crossing your legs with the asauchi on top of them and start meditating with your reiatsu"

Karin quickly complied, no child her age would complain about having a talking sword, so she started meditating and after a while she opened her eyes to a new view, an endless association football field that extended to infinity, on a sunny day.

As she looked around, she found two figures walking towards her, the first was an old man with brown long hair and glasses and the second was a woman dressed in a kimono that had a weird air of nobility and overall a condescending look on her eyes.

"Who are you?" asked Karin, "I could guess from sadalhat that if I met someone here would be my zanpakuto, but why are there two people here?"

"Hohoho how perceptive you are Karin, for a dirty brat that defies what it means to be a lady, you are still from noble heritage, so it is expected of you" said the woman.

The man did not say anything.

Before Karin could retort, the woman continued, "Yes, I am your zanpakuto, and he is…" she looked at the man, "He could also be your zanpakuto if you'd like, he is not too unlike me, and comes from a lineage that is also noble on its own way, so I would not mind"

Karin thought for a moment and decided, "Then you both are my zanpakuto!" she was thinking that the more spirits the stronger she would get, and of that, she was completely right.

"So what's the name? Your name?" asked Karin, anxious to learn her sword name.

"First take our hands Karin" spoke the man for the first time.

She obeyed and took the woman in her right hand and the man in her left hand.

"Now hear our name" both said at the same time, "Our name is KOGETSU!"

Thereafter, a phrase entered Karin's mind, and she felt compelled to say it, "Shine in the night sky, Kogetsu!"

Subsequentially a blinding light blinded Karin and when she opened her eyes she was back on Urahara's training ground, to her right was a beautiful daikatana with its blade dark blue light the night sky, with some light that seemed to be like the stars of such sky. On her left was a wakizashi that shinned with light similar to the moon, as if it were a miniature crescent moon.

She could also see that she no longer had a chain connected to her chest and, as for her body, that part of the chain still existed but was dissipating chain by chain as if it had been broken.

She could also see that her spirit form had new clothes, black traditional clothes like she had seen her brother wear.

"Congratulations Karin-chan, now you are a shinigami" said Urahara as he glanced at the two swords.

. . .

Espada meeting room

. . .

All the current espada plus Tatsuki and her two oni were in the room, Tatsuki's zanpakuto spirit has also appeared in his smokey appearance.

"So, after having explained all, anyone has any suggestion on how to stop these togabito from escaping hell and resurrecting constantly other than eating them all?" asked Ichigo.

It was then that Tatsuki's zanpakuto spirit decided to talk, "You would need Tatsuki-dono to go toward the fourth level of Onigashima as that is where the resurrection pool for togabito is located, then you will need to kill their leader, who has taken over the resurrection pools and anyone that protects him, next Tatsuki-dono will be able to commune with the resurrection lava pool, returning it to normal", the spirit stopped for a second.

After a brief pause, he continued, "Subsequentially we would need to go to the hell-throne of Onigashima in the deepest level and let Tatsuki-dono sit on it, reigning in the throne as an Onigami."

Onimaru continued, "Tatsuki-dono will have then full control over Onigashima, and as such she will be capable of closing the multiple breaches that the Togabito are using to escape towards Hueco Mundo, preventing more from escaping".

"These breaches were formed because the hell shields of Onigashima that keep sinners from escaping have been inactive for a long time after Onigashima was sealed from within the outside, more concretely, sealed with Hueco Mundo's own seal, as you summoned it to seal Hueco Mundo itself, Onigashima was unsealed and without its own natural barriers active, it has led to this situation" explained the blade spirit.

"So it is completely necessary for Tatsuki-sama to sit on the throne and reactivate them." Onimaru concluded.

"So you say that we need to mount an escort party that will strike the headquarters of our enemies" Ulquiorra questioned without much emotion.

Nelliel did not like this idea, as it seemed a bit too dangerous for her taste.

Tier though that the plan was decent enough.

Orihime liked the plan as this seemed like Tatsuki's responsibility, and she wanted to help her friend.

Stark did not like any plan that was not him taking a nap, like always.

Ashido was reminded of what their companions and him did all those years ago, as this plan was not that different from that.

As each voiced their approvals and disapproval or opinions in general about the plan, everyone eventually looked towards Ichigo.

Ichigo nodded and started to weight the cons and pros of the plan, and promptly made his decision.

"We will do it. It may be risky, but we have no other choice if we want to stop them." decided the king of all hollows.

. . .

Two days later, in front of the hellgate

. . .

A group consisting of Ichigo, Tatsuki, Orihime, Nelliel, Tier and the Oni were ready to enter, the rest had remained in Las Noches to safeguard it, Tatsuki had ordered the Kushanada to protect Las Noches from now on, as she could get new ones in Onigashima anyway.

They all nodded and entered Onigashima

The first thing they saw was the first level, filled with bad air and weird geometrical shapes.

"I feel weaker, the air is heavy" said Tier

The rest, except for Tatsuki and Oni, agreed.

Onimaru spoke to Tatsuki on her mind, "Tatsuki-dono, you should find a Kushanada and use it to forge hell armor for your friends, that allows them to be unhindered by Onigashima's hell aura and have some amount of control over Kushanada, below an Oni's, but enough for them to not be attacked and be protected, it may even buff their status a bit while in Onigashima and the air will not corrupt them and turn them togabito."

Sooner than later, a Kushanada appeared and was going to attack Nel from behind that Tatsuki ordered him to become hell armor for them, and as such it split into four lights that landed on Ichigo, Nelliel, Tier, and Orihime.

After the lights subsided each had a small piece of golden hell armor, Ichigo got a shoulder protector on his left arm, Orihime got a hip protector on the right, Tier got a skull decoration the size of a small mask on the top right of her head, decorating her hair more than anything and Nelliel got a golden gauntlet.

Tatsuki explained that those pieces of armor were like a recognition that they were friends of Onigashima and will get buffed and protected instead of weakened, hunted and corrupted.

"Thanks Suki" said Ichigo.

"Now what are you calling me strawberry? It has been ages since you called me that." replied Tatsuki with a smirk on her face, hiding the fact that she really appreciated being called that way by Ichigo.

"Hey, since you gave your life to find us, and we are not pretty much in the same shitstorm of a situation, I thought I ought to be a bit more familiar with you again" Said Ichigo with a smirk of his own.

Tatsuki said nothing about that.

"Anyway, this Onigashima feels pretty sticky" commented Nelliel.

"Yeah, and the aura it has is way worse than Hueco Mundo's darkest places" agreed Tier.

"But since we got these golden pieces it has been nicer, right? Tho, it is still a pretty weird place." added Orihime.

"Yep, a pretty odd place with all those geometrical shapes, but we ought to continue, Suki where should we go?" asked Ichigo.

"One moment please, I am going to try something that Onimaru has suggested" said Tatsuki.

As soon as she said that, she wielded her blade and started to emit an enormous amount of reiatsu, 'and not just that' noticed Nelliel, as she was excellent at pesquisa, she sensed that Tatsuki was emitting the reiatsu in specific pulses as if sending a message.

No more than a twenty seconds later, seven Kushanada appeared.

Tatsuki was complaining in her mind 'Why had you me searching for them if they could be summoned this way Onimaru?', to which the blade answered, "Because you still had not awakened the ability, your new spiritual body may have been reborn at peak physical, but spiritually it still needs some time to grow, it should take around a year."

Tatsuki just accepted the fact that Onimaru presented as she couldn't do anything about it and ordered the Kushanada, "Kushanada, carry us towards the deeps of hell!"

The Kushanda opened their unarmed hand in front of each one, offering to carry them, so they all got on their Kushanada hand and sat. Sooner than anyone can ask a question, the Kushanda were blasting at speeds superior to sonido, seemingly they could be even faster on their home ground.

As the Kushanda blasted towards the bottom, they saw the different levels of hell, after a bit of the weird geometrical shapes, the Kushanada blasted towards a hole that led them to the second level.

The second level of Onigashima was mostly composed of a large body of water. Within this large expanse of water there were a multitude of stone water lilies, in the center lied a pierced skeleton of a Kushanada.

The time on the second level was not much as the Kushanada carrying them soon entered the water and started to go deeper, a red barrier had formed around their passengers as if to protect them from the water, soon they were on the third level.

The third level of Onigashima was a rocky, barren landscape with various craters in which yellow lava formed. The Onigashima took a bit longer on here, but soon there was a passageway lit with the dim lighting from various shrines that led them to the next level.

The Fourth level of Onigashima started off in a hilly area, in which there were a multitude of small domes jutting out of the ground. From the opening in the face of a cliff, a thundering waterfall of yellow lava rained down around it, the floor was made out of sand that emitted traces of reiatsu similar to Hueco Mundo.

Later, Onimaru would explain to them that the sand was composed of the crushed bones of Togabito, who turned to ash due to the hopelessness of their predicament.

Soon they found an army of togabito surrounding a pool of lava that had a giant skeleton on the back impaled by many shakujo, a large togabito with the most reiatsu of them all was touching the lava pool as more and more Togabito exited it each moment, the man was surrounded by other four Togabito, three of them they already recognized as the ones they killed off and their former prisoner who managed to take his life eventually.

These four had a level of reiatsu slightly above privaron espada, but still much weaker than the arrancar here, in fact, the oni could probably take care of them, their leader, who was touching the pool, the infamous The Fallen was the biggest surprise.

They had thought that The Fallen would have a level similar to a lower espada, but to their surprise he was much stronger, only Ichigo's own reiatsu levels seemed to match him, which was not a good sign.

As this togabito took his hands off the lake and looked at them, they were able to see his appearance.

He seemed to have a weird blade, it was cracked and seemingly formed from mismatched pieces of other blades, three horns protruded from his head, which was bald, looking better, they saw that he had claws and his legs were that of a hoofed animal, a humongous single feathery wing completely black protruded from his left shoulder, his eyes were completely black and pieces of red cloth formed around him, but not amounting to any type of clothing, barely covering him.

The Fallen cackled at seeing his company and spoke in a voice that was deep but uncanny, "It seems we have been graced by royalty here" he bowed ironically, "The ruling king of Hueco Mundo with his hollow queens and the rightful queen of hell herself" he ended the bow, "What do these majesties want from a lowly sinner such as myself?" he asked in a sardonic tone.

"Cut the crap, fallen or however you are called!" Shouted Tatsuki in her usual angry tone.

After shouting, she continued, "Take your hands off the resurrection lava pool and leave me fix it, or you are in for a world of pain"

The threat clearly did not work on him as he responded, "What about no? I have already been in a world of pain, this world! Your threats of pain can't scare me, once my control over the pool of rebirth is perfect..."

He looked at his blade and continued, "Then I will be able to reforge my sword formed from the fragmented corpses of all the oni zanpakuto of those Onigami of old, once it is reforged, it will become a true oni zanpakuto, the definitive blade formed from all other that fell and I will be reborn in to an Onigami".

He had a deranged look on his face, "I will become the king of hell, and do not worry wielder of Onimaru, I will let you live, and I will make you my queen, It will be perfect"

Tatsuki had a face of absolute disgust when this Togabito said that he would make her his queen, this disgust was initially accompanied by a little hint of fear, but soon that fear dissipated, completely replaced by fury.

"I will not be your queen in a million ages, Togabito! I can smell your sins from here and the mere act of sharing air with you disgusts me to no end" Tatsuki screamed in utter disgust.

But before she could even attack him, Ichigo had already sonido in front of him, swinging his two blades towards him, with rage in his expression, "You will not have Suki!"

As he screamed that, a gran rey cero formed in his horns at the same time that a getsuga tensho charged with both blades.

Earlier than The Fallen could even respond other than to protect with his blade, Ichigo screamed, "Gran rey cero! Getsuga juujishou!"

As the red beam engulfed The Fallen completely and the X of the getsuga hit him, everyone thought that the leader of Abaddon had fallen.

But to their absolute shock, a charred The Fallen appeared once the light subsided, he was completely burnt, had lost one horn and the wing was now composed only of charred black bones, an X was on his chest from where blood was falling, but he was still alive.

"It seems that I may have underestimated you Gran Rey Cero, you are not the Hollow King for show, but I am not weak, Once when alive I was the strongest Quincy of my era, with reiatsu surpassing that of the leaders of the shinigami, being in hell did not weaken me but strengthened me as with my quincy abilities I was able to gather the reishi of this hell and it's guardians the Kushanada, empowering me, turning me in to a new being, half togabito quincy, half demon"

"What?" asked Ichigo, putting a confused face, but this was a calculated move on his part, to let the enemy drop their guard and explain their powers.

"Yes, thanks to that I am able to manipulate the rebirth in this hell, and Kushanada do not attack me, I was also capable of using it in conjunction with my quincy abilities to create reishi weapons to create this blade, which gave me more power and turned me in to a half shinigami state"

He dropped the blade towards the pool of lava and said to Ichigo, "You have my thanks Hollow King, thanks to your attack massive amounts of hollow reiatsu, the final process in the rebirth of my zanpakuto has been completed ahead of time"

Ichigo's face soon was decorated with a frown, and this is in comparation with his usual face, which is in a constant state of frown.

"You see, the reason I was attacking Hueco Mundo was to gather hollows for their hollow reiatsu as I needed it to reforge my blade, hollows are very similar to Asauchi, so their reiatsu was the last piece needed, but as you have provided more than enough, and let me talk my bit, which I used to save time…" before he could continue a new blade shot from within the lava pool and impaled him, "…so that it was reforged"

A huge flame coming from the blade impaling The Fallen heart spread out, burning him whole, before this could end, Tatsuki tried to warn everybody as she knew what this may mean, but she had not time as it was over in less than a second.

"So has he died?" asked Nelliel.

"For some reason, I doubt it" replied Tier.

"But he went up in flames, we can't even sense him now" retorted Orihime.

"No, he is not dead, The same happened to me before, he will be reborn soon" explained Tatsuki.

Before their conversation could continue, the entire realm started to tremble, not only the earth, but even the air trembled, no, it was space and time itself that was trembling.

As the spacetime quake subsided a giant sphere of hell flames started to form on top of the lava pool and from withing emerged The Fallen, now with six black feathered wings on the left and six black boned skeletal wings on the right, his horns how were enormous, was clothed with a similar red robe as Tatsuki and his blade was now without any crack.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha! Yes, this is it, the feeling of transcendence!" He screamed.

At this point, only Ichigo and Orihime were able to perceive his reiatsu, although very faintly.

As Ichigo prepared to unleash his resurrección, he found that he could not use it, which only deepened his frown.

"No, no, no, you can't do that here, Hollow King" said The Fallen as he moved his index finger from left to right. "As long as one Onigami in this hell disagrees with you releasing your powers, you can't do it in this realm unless you are an Oni or an Onigami, this is one of the main reasons the shinigami killed them off" explained The Fallen.

Before Ichigo could retort, the fallen released his shikai, "Condemn their souls, Onishitaiken"

As he released his shikai, the sword transformed in to a gigantic western dual-handed sword made from thousands of broken blade fragments bound by flames.

Ichigo could only block by a small margin when The Fallen tried to slice him in half.

"It seems you still can resist, but no matter, no one of those here can surpass me in this state, maybe you could if you released your resurrección, but you can't" gloated The Fallen.

"That will not stop me from kicking your ass" responded Ichigo as he used his swords to throw The Fallen flying into the distance and fired a gran rey cero towards him.

The battle continued, but while it was pretty even, Ichigo was slowly losing ground.

Tatsuki was feeling very useless, she had obtained power and scarified her humanity to help save Ichigo, but now that she had the opportunity she couldn't, she did not have enough power.

The others were busy fighting off the Togabito army, only Tatsuki was doing nothing as she blamed herself.

"Tatsuki-dono, there is a way that you can obtain power and defeat The Fallen" said Onimaru.

"Then tell me Onimaru! Anything!" she screamed, even if it had sufficed with having said it on her mind.

"But it has a drawback, you will transform in to your demon form, this is drawing powers from your Oni part, when you do this, your personality will change drastically to that of you as a demon, as an oni. The problem comes with the fact that there is no time limit or anything that you can to fight this personality, as it is not a new personality that replaces you, it is your personality being modified, to deactivate this form… You will have to do it on purpose while in that form, but as a demon you will not want to do that unless forced, the same way you are right now will not want to transform if you were not forced." he explained.

'But but… I need to help my friends, I can't let them down, I will do it Onimaru! Even if I change in to a demon, it will still be me' Tatsuki decided without hesitation.

"Very well, Tatsuki-dono, you just have to release your shikai and then concentrate on your deepest desire" Onimaru explained.

As soon as he explained that, Tatsuki released her shikai, and started concentrating on her deepest desire, first she thought of karate and her desire to be the very best, but that was not it, then she thought of her desire to help her friends, but that was not it either, but it was close…

As Tatsuki self reflected on her innermost desire she finally found it, a desire she had since very little, a desire that was very pure in origin, a very human desire, the desire a little girl practicing karate once had but did not understand, the desire the teenage girl once had but decided to ignore for her best friend, a desire with the color of orange, "Ichigo", she said.

The moment she said that, a torrent of reiatsu engulfed her body, soon nobody but Ichigo, Orihime and The Fallen could sense her reiatsu, she grew in size and not just a bit, in no time she had changed a lot, her hair now was long and reached her shoulders, she has a lot of muscles but for some reason, they did not give the appearance of masculinity but of femininity, her breasts were humongous, larger than watermelons, and she was short of 4 meters tall, her horns no longer were made of flames but where big and slightly curved, her skin gave a red gleam but still was her normal color overall, her flame wings had also materialized in to wings similar to those from a bat, fangs came out of both the upper and lower part of her mouth, her face was filled with desire, and her blade made of blue flames had turned in to a mace made from blue flames. She was dressed not in the red shinigami clothes but in a skimpy bikini made from yellow stripped leopard fur to hide her crotch and two golden skulls joined by golden chains that covered only the nipples of her boobs.

"Tatsuki, Oni-mode is here" She screamed as she rocketed off towards Ichigo and The Fallen in one single leap.

"Suki?" asked Ichigo, confused at his childhood friend's new Amazoness meets succubus appearance.

"Do not worry Ichigo, Now I'm strong, let's beat this loser ass, together" she said as she and Ichigo blocked together a swing from their enemy.

"Sure!" said Ichigo.

No longer than a breath later, they started to overwhelm The Fallen, for each time he made a swing one blocked, and the other attacked, soon his clothes started to fall apart and burns started to appear on his body, Ichigo managed to cut one horn, then Tatsuki smashed another one, only one remaining, the collaboration of both was too much for the would be evil overlord as he progressively got more wounds and was more tired, a mere ten minutes after the addition of Tatsuki he was in tatters, his sword missed half of its pieces, and he was bleeding.

"No, I am not done!" The Fallen screamed.

"Yes you are" replied Tatsuki as she appeared on his back and restrained him with a judo move. "Now Ichigo, finish him off!"

Ichigo, not needing more explanation, sonido'd in front of The Fallen and with a quick swipe of both sword as if they were scissors, both blades brimming with reiatsu, decapitated their enemy's head as it fell to the ground.

As Ichigo did not feel like trying his luck seeing if his enemy could still revive in this state quickly bite him, converting him in to energy, eating him.

Tatsuki did not bat an eye at this action, her newly demoness-style personality not caring for such things. She did not lose time either, quicker than Ichigo could end eating The Fallen, she was in front of the lava pool with both hands submerged.

She knew what she had to do in this state, in less than a few breaths, the lava in the pool cooled down, not allowing Togabito to be reborn unless they waited a few decades.

When the Togabito sensed this changed, they all started to flee the battle in all directions, ending the conflict.

Tatsuki removed her hands from the lava and looked at Ichigo that was surrounded by a gaggle of different tiers of worried women, with spit and light shields covering his wounds that were healing.

"Ichigo!" she shouted, and before Ichigo or any of the others could do anything, Tatsuki stole a kiss from Ichigo's mouth. "Marry me as well!" she said with a smirk on her face and lust in her eyes.

Ichigo was too tired from the battle for this shit, and he knew that they will figure it out on their own, regardless of his opinion, so he just shut his mouth.

"Hey!" screamed Nel with angry eyes.

"You can't do that without our permission" Tier said with a sharpness to her voice

"Nel-chan, Tier-chan, it is okay, Tatsuki-chan is okay, I can vouch for her, she also has loved Ichigo since they were kids" Tried to convince them Orihime with an apologetic look on her face.

Nelliel seemed convinced by Orihime, in very few time she had become very attached to Orihime, and she trusted her judgement, "If you say it Hime-chan, I will trust you." she concluded.

"I am sorry Orihime, but I still need to be convinced" said Tier.

After two argumentative hours in which Orihime tried to convince Tier of Tatsuki joining, explaining that she had sacrificed her life for Ichigo, which seemed to affect Tier's opinion on the matter greatly, she was finally convinced.

"Okay, I guess I can accept her if she has that capability for sacrifice" Tier grumbled

"Great, now that we three agree, welcome Tatsuki-chan!" said Orihime with a beaming smile.

"Thanks for accepting me" said Tatsuki with a smile.

"Now…" as Tatsuki was walking towards Ichigo to satisfy her needs, Onimaru form materialized

"Now nothing of that, you still have to go to the throne and raise the barriers of hell, it has been enough delay with these past two hours!" scolded Onimaru.

"But…" Tatsuki said as she stole glances towards Ichigo with lustful eyes as she switched the eyes towards Onimaru and changed them to puppy eyes.

"But nothing, the throne is not that far away, and Onigashima is no place to do what you plan to do, wait until you are all in your future husband's castle to do that kind of stuff, Onigashima's castle was destroyed long ago, only the throne should remain." argued Onimaru

"Kay, kay… gezz this lousy sword…" snickered Tatsuki

"And this is why I do not like this transformation" sighted Onimaru.

Soon they were walking towards the next level, as the Kushanada had fallen in battle.

. . .

Human world, Karakura

. . .

Yuzu was returning from doing grocery shopping, she had her mother's cross on her wrist and was happily walking thinking of what to do when a hint of worry appeared on her face.

'I wonder where Oni-chan is and where is Karin going each day?' She was clearly preoccupied for her family, her brother had disappeared more than one month ago, before that, one of his friends, that Inoue-san also had disappeared, and now Karin left all days the house after school to do something that she says that is football training, but Yuzu had asked Karin's team, and they have not seen her for a while.

'Well, no need to worry about those things… I have my own things to worry about, like these…' said Yuzu as she looked towards her left where around ten pluses where following her.

It has been a few weeks since she has been able to see spirits like his brother and sister, at first, it terrified her a little, but now she understood why Karin had them ignored and Ichigo was tired of them, she herself was rather tired of the ghosts and only have been a few weeks.

Since no many could see and talk to them, once they saw a person to talk to, they latched to them like glue, and since Yuzu was soo nice, she could not refuse them and continued giving them conversation as long as nobody was seeing it.

But with time, they had started to accumulate, and now she has at least thirty pluses following her everywhere, she was quite literally being haunted by an army of ghosts.


Yuzu sighted as she looked forward and saw something that clasped her heart, a very small toddler of no more than 4 years old had walked towards the middle of the street while his dad was distracted speaking with a friend and an eighteen-wheeler trailer truck was going to hit him.

Yuzu did not know what she thought or how or what, but a sudden wish to save the toddler took her whole body, creating an electrical feeling in all her body as her physical body and soul resonated.

Her mother's cross started to glow in blue, but she did not notice, and before she could even process what was happening, she had appeared in front of the child and was embracing him as if trying to shield him from the truck, she did not know how she had appeared here, there was not enough time to get here even running, but in a single moment she had appeared here as if teleporting and blue glow faded from her feet.

'It's the end' she thought as she realised that now she also was in front of the truck and was going to die with the toddler she was trying to save.

But before the truck could hit them, blue glowing lines appeared around Yuzu's body as the cross glowed with intensity, and she closed her eyes, preparing for the worst, which never happened.

As the truck hit both of them, instead of them being squashed to a pulp or being thrown flying, It was the truck which was affected, as if hitting a pure block of titanium, the truck was forced to a sudden stop as the driver which had not the security belt attached was thrown flying from his seat to the window and outside by the sudden stop, the front of the truck was wholly ruined and squashed.

Yuzu and the toddler were perfectly okay, without any scars or even a scratch, soon the blue lines that yuzu had faded.

Ishida Uryu just happened to have witnessed the whole thing, blue lights included, while he was unable to help Yuzu in time, he was able to catch the trucker that had gone flying, saving his life.

'How is that Kurosaki's sister is?' he wondered but then realised that people were starting to look, 'Shit, I can't let them see her' as he used Hirenkyaku to appear in front of Yuzu, pick her and the toddler up and then used his fast-moving technique again to appear in front of the parent of the toddler.

As Yuzu released the toddler, Ishida again took her by the hand and used Hirenkyaku to appear in an alley where nobody can hear or see.

He released Yuzu as he looked at her and saw the thing on her wrist, he asked "Where did you get that?"

Yuzu was still confused, but she recognized the boy, it was one of his brother's friends, Ishida Uryu.

"Hello, Ishida-san, my dad gave me this cross, he said it was my mother's and that she would want me to have it, that if I was in danger, it will protect me" Yuzu explained.

'Her mother… could it be… No… But then Yuzu used…' Ishida was thinking when he decided to test the girl.

"Kurosaki-san would you mind if I tested I touched your wrist while you remember how you felt when saving that todler" asked Ishida.

"Yes, Ishida-san" she replied as she closed her eyes and tried to remember the sensation.

For his part, Uryu touched her wrist and felt her reiatsu signature, once the cross started to faintly glow, he was convinced.

"Kurosaki Yuzu, you are…" Ishida was saying.

"I am?" The girl asked with a curious gaze.

"… A quincy", Uryu determined.

. . .

Hueco Mundo, Las Noches, throne room

. . .

They accompanied Tatsuki to Onigashima's throne, it was in the next level of Onigashima, which was composed essentially of very tall volcanoes, in the middle of it a throne made from magmatic rock with a scary looking aspect awaited alone, once Tatsuki sat on it, she was able to close off hell for the togabito.

Subsequently, they all exited hell, and with the permission of Tatsuki and Ichigo, they were capable of moving the hellgate in Hueco Mundo.

Although it took some time, they managed to move the door all the way to Las Noches for easy access now that it was safe and controlled by Tatsuki.

A version of these events were being explained to all the members of Las Noches in great detail, with this ending the Togabito Wars.

"So now all is good?" asked Stark.

"Yes, Stark, all is good with the Togabitos at least." answered Ichigo.

"Then can we all go now, I wish to nap a bit more" requested Stark.

"No, you see there is an important announcement" Ichigo said as he got off his throne and the 4 meters tall Tatsuki approached him and got to his side.

"I will be taking Tatsuki as my wife as well" Ichigo said as he and Tatsuki kissed.

Soon the room was full of talking because of the surprise.

"But she will not be a queen of hueco mundo, she is the ruling queen of Onigashima, an allied realm to Hueco Mundo since now, and she will be treated as such, as the ruler of our allied realm she deserves the upmost respect even if she can't order hollows around" Ichigo commanded.

As he said that, the voices calmed down.

"Now if you excuse us" started Ichigo.

"We are going to consummate the marriage" ended Tatsuki.

And both of them trailed off to Ichigo's royal chambers along with Nelliel, Tier and Orihime.

Author's end note:Yep, this ends the fake Hell mini arc and includes the fourth member in to the harem, keep in mind that Tatsuki in that form is an embodiment of her desires, a true demoness, this is the main reason she is agreeing to this polygamy stuff, but she will sooner than later revert to her normal form and she will have to deal with her situation, is not like other personality agreed for her tho, its the same Tatsuki, just one that listen to her own desires and doesn't listen to her own reason very much, so she will have to accept that it was her own decision, if she really did not want it, she would not have done it in the demon form, as it is a form that is the heigh of egoism, the reason why she is okay with sharing is because she always was okay with Ichigo being with other woman, as he let orihime had him initially, it is just that in her demon form, whie still being okay with ichigo being with other women, he also has to be with her, if Tier or Nell had not agreed, she would had fighted them.