
Grace and the King

In the seedy town of New Port, danger lurks around every corner, and none are more notorious than the ruthless gangster known as the King. Grace Brennan is a struggling waitress trying to make ends meet and support her family in this dangerous world. When she is offered a job as a waitress at a high-stakes dinner party hosted for the mafia's King, she sees it as a chance to earn some much-needed money. Little does she know that the dangerously handsome King, Victor Bernardi, has set his sights on her. Victor is a man who always gets what he wants, and he wants Grace. As the night wears on, the tension between them grows, and Grace finds herself caught up in a dangerous game with no clear way out. With every move she makes, Grace is drawn deeper into the underworld of New Port and closer to the enigmatic King. As their paths intertwine, Grace is forced to confront her own desires and the dangerous world that surrounds her. Can she resist the King's charms, or will she be swept up in his deadly embrace?

angel_griesel · Urban
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44 Chs

34| Soul bound

⚠️ Contains sexual scenes ⚠️

The closer the car got to the hotel the more nervous Grace began to feel, it was still dark so there was no landscape to help distract her, Victor could tell she was nervous by the way her hands trembled as she played with her ring between her fingers. When the car pulled up to the front of the villa, Grace's eyes went wide for a second, it was the nicest house she had ever seen. The driver got out opening the door for Victor, before attending to their bags.

"Welcome to France tesoro," Victor said opening the car door for her.

"Thank you," Grace said looking at the building in front of her.

Victor held out his hand for leading her inside through the double doors that looked like tinted glass. Grace looked around her at the hardwood floors and high ceilings as they entered the open-plan dining area and kitchen, the entire back wall of the living room had been made up of glass and from what she could see in the dark, there was a deck with sun loungers and an infinity pool right of the edge, overlooking, what she imagined was a spectacular view. The dining area was complete with an oak wooden table and velvet gray chairs. There was a north-facing wall with a large marble archway big enough for Grace to see it led to a living room.

"Do you like the house?" Victor asked as he watched Grace look around

"Do you own it?" Grace looked at Victor

"We own it tesoro" Victor squeezed her hand his green eyes warm

"What?" Grace asked shocked

Victor pulled a folded document from his inner jacket pocket, "A wedding gift for you" He handed her the document.

Grace took the paper from him unfolding it, she read the bottom of the page where it said owner and there it stood, Victor Bernardi and Grace Bernardi. Grace folded the paper giving it back to him. "You bought me a house as a wedding gift?" She asked shocked

"Yes," Victor nodded "Do you not like it?" Victor asked concerned as tears fell from her brown eyes.

"No...I" She said bursting out into a sob, Victor's heart clenched as tears fell from her eyes

"We can get a different house Tesoro," Victor said softly pulling her to his chest

"It's not the house" She sobbed

"Then what's wrong?" Victor asked his hand rubbing her hair smoothly

"I didn't get you a wedding present" She cried

Victor let out an amused chuckle "Amore what could you get me that I don't already have?" He asked

"I don't know" She sniffled pulling away from him "I'm sorry," she said wiping her tears with the back of her hand

"What for?" He asked

"For crying on our wedding night," She said with a small smile "and for wetting your shirt" She pointed to the little puddle on his chest

"It's been a long day and this is just a shirt. There is nothing to be sorry about" He assured her

"It has been" Grace agreed "I'd like to go get changed into something more comfortable if that's okay?" She asked

"Sì" Victor said taking her hand, he led her through to the living room which had the same glass wall, with a set of stairs cascading down. Victor led them down a hallway into the double doors at the end. There was a king-sized bed to the right, the entire back wall was made of glass like in the living room, and outside was a terrace. and to the left of the room was a fireplace and two separate doors.

"I asked Debbie to pack for you," Victor said pointing to her suitcase next to the bed.

"That was a terrible idea" Grace laughed

"Why?" Victor smiled at the sound of her laughter

"She probably didn't pack anything but underwear and bikinis" Grace shook her head hoping Debbie wouldn't be that immature.

"I don't see a problem here tesoro" Victor smirked making Grace blush."the bathroom is through there if you need" Victor pointed towards the door closest to the fireplace. Grace nodded with a small smile before taking something to wear from her bag and heading to the bathroom.

Similar to the other rooms, the bathroom too had a glass wall next to the large oval bathtub. There was a large double shower and vanity. Grace changed quickly, cleaning herself up and settling her nerves before going out. Victor stood on the terrace looking out into the dark of the night his mind far away until he heard Grace clear her throat from behind him. He turned to face her and if he had a glass in his hand he'd have dropped it. His eyes hungrily drank her in as she stood in a short sheer night dress that made a deep V down her chest, a deep pink color set in her cheeks as she walked up to him stopping a few inches in front of him. There weren't many things that Victor felt his heart rate speed up for but as Grace stood on her toes placing a soft kiss on his lips, his heart hammered in his chest. Wrapping his arm around her waist he kissed her back slowly and delicately as if she would break at any moment.

Grace looked at Victor, his green eyes burning with intensity as his arm firmly held her body against his, her hands resting on his chest "we don't have to do anything you don't want to do" He assured her, his deep voice low.

"I know," Grace said softly "I want to" those three words were all it took. His mouth was on hers again, hungry for her kiss. His free hand gripped the back of her bare thigh as he lifted her. She wrapped her legs around his waist as Victor carried them into the bedroom, sitting down on the bed with her straddling him. His kiss was urgent as his hand tangled into her pushing her closer to his kiss. She kissed him back with her own urgency, her heart thumping quickly in the confinement of her chest as her fingers worked flimsily undoing the buttons of his white dress shirt before pushing it down his tattooed shoulders.

Victor pulled away from the kiss, looking at Grace whose hungry brown eyes matched his emerald ones. His hands worked quickly down the sides of her body to the hem of the short night dress she wore. Lifting it over her body before throwing it down beside his shirt. In a swift movement, he flipped her around, laying her down gently on her back with him on top of her between her legs, balancing his weight on his arms as his mouth met her again with a vengeance as if the short time he'd spent away from the kiss left him starving for more.

Grace let out a soft moan as Victor pushed up against her. His bare chest on hers, tingled as their skins touched. Exploring her body his hands moved down her arms to her breasts as his lips wandered down her jaw into the crook of her neck. Her hands moved as if they had a mind of their own as they undid his belt.

"Grace," Victor said, his voice laced with desire as he helped her remove his pants, throwing them to the floor and then doing the same with her panties until they both lay naked against each other.

"Yes?" Grace whispered as his fingers ran through her slit making her moan. She peeked down gasping softly as she saw Victor's now hard member "it isn't going to fit" She looked at him with a panicked expression on her face.

"It will fit tesoro," He said with a smirk before his lips met one of her breasts, taking her erect nipple into his mouth. His tongue swirled around it earning small moans from her before moving on and doing the same with the next one.

"Victor" She moaned desperately making him smirk. Bringing his lips up to hers he kissed her once more as he positioned himself.

Grace had long forgotten her nervousness as she felt him at her entrance that now felt warm and moist. Her body burned with desire for him. "Grace?" He looked at her, his eyes serious "we can stop any time you want, just say the word and I'll stop no questions asked"

"Okay" Grace nodded seeing the sincerity in his eyes.

He kissed her again, slowly pushing into her. Grace let out a painful gasp digging her fingernails into his back, he stopped for a moment as Grace breathed. "Do you want me to stop?" He asked his green eyes concerned almost as if it pained him to see her in pain. Which if you'd say it out loud Victor would deny but he couldn't deny to himself that seeing her in pain wrenched his heart.

"No" Grace shook her head bringing her lips up to his Victor moved slowly in and out of her. The pain lasted longer than she thought it would but soon the feeling began to change as she moved her hips with his meeting his slow thrusts. Victor let out a small gasp, all this time he'd wanted her, in every single way. He'd imagined many nights what it'd be like inside of her. He brought his hands to her hips and thrust deeper into her. Her moans became louder as Victor watched all signs of pleasure run through her brown eyes as he looked at her.

Grace moaned as the heat began to build within her core. Pleasure took over all her senses and the feel of Victor's skin on her intoxicated her to the point of no return as she felt herself building. She moaned his name causing him to push into her slightly harder, the pain and the pleasure mixing as her whole body caught on fire, his touch and the feel of him inside of her causing a euphoria that engulfed all of her needs.

Her whole being was surrendered to him in this moment she was at his will. The ecstasy that swam through her veins surrendered her to him, mind body, and soul. She was his here, now, forever. She had given her most virtuous parts to him. She had given him her innocence, he had a part of her no one has ever had before and he knew it as well as she did. And just as she'd given herself to him, Victor knew that she had captured parts of him no person has had either. She did things and made him feel things no woman has done before. He was hers as much as she was his. At this moment they both knew what they meant to each other. There was a connectedness that held them, an invisible string tied around each of their souls bounding them to each other.

Victor intertwined his hand in hers as he felt her begin to close around him, becoming tighter than he thought possible. With a loud moan, she had come undone below him as he felt her juices coat him and her body tremble. It didn't take much more than that to send him over the edge into climax burying his face into the crook of her neck as he spilled over inside of her, Grace could feel his heart beating rapidly along with her own as his movements slowed and eventually stopped. They lay just like that for a moment soaking up the feel of each other in their post-orgasmic state. Neither of them said a word, their hearts communicating anything that needed to be said as they beat together simultaneously.