
Grace and the King

In the seedy town of New Port, danger lurks around every corner, and none are more notorious than the ruthless gangster known as the King. Grace Brennan is a struggling waitress trying to make ends meet and support her family in this dangerous world. When she is offered a job as a waitress at a high-stakes dinner party hosted for the mafia's King, she sees it as a chance to earn some much-needed money. Little does she know that the dangerously handsome King, Victor Bernardi, has set his sights on her. Victor is a man who always gets what he wants, and he wants Grace. As the night wears on, the tension between them grows, and Grace finds herself caught up in a dangerous game with no clear way out. With every move she makes, Grace is drawn deeper into the underworld of New Port and closer to the enigmatic King. As their paths intertwine, Grace is forced to confront her own desires and the dangerous world that surrounds her. Can she resist the King's charms, or will she be swept up in his deadly embrace?

angel_griesel · Urban
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44 Chs

4| Small fish in a big pond

Grace didn't have time to worry about what would happen today when she showed up at the bar. No, she had spent all night worrying about that. Right now she had her reality and personal hell to face. She got out of bed heading into the bathroom so she could shower and wash her hair before everyone else got up. After her shower, she dressed in dark denim jeans and a gray tank top. Fear of the unknown had caused unease to bubble at the surface within her. Pushing her anxiety to the side she stuck her head into Debbie, her sister, room.

"Time to get up Debs," She said flicking on the light switch illuminating the pink room.

Debbie moaned wanting a few extra hours but she knew better than to complain as Grace exited the room and did the same in her brother Owen's room. Once she was confident that both her siblings were awake she went down to the kitchen to start breakfast. The empty fridge stared back at her, she sighed taking out the three eggs and four pieces of bread that lay on the barren shelf of the refrigerator. Another day she would go without breakfast. She knew it wouldn't last long until she passed out from lack of food. She couldn't keep fighting the hunger pains that fought against her stomach lining. As she waited for the stove to warm up she put the money from last night into an envelope along with the electric bill, keeping a hundred out so she could get some food after work for the house.

"Morning Grace," Owen said coming down the stairs with a backpack on.

"Morning" She mumbled handing him the envelope "for the electric"

"Okay," He nodded sitting on one of the stools as Grace went back to the stove cracking the eggs into the pan.

"Grace we're out of shampoo again" Debbie complained coming down the stairs to the small kitchen with her son in her arms.

"I'll get it after work" Grace confirmed as she scrambled the eggs in the pan on the stove.

"How much did you make last night Debs?" Owen asked as he began toasting the bread

"Fifty" Debbie sighed putting her son Liam down in his high chair as Grace dished eggs. "I need to give it to the daycare today" She added

"I'm cutting Mrs. Fitzgeralds' grass today so that's twenty bucks," Owen said marking it down on the calendar

"Hopefully my tips won't be too bad" Grace added as she handed her sibling each a plate with eggs and bread before giving one to Liam and kissing him on the head.

The redheaded two-year-old smiled up at her making her heart melt slightly.

"When is the gas bill due?" She asked looking at Owen

"Three days. We need another two hundred" He sighed

"We'll get it," Grace said as they began to eat, the smell of the food making her stomach rumble "I need to go, I can't miss the bus," She said grabbing her jacket and bag. "Have a good day" She smiled at her siblings

"Wait aren't you having breakfast?" Debbie asked

"There's not enough and I'm going to be late," Grace said quickly running out the door before they could stop her.

She walked the three blocks to the bus stop just as it stopped, she hopped on showing the driver her card. She took a seat at the back as he pulled away. Grace stared out the window hoping and praying that things would be fine and that the mafia king wouldn't show up today but that was unlikely.

After two bus rides and four blocks of walking Grace found herself in front of the bar she looked at the tinted windows and neon sign that read 'Bernardi's' before she entered. She didn't know what she was expecting but it was just a normal bar. Across from the door stood the bar counter with stools lined up, there was a small dance floor and tables and chairs scattered around. Some pictures hung on the brick walls, and in the corner on an elevated platform sat a golden chair, a throne was more likely a better description.

"You must be Grace," a man with sand-colored hair and blue eyes said from behind the bar counter

"Yes," She nodded looking at him.

"I'm Calvin, Mr. Bernardi asked me to show you around," He said giving her a warm smile. Some of the tension in her was released as Calvin motioned for her to follow him to a back room. "This is your locker," He said giving her a key, "service starts at ten but it doesn't get busy until sunset. We close at two am" He explained as they walked down the hall to the kitchen. He introduced Grace to everyone and by the time service started she breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone smiled at her warmly and they were friendly. Calvin helped her wipe down tables before they opened. If things carried on the way they were going she thought she could actually enjoy working here.

The day passed quickly and before she knew it, the sun had already set. Grace had learned fairly quickly but she had been waitressing since she was fifteen so she was used to it by now. Just as Calvin said, the bar became busier at sunset, a lot of the tables she served were mafia, and she could see that from a mile away. The customers didn't dwell much on her for which she was grateful, a few would strike up conversations with her but the rest of the time she took their orders and delivered their drinks. Most of these mafia men tipped decently. By the time eight o'clock hit, she was thankful that the king had not yet come in. Calvin told her that he only came in sometimes but she couldn't help checking the door every so often.

Victor was a busy man and being back in New Port meant that he had more business to attend to. After his final meeting for the day he made his way to the bar, a drink was what he needed but he'd be lying if he said he wasn't looking forward to seeing the brown-haired beauty that captured his attention yesterday. Walking into the bar his eyes spotted her as soon as he opened the door. The room went quiet for a moment as everyone looked at the king before going back to their conversations. Grace turned from the table she was busy serving when she spotted Victor looking at her. Without a word or even a nod of acknowledgment Victor walked over to his chair sitting down with his men beside him.

Grace walked nervously to the bar counter not sure what to do.

"Here" Calvin handed her a tumbler of brown liquid which she assumed was whiskey "Give it to him, don't ask questions, don't speak unless spoken to," He said in all seriousness. Grace gulped taking the glass in her hands. She walked over to where Victor sat as his eyes watched her every movement. She stood in front of the two men, the same two from last night. They moved slightly allowing a gap so that she could hand Victor his drink. He took it from her as she turned to walk away.

"Bring the girl to my office," Victor said to one of his men as he got up and walked to the back of the bar, he unlocked the door to his office, he had offices in every building he owned, and it just made his life easier.

He sat down in his leather chair taking a sip of his whiskey, he enjoyed the burn that followed the amber liquid down his throat. There was a slight knock at the door.

"Come" He called, one of his men opened the door ushering Grace inside. Her fear was evident on her face.

"That's all," Victor said dismissing the man. The door clicked closed as Grace kept her eyes on her shoes.

"Sit," He said. Grace moved quickly sitting at a chair in front of his desk, Victor watched as he pictured her naked sitting on his face. "I trust Calvin has shown you everything you need to know?" He asked as Grace kept her head down

"Yes sir" She answered in a small voice, he liked the way the word sir sounded coming from her mouth but he would much rather prefer to hear the way she would scream his name. If he had it his way she would be bent over this table screaming his name as he pounded into her but that could wait. Victor Bernardi always got what he wanted and he would get that too. Taking out a pen and piece of paper from his draw he wrote a number of her salary down and handed it to her. Grace looked at the paper as her head shot up in surprise.

"You'll be paid every two weeks, Calvin will pay you. Any tips you make will be yours to keep. You're not allowed to fuck the customers unless I tell you to." He said all business

"I won't be fucking anyone," Grace said softly as a smile played at Victor's lips.

"We'll see about that," He said more to himself than to her "that's all," he said as he watched Grace stand up and walk out of the room.