
Gran Rey Cero

This is a story set in an AU where during Ichigo's final battle with Ulquiorra while he is in the vasto lord form, he foolishly rips off his mask in such a way that he becomes an arrancar and as such he becomes a full hollow permanently, this also creates a storm of reiatsu killing Inoue and hollowifiying her, but heals Nel's mask, he becomes the king of hueco mundo, Gran Rey Cero.

red1reaper · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 6: Massacre

I do not own bleach

Author's note:Not too much this time, some have said that Ichigo has been too passive, but that is half because Ichigo until he ate barragan was rejecting his hollow side, rejecting zangetsu essentially, which caused zangetsu to slumber and his instincts to slumber, making him very ineffective as a hollow, as he was rejecting himself completely as he is now a hollow, but the other part is that he just has not had the opportunity to shine, the only real opponent have been barragan and Nnoitra, and Nnoitra was basically killed by Hime before anyone had time to react, and Barragan was a troublesome opponent for Ichigo even if Ichigo outpowers him, since Barragan powers are very Hax and are not safe to fight against unless you have a hax that can block them like hime, or you are intelligent enough to strategize around them, Ichigo is neither that intelligent nor does he have a convenient hax, only raw power which would have killed barragan given enough time, but he may have been injured and some may have died, so they needed Hime to fight him as she hard counters Barragan, so is not like Ichigo is unwilling to fight, more like he has not had any chance to do so, he is too OP and not may opponents can be paired with him, and even less that are in hueco mundo, last chapter i showed how he has no longer remorse killing an enemy as he vaporized a togabito before he knew they resurrected, and while Ichigo is more mature than normal, he is still at the level of maturity of a 22-23 which is not that mature, specially coming from Isshin's son, as his father is the proverbial manchild, even if i make Ichigo more zangetsu like, is not like zangetsu is very mature either, zangetsu is quite childish and likes to joke, to tease and to laugh, he is just very murderous about it, so Ichigo artificially aged to 22-23 is not going to become exactly a beacon of maturity, he basically is now capable of accepting sexual advances and is a bit more mature, but his internal conflicts are his internal conflicts, that is Ichigo, he will no longer be in conflict with his hollow side, but that doesn't mean there will be no internal conflict anymore, just not with zangetsu, Ichigo also will be every bit as moronic about saving people as he is in cannon, It is just now that he can priorize his people over any people and is capable of sacrificing innocent for his people protection, but outside of that, he still would risk his health to protect a rando as that is what makes Ichigo, well… Ichigo. As Ichigo that is not fetishizing protecting others is not Ichigo really, that is so central to his character that you could remove everything else and still have Ichigo, but you can maintain everything else and remove that, and you will no longer have Ichigo, but an OC of the same name, Ichigo is a moron, and that is what makes him Ichigo, and he is also someone that will spare enemies if he can afford to do it and sympathizes with them, that will be retained, just that when an enemy doesn't deserve his compassion, he will get 0 of it, and suffer fates worse than death, just imagine after Ichigo allies with Tatsuki where he can send his worst enemies souls to, wink wink. Ichigo will also have to grow in to his role as a king, it was pushed on to him by cosmical coincidence, it is not something he wanted nor something he gained after effort, it is a responsibility that suddenly appeared in his lap, and he is completely unprepared for such a role, that is intended, him becoming a bit older and an arrancar does not make for an effective king, he is essentially king because he essentially owns hueco mundo and hollows will have an instinct to obey him, the rational ones that are not completely evil also do respect his good heart for it is rare for hollows and that makes him trustworthy, but while he is a goodwilled king and a rightful one, there is not a competent one, either in skills or mindset, he will grow in to one in this story, and It is not like he will only become one by the end of it, he will be at least at a competent level by the point he can visit the living world, around 3 years from the start of the story, so after the first arc, the first arc is the 3 years he spends trapped in hueco mundo, the arc we are currently in, after this arc he will be at least at a competent level as a king, and by the mid-point of the fic he will have completely grown in to the post in knowledge and mindset. Also, from time to time, there will be comedic segments where all characters will act a bit weird or immature, like the spiritual pee scene, those are gags moments and some things will be exaggerated for laughs, you can consider them to be non cannon to this fic if you do not like them, they are inconsequential and not a true demonstration of character's personalities or powers, so they can be ignored, I just like my absurdist dad joke level of humor


. . .

Hueco Mundo, in front of the dark forest

. . .

Ichigo stood with an army of Guilians and all of his espada, fracciones and numeros in front of the army of togabito, saying that there was a lot of togabito was selling it short, there were togabito until the eye can reach, each of them weak, but very numerous, and unless they did something, they would return again and again.

Not liking the prospect of an eternal enemy, Ichigo asked his inner spirits, "Zangetsu, Old Man, any suggestion beyond just blasting them off?"

The hollow blade laughed psychotically, and very strangely, even the old man laughed, "It is effortless Ichigo, just go wild, activate our resurrección and go wild at them with cero after getsuga after cero, sonido to them and rip them apart with your claws, and as for preventing them from coming back, that is easy king, just eat them, that will also restore your spiritual levels and allow you to fight forever with these idiots" said the hollow blade and as Ichigo started to really like this idea, the Old Man continued "It is pretty obvious Ichigo that while what Zangetsu said is correct, you still will need to do more, you are greatly outnumbered, so command your army to do the same, it would be wise if you have your orange haired wife in the back controlling her healing and shield though, she is nearly as powerful as you at fighting, but in a battle where we are so outnumbered her shields would do more good safeguarding our limited soldiers with only one life than her fighting would help in taking care of soo many enemies, she can still have her cutting fairy in charge of attacking, and she can still shoot ceros from the backlines, so is not like that much firepower is lost, just have the gillian and numeros start blasting their ceros, and have the espada and fracciones protecting them from togabito that get too close, and then Orihime protecting everyone and healing the injured" suggested the fragment of the quincy king.

"You know what, those are fantastic ideas, and now I also know why I appear that much dumb for sure all my thinking ability is being used up by you two" teased the young man, not really believing that the three of them shared the same thinking quota and that the two were exhausting it, honestly he could have thought that on his own, but he was getting very used to let those two think for him now, out of a mix of laziness and trust for the two, he considered himself to be more of an action kind of guy right now, even more since becoming a hollow and even greatly since accepting himself as one, while this has made him more instinctual in the action, it has had the adverse effect of making him like to think in an analytical manner less, but now that he had a very direct line with those two and trusted both, he felt he could just leave all that thinking stuff to them, and he can just enjoy the battles.

"Kingy, you know, you are making me proud with all that instinct stuff, but we can hear your thoughts, and we do not like to be used to doing all your thinking, you should think a bit yourself, using your instincts does not equal to turn into a braindead moron, you should be thinking while you fight with your instincts kingy, before you just defended while you were thinking and that made you ineffective, but if now all you go is attack on instinct without formulating plans makes you as bad you were before, you are the one fighting, we can't think battles for you completely, we can aid and guide you kingy, but the one battling is you, so you should be thinking while you attack by instinct, gezz, and to be me that has to explain to you kingy that you have to think more…" retorted zangetsu as he really was exasperated by Ichigo's recent switch from an overthinking moron to a braindead beast, clearly his wielder being too much of a moron for his taste.

Yhwach just laughed slightly at the frustrated zangetsu, finding it very amusing that as Ichigo now listened to both of them, he no longer had to be the only one pointing the obvious to the blockhead that is Ichigo, "Zangetsu calm down, he will learn with time, the fact that you know to suggest that means that he also does know that, he is just enjoying a side of himself he was repressing all his life and wants to immerse himself in that feeling, you have to let him fail, so he will see he needs to change, also as parts of him, we thinking is the same as him thinking, so even if we think for him, overall the effect is like he is the one thinking, not that we have many other things to do here either"

As the discussion of the two spirits started to fade as if they wanted to discuss in private, Ichigo prepared himself to give his commands.

"Gillian and numeros! You will be launching ceros at the togabito, do not let them escape and priorice area of attack rather than overall power, they are weak and even a very disperse cero can do" As ichigo commanded The gillians did a hollow moan as if understanding the basic idea and the numeros responded with a much more pleasant "Understood your majesty!"

"Fracciones you are to protect the numeros and the gillian, priorice numeros over gillians, if the ones you are defending do not need defending, do not go help others, stay in your positions and fire ceros like the numeros" Ichigo again commanded, once more receiving a positive answer.

"Espada all but la primera are to be on standby and only jump if any fracción is overwhelmed, you are to conserve your energy to be able to protect them, the numeros and the gillians, only step if needed and retreat when no longer needed, you should fire ceros until your energy levels are around three fourths, thereafter you limit to defending others unless they reach your hundred percent again, in which case fire ceros", the espada nodded

"Everyone who has resurrección that allows you to fire ceros with a better area of attack, or that gives you more stamina are to use it, everyone else should reserve it unless you require it to avoid death, you also should consume the souls of the togabito you kill whenever possible as this will keep them from reviving and will restore a bit of your energies, this goes for everyone." commanded Ichigo to all his army.

"Orihime, you will be in your resurrección, and you will be responsible for creating barriers when no one can defend to block attacks and for healing whoever needs it, you also are to attack with tsubaki any that wants to flee or retreat to their back, and if you can, fire ceros." Commanded Ichigo, as that the splitting in to 1000 of each fairy she did against barragan had a cooldown of one month before she could do it again, and for now, at most she could split each fairy in to 5, limiting her to 5 healing fields, 5 shields and 5 tsubakis, which was not all that bad, as the raw power of her body, her cero, and the cutting power of her hand with her defenses was enough for her to be the primera espada, without counting the fairies, and that still was five healing fields and five shields, in the battlefield that can protect anyone or heal anyone, each of them extremly strong, she could also maneuver them to create more complex healing fields and shields that are even more effective, she could have defeated barragan with only the fairies split into 5 and without her doing anything or without fairies at all, she just wanted to show off.

"Understood Ichigo" responded his lovely wife, clearly liking a role that allowed her to defend her allies, heal her allies and attack their enemies at the same time, but still, a bit let down that she could not get up close and physical with some, or eat them as she was too far away, she really was curious how togabito tasted and if they were any good with yogurt and ketchup.

"As for me… I will go wild" said Ichigo as he unsheathed zangetsu "Reina sobre Hueco Mundo, Zangetsu!" as he released his resurrección and transformed in to a form that was not all that distinct from his current form, it is just that his now white espada clothes were replaced by black shinigami pants and nothing in the upper-side, his mask has regenerated to all his glory and both his eyes had a black sclera and yellow iris, his horns have grown slightly larger, and he had gotten slightly buffer, he was also taller, around Chad's height now, his black tattoos turned red giving him a more fearsome appearance and the fake zangetsu has changed as well, the guard has extended with each L growing bigger, the blade itself has also gotten longer to the size of a daikatana and the chain has wrapped itself around his arm, getting a bit bigger but not that much, reaching his elbow, he also felt that he could make the chain as long or short as he wanted, allowing him to throw the blade in to the distance without releasing the chain by making the chain expand as the blade flew and the retrieve the blade by shortening the chain, this came to him bi instinct. He also learned by instinct that his instant regeneration has gotten even more wild, it doesn't matter whether it is the head or internal organ, as long as he had still reiatsu, the will and on part of his body he could regenerate at some cost of his reiatsu, and for non-fatal wounds, even if it is a missing limb, the cost of regeneration was negligible. His already long hair also has grown to remain the same proportional length to the rest of his body as he has gotten taller, also this increase in heigh did not come from longer legs, the proportions were the same in his body, so each part also has grown larger. His hierro also had become better, not as good as Orihime's Acero and less Orihime's Titanio, but still a good hierro, making him nearly invulnerable when coupled with his practically free regeneration of non-fatal wound.


Ichigo shouted a massive hollow roar as he ended his transformation and the first thing he did was to sonido in to the middle of the enemy lines and after putting his blade between his horns and he charged a cero and a getsuga tensho, the cero was absorbed in to the blade, and he screamed in a mix of words and roar "Getsuga Cero!" as he rotated creating a circular Getsuga Tensho like attack with the color of a red cero that decimated around 10,000 togabito, after which he opened his mouth and a suction force came from it as the dead togabito were attracted to it and converted in to blue light as they approached it, being eaten by the hollow king.

After his feast of souls ended, he de-materialised his soul and sonido in all four like a beast to a nearby small cliff and climbed it all vertical on all fours, this took but a second and when he was on top he released another hollow screeching wailing roar as he charged a gran rey cero in his horns without any blood as it is his birthright as the Gran Rey Cero himself, he also charged two normal additional ceros in each hand and after a few moments of charging he released the brutal gran rey cero at the back of the togabito army, killing fifteen thousand in that instant alone and an additional one hundred thousand as the blast expanded, it was soo massive that the blast had formed a mushroom cloud similar to a nuclear explosion as the landscape of where it had landed changed in to a large crater, his other two ceros were fired at the same time as the gran rey cero, but these smaller ones were fired to the left and right flank respectively, killing by the end of it a combined extra amount of thirty-five thousand togabito, this slaughter ended with Ichigo opening his mouth again and absorbing blue-like particles from were the blasts had detonated as they did not leave even a corpse, thus eating all of their souls, preventing them from resurrecting in hell.

After this, Ichigo jumped in to the middle and, materialised fake zangetsu and submerged himself in to a cycle of cutting with his blade, tearing with his claws, biting with his mouth and firing balas with his horns, culminating in the act of absorption and eating.

For their part, his army was doing okay, the menos grande and numeros fired their ceros and decimated the army bit by bit, they were not as effective at absorbing after killing as ichigo was, but they still ate what they could, when one group of togabito got too close, the fracciones slayed them so the numeros and gillians could concentrate on firing, as for the espada they were still on standby, firing a cero sporadically but not having had to step in yet, for the primera espada, she kept cutting togabito with tsubaki as she launched ceros from the back with her other fairies in the front lines ready to materialise shields and healing field when needed, she remained in the back as she had learned how to deploy a healing field on her own without the fairies, a stronger one at that, but small, only as big as her arms could separate as she did between her right and left arm. Occasionally, a numeros that had been too injured to be safe in the frontlines retreated here, and she healed them, she also healed minor injuries remotely via her fairies as well, controlling their bodies as if it were her own and sharing their vision, this was the reason she could not control many right now, the first time it was the spirits of each fairy that took the weight of controlling the swarm, but subsequently, they exhausted themselves and had to rest for a month to do it again, so during this month unless they did not divide, she had to control and move and see each fairy as a part of her body, which was very hard as this was not a matter of power but of multitasking skill and controlling a division of 5 meant to control on top of her body, 30 different bodies, with their vision, and hearing and all of that, and it was not easy, even if she trained all her infinite life, she thought that at best she could control a 10 division, maybe 15 divisions, but larger divisions would require the fairies to help, which was not as bad, unless she did a whole 1000 division, they did not need that much rest, a 15 times division was only 20-30 minutes rest and a 100 division was only around 24 hours, a 500 division was a week, it seemed that the rest needed did not scale linearly but a slightly exponential one, so she would be reserving from now on the higher times divisions for emergencies and once they had recuperated, she will start using 40 times divisions that should be just a few hours of rest, realistically she did not need the fairies to fight, she was the primera espada on her physical strength, cutting power, defense, speed and reiatsu alone, but her fairies were very useful for group battles or against troublesome enemies, they may even have some useful non battle uses, still she was going to scold his husband later for leaving her in the backlines, she should have just left one set of fairies to do attacking, shielding and healing in the backlines while she was in the frontline devastating the enemy like him, sure the mental strain from controlling a five times division removed her focus from battle, so she was less effective as a fighter while using them, but with her impenetrable defenses and against such weak enemies, it would not be a problem, she had already forgiven him from taking HER PREY, Barragan and did not scold him, but this leaving of her in the back would not get unscolded, she tough, as she was ready to scold him while in the bedroom where others could not see or hear as to not give a bad image, as monarchs they could not be discussing those things in public.

. . .

10 minutes later, the other side of the black forest

. . .

"That doesn't look good" said Tatsuki in a low voice, clearly slightly intimidated by the visage of such a creature surrounded by an army of black giants in creepy masks, all firing red lasers accompanied by white clothed swordsmen with broken masks.

Then Onimaru spoke, "Those horns, those marks, a demonic skull mask, I recognize them those are the clear marks of the royals of the hungry ghosts, That beast is probably their King, the famed Gran Rey Cero that has sealed Hueco Mundo, you should approach him with care, Tatsuki he see…" The blade could not end his charade, as Tatsuki just activated her shikai and flew directly in to confront the beast,

As she approached she readied her sword made of blue flames and channeled reiatsu turning the flames even hotter, they now were Indigo coloured, as they finally clashed, the beast blocked it easily with his black sword in only one had as he still charged one of those red lasers and shoot them to the people, killing more.

"ARE YOU THE KING OF THIS PLACE?" Asked the demonic woman in a rageful tone.

The beast was going to kill her when all his instincts told him that he should not, under any circumstances, kill this one, his instincts also informed him that she was familiar, but in his battle-lust he was incapable of recognising who she was, he did not know any adult woman with big boobs and horns clothed in red shinigami clothes with black hair, but her face, at least the part that was not covered by the golden mask, seemed very familiar to him, so he lowered his force instinctively to match hers as if to not kill her while still being able to fight her, so he decided to respond

"Yes, I am Gran Rey Cero, king of Hueco Mundo, ruler of the hollows and lord of Las Noches, but who may you be woman?" responded the hollow king to the flame woman.

"If you're the king of hueco mundo, then that makes me the ruler of hell" said the demon girl, "You can call me Demon Queen".

Then the hollow king asked, "What brings you here oh Maou-sama, or maybe I should call you Maou Shoujo?" teased him, not knowing very well why he was joking in this situation, he just felt a weird familiarity, as if it was normal to throw a joke.

She ignored his less than stellar dad joke and promptly asked in a serious tone, "What have you done to my friends?" clearly she did not understand that he could not know who those friends were, as she revealed neither her name nor her complete face.

And as such, he had to assume, given the battlefield and that she was confronting him, that she was not a hollow, that her energy seemed similar to togabito and the fact that she called herself the demon queen, he reasoned that these friends were the missing togabito he had eaten, "I killed them and ate their souls' demoness!" He shouted with mockery, now clearly more hostile to her.

"I will kill you!" she said as she swung her sword towards the hollow king, which still was very against killing her as his instincts commanded him to no kill and to not even harm her, and he now obeyed his instincts.

. . .

The battle was ongoing for a good 10 minutes, it had consisted mainly of her attempts to cut him and subsequently, him deflecting the swipe, meanwhile he fired small ceros and balas to togabitos, eating them afterwards, clearly the woman not posing much threat, although she was powerful, she was inexperienced, and he was much more powerful and experienced, so it was a walk in the part to just parry her as he continued his slaughter, in fact, the only reason he parried was because even if she would not do big wounds and any wound would regenerate with less energy than it takes to parry her, still hurt, and he was not like his teal haired wive in the enjoying pain department.

Finally, he decided to strike her, she seemed more familiar by the second and her mask was bothering him a great deal, so he sonido in front of her, with a swing, he disarmed her as she released her sword and the surrounding fire, the wings of fire and the fire horns dissipated leaving only the sword in flames in the distance and two small cute horns, "It is time to reveal your identity self-proclaimed demon queen" as he said that he tore her golden mask from her face and what he saw left him petrified, he quickly released her and backed away walking backward a few steps, clearly in utter shock and surprise.

She did not seem amused by what had happened and asked "What? Why are you backing away? It is not like my face is ugly or anything for you to back away that way." She was clearly offended, as she thought the only reason such a creature would have to react that way to her face if it was horrible.

But completely negating her theory, the hollow king bringer his claw to his mask, as if reacting to him, the front part separated from the sides and slid up and back, like the visor of a medieval helmet being raised, the same happened in reverse under the mouth, opening the jaws like a helmet to reveal who is behind the mask who finally asked the demon queen, "Tatsuki?" with a very surprised face.

As she saw the man under the mask, it took her a few moments to recognize him, but his voice asking for her name cleared any doubts, and while he now was much taller, completely white, with weird tattoos, a massive hole, red fur here and there, long hair and claws, she recognized him, he was his childhood friend, the man she secretly always loved but that she buried those feelings for her best friend shake, the boy that always cried when they were little, and she wiped the floor with him, one of the two friends for which she had given up her life to go rescue "Ichigo?" she asked.

. . .

World of the living

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Yasutora Sado, also known by the very apt nickname, Chad, was walking in to a building in a neighboring town in karakura, it was night, and he had a card in his hand that read "Xcution" and had this address written, a odd man in a trench-coat had given him this card and said to come if he wanted to improve his powers.

He then he reminded himself that he needed this strength as his friends were disappearing like flies, seemingly death, and he knocked on the door or was going to do it when one of the inhabitants opened it on his own before he had a chance

The one that opened the door was a man who seemed to be around 30 years old, had very sharp brown eyes and black hair combed back with appeared to be a hair fixer, he was dressed in a black leather jacket that had white puffs in the neck area.

Then the man spoke, "So you have decided to come, Yasutora-san?" he asked.

Chad nodded and simply muttered "Yes" as he looked at the man's eyes with a forceful determination filling his own, "I need…. I need power…." He locked at his arms with pride and sadness before continuing, "I require more power to be able to protect my friends" he ended.

The man in turn invited him to enter and as they were entering he commented "Then you have come to the right place, now have you heard of the term Fullbriger?"

. . .

Under the hospital in karakura town

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Ishida Uryu was training himself, shooting down target after target as a grave expression was on his face, he hated his weakness and he hated himself, for he was going to betray what he promised to his father on his quincy pride, "I will find a way to open a portal and save you, Ichigo, Orihime…." he muttered as he continued training.

In the distance of the training area was a silver haired man with glasses observing him, he was using a technique that hides his reiatsu and was semi hidden, the man looked at his son as his look made itself look stricter but also very distressed… "Uryu…. Son…."

. . .

Living world, in front of a candy shop

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A young black-haired girl was in front of a candy shop, her name was Karin Kurosaki, and she was pissed off and stressed by the seeming disappearance of his brother, not even the dumb fake brother was present, he had disappeared one day and her father would not tell her anything, so now she stood in front of the shop

'If I am not mistaken, the owner of the shop, Urahara-san, is the one that gave Ichi-nii his weird spirit samurai powers… If Ichi-nii can have them, I can as well, I will become like Ichi-nii and uncover where he is and what does he always seems to vanish to do, he may be my older brother, but I am his sister, and I will not let him disappear for weeks without telling me anything, dad also seems suspicious, he knows more than he says, so I will become like Ichi-nee, I will become one of those shinigami and figure out what is happening' thought the girl to herself as strong determination filled her.

Karin slided the door of the shop open with force and screamed, "Shopkeeper! Come out!"

Moments later, a large black man with a blue apron was in front of her. "What do you want?" he asked.

Not a single bit intimidated by the man, she said, "I want to speak with your boss!" and as Tessai was going to reject her, Urahara put one of his hands on his back and with the other, he put his fan to cover his mouth.

"Don't worry, I will attend the little girl Tessai, you can go back, now little lady follow me" as she guided her inside the shop and closed the door.

"Now what does here a little lady like you? Have you come to buy some candy at this candy shop?" He said in a jovial manner and all his usual antics as a black cat observed them.

Lest to say, she was not amused, "Cut the crap hat and clogs, I know that you made Ichi-nii a shinigami, I have come to do the same" she said with all the confidence a 12-year-old girl could have in her voice.

"My, my, such a knowledgeable little girl, how cute, she wants to be like his older brother, but you know little girl that is not a good reason?" answered in a jovial tone Urahara except for the last words where his voice got a lot more serious, and he glared as if to intimidate her.

But she was not on bit intimidated by the glare, in a fit of childish rage she smacked with her fist the table and shouted "I do not wish to become one because I want to imitate Ichi-nii!… I just… can no longer have him do all that weird spirit stuff while I do not know anything, I want to be involved, and I want to be able to go to Ichi-nii if he needs my help, I can't allow him anymore to just disappear without saying anything, and I need power to beat his ass up if he is going to do something stupid"

"Well, in that case", Urahara picked up his cane and hit the girl's forehead with it.

As he did that, the girl's soul separated from her body and her body collapsed, a chain in her chest connected her to her body and she felt weak all of a sudden.

"This is what feels to have your soul outside your body, are you still certain, little Karin?" Urahara said as he though 'Isshin is going to kill me for this, but it is still worth it, a war is coming, and his daughters will become a target, they should be able to defend themselves at least'

With difficulty, Karin collected her strengths and shouted, "YES!"

Thereafter, Urahara picked up her unconscious body and commanded her to follow, they ended up in some kind of subterranean facility, before he could say anything, she shouted… "What? What is this? How come? A huge underground cavern was underneath the shop! What a surprise!"

Urahara had his mouth opened as he finally stopped and said, "Finally! Someone with a good sense of humor! Karin-chan, I will train you to become a shinigami with all my will!" he said as tears of happiness were falling down his eyes, clearly happy at having his weird fetish for underground unnecessarily large training chambers.

Karin was a little weirded up by his response, but she said what she said because he seemed like the kind of fool to want to hear that, and she wanted to butter him up a bit, so he trained her properly, although, honestly, she thought that it was kind of cool.

As he put her body on the floor he shouted, "Tessai, bring me an Asauchi, Karin-chan is going to need one, and since she praised my underground I will be giving her one, unlike her brother" Soon Tessai appeared with a non descript sheathed katana and offered it to Karin.

Karin picked it up and unsheathed it, seeing that it was a real blade she got a big scared, but she did not drop it.

"That Karin-chan is an asauchi, a blank zanpakuto, a zanpakuto is well… you could think as the real version of what is depicted in media as death's scythe, the zanpakuto of a shinigami does exactly that, it sends souls to the other world and opens the gate between worlds, it sends the souls either peacefully in case of normal souls by hitting them with the pommel or forcefully by cutting hollows, bad spirits, with the blade which purifies them and then sends their purified souls to the other world, all shinigami have one, and it becomes one with the shinigami, a piece of their soul that is, this is a blank one, so to become a shinigami you will have to train with it, fill it with your spiritual energy and be with it in general, with time it will awaken and form a personality from a part of your soul, you will know because it changes physically, when that happens, we will be able to cut those chains, and you will become a shinigami by calling the name of the sword that the sword will tell you, of course, there is a more fast route one that your brother took, but it is too dangerous, and we are not against the clock like in this case, so from today you will come here, train a pair of hours with the sword with your soul out of your body, and reenter your body with the sword, it will be stored as part of your soul do not worry, this will continue until your zanpakuto awakens" Explained the shopkeeper with a semi serious semi jovial tone.

"Un--understood" she said as she looked at her blade with determination, as she did this, it was like something inside her manifested and enveloped the sword, leaving a blue aura around the sword, she felt that right now the sword was very sharp for some reason, so she approached a rock, and she cut the rock like it was butter, "What?" she asked.

'It seems we have right here a genius at reiatsu control, unlike her brother, maybe I will have Tessai teach her some Kido' though Urahara as he said, "You are a genius Karin-chan, what you did was filling the sword with your spirit energy, do it more and constantly, and you will have made the blade your own in no time"

She seemed rather happy at the compliment and looked at the sword again, "I do not know how you will be or what your name is, but I will make you mine, become a shinigami and find out about Ichi-nii" she said with determination at the blade with all her soul, at this the blade trembled a bit as if responding to her desire, but she did not notice, Kisuke did notice, though.

. . .

Kurosaki Clinic

. . .

After much deliberation, Isshin approached his daughter who was cooking something in the kitchen, "Yuzu, come here"

She quickly ended up chopping the carrot, cleaned her hands in the apron and approached her dad, "What do you want dad?" she smiled.

"You should have this" Isshin said as he produced a fice spiked cross with a chain from his picket, "This was your mother's cross, she would have wanted for you to have it" he said as he placed the cross in his daughter hands.

She picked it up and put it around her wrist, it wasn't clear to her why, but she felt it belonged there.

"If you feel danger that you do not understand, just pint with the cross and concentrate on it, it will protect you" he said vaguely as he would rather not reveal anything to her but still wanted to give her some protection in case the hollows suddenly attacked, fully knowing that a war was going to happen and wanting for her daughters to be safe.

Isshin already knew that Karin had gone to Urahara's, and he had already before to Urahara that if she appeared and was not scared, that he could train her to become a shinigami, but on the condition of no shattered shafts, or he will roast the shopkeeper, independently of the survival of her.

. . .

Soul Society

. . .

Rukia was training with a frown on her face, "Not again!" She had recently learned of the true identity of Ichigo as when she was thrown out of Hueco Mundo, she had encountered Ichigo's father in shinigami clothes and an old captain haori on his shoulder, she then realised who Ichigo's father was, Isshin Shiba, and as such Ichigo was a Shiba as well, she could not believe that she had yet again failed another Shiba, she should have resisted that garganta, she could have…. Or so she tells herself, no matter how wrong she was in that belief.

. . .

In the middle of the battle in the Dark Forest, Hueco Mundo

. . .

"Ichigo?" she asked.

"The one and only Ichigo Kurosaki…." he was to continue when she started questioning

"What has happened to you?"

"Why are you all white?"

"Why are you a hollow now?"

"Are you still yourself?"

"Why are you soo…. Monstrous?"

"How come you are the king of the hollows?"

"What happened to Inoue?"

"Is she alive?"

She was asking in desperation, so he…

"I could be asking you the same, last time I met you, you were human, now you are some sort of demonic shinigami or something? You even got horns, not that I am anyone to complain about horns though" As he said that, he dropped from his resurrección, going back to his previous size and the mask returning to its previous state, with everything going back to how it should be and zangetsu materializing in his hip.

"But I will answer you first, well, in order, I am an idiot and became an arrancar, a type of hollow because of some stupid thing I did, so I am kind of dead, as a living person at least, I am white for the same reason my hair is orange, It is my skin colour now or something, I… always was one, at least partially, it is just that I am a complete hollow now, and yes, I am myself, I am an arrancar, arrancar are basically humans in mentality save a few quirks and since I transformed directly to this form my mind is mostly the same, and I am the Hollow King because I am, to be honest, I do not have any idea why, I just am, and I prefer the term cool rather than monstrous thank you, as for Orihime, I am sorry… she is dead"

Tatsuki wanted to retort to many things but once she heard the last part and the sad face of Ichigo she centered on that

"Is Inoue dead! How come! How is that you did not protect her! Who killed her?" she asked as she picked him by his now white clothes and shaked him.

"I am sorry, It is my fault, I was the one to kill her" said Ichigo with a sad look

"What?" Tatsuki asked "That is impossible, you would not kill Inoue, she can't be dead… hahah ahaha" she seemed to be negating reality.

"Hey do not worry that much Tatsuki, she may be dead, but she is dead in the same capacity that I am, and for what I am gathering of your spiritual pressure, in the same capacity as you" Ichigo clarified

"What do you mean?" inquired Tatsuki

Ichigo sighted and launched a petite, very precise and low-power cero with this finger to the front of his wife in the backlines, writing with the cero the message "Come here" And before the light of the cero could dissipate she was already here, ready to impale her arm in Tatsuki neck, clearly not having recognized her, due to the mental strain of multiple bodies and the suddenness and thinking that she was an enemy that may hurt his husband, but luckily ichigo managed to stop her by picking her arm, clearly already expecting her reaction as he knew that after becoming a hollow Orihime have become like this, "Stop Hime, she is not an enemy, look at her"

Thus, the two women looked at each other, surprise increasing at the same time by the moment in both women's faces



Then before Tatsuki could say anything, Orihime interrupted her, "Tatsuki I do not know what you are doing here or what you have done to yourself", she scolded, "But I am no longer Inoue, not I am Orihime Kurosaki" as she said that she hugged Ichigo and gave him a quick kiss in the mouth.

"Orihime Kurosaki?" It took a few moments for Tatsuki to process it, and before asking her why was she a hollow now or something like that, she asked "You married?" as she pointed to both of them.

It should be noted that the espada were now surrounding the trio and killing any togabito that dared to approach, but as quickly as Nelliel and Tier heard the talk about married they both also approached the trio, leaving only Ashido, Start and Ulquiorra to defend.

The next moment to Tatsuki asking that, Nelliel and Tier appeared and also hugged the strawberry, "He is not only married to Hime-chan" said Nelliel, "He is also married to us" said Tier

It was at that moment that Tatsuki lost it, Ichigo had become a hollow, the king of them, then he killed Orihime? And orihime was now also a hollow? And he married Orihime, AND TWO OTHER WOMEN, ALSO HOLLOW?

Her eyes went white from the excessive surprise and she collapsed

"Tatsuki!" "Tatsuki-chan" cried the two Orange haired individuals about their friend as they picked her up and Orihime used her personal healing field to awaken her.

Soon, Tatsuki started to regain consciousness and saw her best friend's face, "Orihime… I had the weirdest of dreams, I became the ruler of hell and you and Ichigo were hollows… and you were married, but he also married two other…." Tatsuki, of course, was still a bit confused, so she had just written off everything as a dream.

"Hehe" chuckled Hime, "I am afraid Tatsuki-chan that was not a dream, but reality" she said as she pointed to her hollow hole for Tatsuki to see.

"I see…." she said before fainting again.

"Ufff…" expired Orihime, "It seems that we are going to have to explain this to her in a more tranquil environment before continuing"

"Yeah, this has to be very shocking for her, probably haven't had time to even understand her situation" muttered Ichigo.

Before they could decide on their next course of action, twelve new figures appeared, they were being blocked by Ulquiorra from coming any closer.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DO TO TATSUKI-HEIKA?" Screamed a large bi-horned man with red skin and white hair.

"Calm down, Kokuto-dono, they don't seem to hold hostile intentions, still I would like myself to known off the situation," He turned towards Ichigo and Orihime, "I would appreciate it if you could unhand Tatsuki-heika" said the more calm of the two, just as large, with blue skin, purple hair and a single horn.

Behind them were ten skeleton-like large monsters that had weird yellow light in their eye sockets.

Suddenly, smoke started to appear from Tatsuki's blade. That smoke eventually took on the visage of an old man, a true old man looking easy to be seventy in human terms, he looked like a true gentleman, but he had this air of hiding something under that persona that reminded Ichigo of Sandalhat.

"No need to worry, my name is Onimaru, I'm Tatsuki-dono Zanpakuto spirit" he said as he pointed to the blade he was coming from.

"How is that you are here? Zanpakuto spirits can't usually leave their wielder inner world, and even when they can, It is either due to some special technology or because their wielder summoned them to learn bankai, how come you just appeared when she in unconscious?" Ichigo pointed towards Tatsuki, "And in the rare instances of materialization, they just materialise, not come out as smoke from the blade." questioned Ichigo, clearly not trusting this man as he remined a bit too much of hats and clogs.

The sword spirit nodded and glanced towards Ichigo with eyes examining him, after a bit, he nodded and started to explain, "You see, young king of the hungry ghosts, I am a zanpakuto, but like your white blade, I am not a shinigami zanpakuto, I am a onigami zanpakuto, I once was a shinigami's, but they separated me from my master and did terrible modifications on me, transforming me in to a oni zanpakuto, with my original master executed, as the zanpakuto of a onigami, I can do a few things that normal sword spirits can not, I am much more independent of her as I was not formed from a fragment of her soul, although now I am part of her, not too dissimilar to your relationship with your spirits if what I am feeling is correct, as for materializing I am not, this is just an image, a kind of hologram if using modern human vocabulary, to create these images from smoke is an ability that all oni zanpakuto have even when sealed, It is supposed to be used to create low-level illusions to torture sinners, but I am using it to communicate with you"

"Let's say that I believe you old fart, why appear all of a sudden"? Asked the impatient king.

"I was just going to explain when you just interrupted me" sighted the blade.

The sword spirit pointed toward the two men and the skeleton-like figures while looking at Ichigo and Orihime, "They are two oni and ten kushanada, they are the subordinates and minions respectively of Tatsuki-dono"

Subsequently, he pointed towards Ichigo and Orihime and looked towards the two oni, "Those are Tatsuki-dono's friends that she was so keen on finding, they don't need saving though, as it appears that her friends turned to be king and queen of hollows, making things incredibly more simple, she only fainted because it was much for her to take on, she was just human around a week ago"

He repositioned in a way that could address all parties, "You should drop your guard around each other, we are surrounded by escaped togabito, an army of them, so it is not time to doubt allies, please gran rey cero, could you order your men to let them enter?"

Ichigo relaxed, he maybe should not be as trusting, but his instincts now were excellent and his instincts told him that it was okay to trust presently, so he did so, turning towards his quinta espada "Ulquiorra, let them pass"

As Ichigo ordered, Ulquiorra complied and let them pass, soon the two oni were in front of them, with the two oni having a preoccupied frown as they looked at the unconscious Tatsuki, the ten kushanada had joined the espada in defending the area from togabito, and the mere presence of the kushanada seemed to be very effective in instilling dread in the togabito.

"Hime, you should probably hand her to them, they are seemingly rather loyal, and you would do best with those hands free" commented Ichigo.

Orihime just nodded and with a worrier face handed Tatsuki to the two Oni.

After this, the old sword spirit decided to continue his speech "It seems you have been managing to deal with a lot of them, and the idea of eating them to keep them from coming back is not bad, but if you continue like this you exhaust yourself mentally before you win, also I doubt you can continue eating souls at this rate, this amount should put even the hollow king in a bit of a strain to digest them, specially with them being sinners, they must be specially difficult to digest"

"Do you have a best idea spirit?" retorted Ichigo, "After all, they are a lot and we are few"

"I actually do" said the old spirit, "The reason I insisted she brought ten kushanada and at least one oni is because with them, we can summon a hellgate, that door will forcefully pull from their chains and force them back to hell , they will not be able to untangle themselves from the chains for at least a few weeks, more than enough time to deal with this situation" the old spirit clearly was not bothered to be explaining the difference between Onigashima and real hell, so he avoided it.

Subsequently, the old man instructed the kushanada and the oni that was not taking care of Tatsuki to do a specific ritual.

A large door similar to the one Ichigo saw all that long ago when he defeated Shrieker appeared, and chains materialised around all togabito in the battlefield. Soon the chains started to pull towards the door, and they all were dragged toward the door screaming and kicking, not even a minute after the door had opened, no togabito remained on the battlefield and the door dissipated.

"That…. was quite the striking image" Ichigo commented as the image of millions of individuals being crammed in a single, large but not large enough for millions gate.

. . .

Human world, some forest

. . .

Aizen was limping around the woods bleeding, he felt frail as he was being forced to use all his reishi to stop the wound from worsening and to recuperate the blood that did not stop bleeding.

The wound he received from Gin was anything but simple, even if it had failed in piercing his heart, it was still going to kill him, every moment he was wasting all his energy on keeping the wound at bay and healing damage, or he would die.

Due to this situation, Aizen was powerless and could not muster a single bit of spiritual energy to cast any kidou, shunpo or anything, he was completely powerless, he had been for the last weeks this way.

"Damm… My plan… My army… The hogyoku… Even my zanpakuto… I have lost everything… and now I am here… limping in the human world… Damnit! I was so close, soo much close, I had victory in my hand, nothing could go wrong, everything was planned, all was going according to plan, but… But... why?" Aizen cursed in a loud voice even if nobody could have heard him, clearly very shaken by his plan failing, even more so for a reason, he does not understand even now.

"Aizen-sama, that is very easy, giggle It was because I was not there to aid you giggle, nobody really wanted to aid you giggle, they only wanted to use you Aizen-sama giggle, but do not worry, I care about you, I want you, I will aid you, I love you Aizen-sama giggle"

Aizen whole body went cold with sweat as he heard that voice, terror like no one he had ever felt was permeating in every single part of his being, that was a familiar voice, a voice that was very familiar to him, that of the woman who adored him as a god, the woman he forsook, the most puppet of his puppets, to be used and discarded at his discretion, but at the same time it sounded different, it no longer sounded like the voice of a puppet, but that of a predator, no, that is no correct, Aizen though, It is not like of a predator, It is not even that of a hungry hollow while devouring their former family as all hollows tended to try to do first, it is worse, it sounded like the voice of a broken puppet which has been broken an abandoned, one that will wrap her former puppeteer in her broken strings, reversing the one that is puppet and the one that is puppeteer.

As Aizen was thinking that, she finally ended her talking and Aizen felt as he was suddenly embraced from behind, but it was not the type of embrace a lover will give, not the one a parent would give, neither the embrace of a friend, no, it was the one a child would give his toys in a possessive manner as if to make clear to other kids that the toy was their property, a very possessive hug, then he spoke a single word, "Hinamori"

Aizen then tensed when he heard a voice in his right ear as it was whispered, "Correct, Aizen-sama, your Hinamori has returned to you, even if you don't want me, that can't be, I know you just wanted to keep me safe, to not involve me, but I can't allow that any longer Aizen-sama, you need me, you love me, It is just that you do not realise it yet, the reality, you are very intelligent Aizen-sama, soo much that you have forgotten reality, but I can help you, I have advanced and gained the power my heart desired, a power similar to Aizen-sama power, sure because We MUST love each other, giggle, It is a power that allows others to see reality, MY reality, usually only temporally, but for the person I love…" Aizen suddenly sensed as a blade pierced him from behind, impaling his heart before exiting in the front, "but for you Aizen-sama, I can make it permanent, so you see reality"… a sudden true storm of reishi started circulating the blade impaling Aizen before he could hear… "Ban-Kai", then all was black for him, as he lost consciousness.

Author end note

Yep, Momo archived bankai and her bankai is a little different than it should have been if she had not snapped completely as I made her snap, It is a bankai that is similar to Aizen's shikai but a bit different, while Aizen's allows to trick the 6 senses to make others see what he sees, Momo's tricks the victim consciousness to believe what she believes to be reality, it does not change what they see or what they sense any way, but if for example, she thinks that Aizen loves her and uses this on Aizen, that becomes the new reality for Aizen, it is capable of replacing the reality inside other people's minds with her own twisted version of reality, and while this is temporally, only active as long as she is in a certain radius of them and in bankai, she has the ability to make the center of her reality be affected in a permanent manner, by impaling his heart, essentially what she just did, now if Aizen had been stabbed while he was under his perfect captain persona, that would have become his true personality for that was reality as far as Momo was aware, but now Momo has a very twisted image of Aizen, and that Aizen just become the real Aizen inside Aizen's head, that is the reason Momo's bankai is even more terrifying than Aizen's, Aizen's makes you see a different reality outside, while Momos changes you to fit a different reality inside, you can strategize around Aizen's to some degree, but you can't with Momo's, It changes the real you to her vision of you. So now Aizen does not exist anymore, if a normal use of this ability he would still exists as he would return when she deactivates it, but her special ability to make it permanent does it so, by actually erasing the old personality and creating a new one, that is the reason it is permanent, and why it is needed to pierce the heart, if that was not all, a piece of her zanpakuto's bankai will always remain in Aizen, changing him further the moment she starts to percieve him differently.