
Grace and the King

In the seedy town of New Port, danger lurks around every corner, and none are more notorious than the ruthless gangster known as the King. Grace Brennan is a struggling waitress trying to make ends meet and support her family in this dangerous world. When she is offered a job as a waitress at a high-stakes dinner party hosted for the mafia's King, she sees it as a chance to earn some much-needed money. Little does she know that the dangerously handsome King, Victor Bernardi, has set his sights on her. Victor is a man who always gets what he wants, and he wants Grace. As the night wears on, the tension between them grows, and Grace finds herself caught up in a dangerous game with no clear way out. With every move she makes, Grace is drawn deeper into the underworld of New Port and closer to the enigmatic King. As their paths intertwine, Grace is forced to confront her own desires and the dangerous world that surrounds her. Can she resist the King's charms, or will she be swept up in his deadly embrace?

angel_griesel · Urban
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44 Chs

21| Should love not be for all?

Grace sat quietly at dinner, listening alongside Victor as Gloria babbled on about her new neighbors, what she did for fun, and how well her tomatoes had been growing. None of these things interested Victor in the slightest but alas it was his mother's passions and so he listened on with the occasional 'Hmmm' and 'Ah' thrown in there.

"It's a pity that Vincent can't be here, Anton wanted to meet him," Gloria said as she finished her dinner

"Who is Anton?" Victor looked at his mother

"Well, Anton is the man I've been seeing for the past few months" Gloria looked at her son with the same stubborn look he had on his face.

"And when were you planning on telling me this?" He asked sounding more like her boss than her son.

"I do not need to report my life to you Victor. I am your mother, not your employee" Gloria snapped "As for my relationship with Anton, it has been twelve years since your father passed and it is within my right to move on"

"Perhaps so mother but it does concern me when new people are coming into this family, or has what we do for a living evaded you?" Victor spat.

"I have been around for longer than you think Victor. I know what needs to be done and what does not. If and when I am ready you shall know but for now, Anton and I are seeing each other and he and his son will be here for dinner tomorrow" Gloria said standing up. "You're not the only one allowed to fall in love" She turned on her heel heading up the stairs. Victor stood for a moment with rage boiling in his blood. Lunging a wine glass across the room before storming off the same way his mother went. Grace sat at the table, shocked at what had just happened, she felt as though that was a moment she had intruded on. She got up gathering the plates before taking them over to the kitchen, going through the cupboards she found a broom to clean up the broken glass before she began washing the dishes. She didn't realize it but she missed doing normal things. Now all she did was sit in that big house waiting for Victor to pay her attention.

"Don't worry about that dear" Gloria said coming into the kitchen a moment later

"It's alright I'm almost done" Grace smiled

"I'm afraid my son has his father's temper" Gloria sighed grabbing a dish towel and began drying off as Grace washed "They always think they're entitled to every part of their woman"

"I think this is how he shows he cares," Grace said softly

"The Bernardi men don't know how to express anything but anger so I don't believe you're wrong" Gloria smiled

"May I ask what happened to your husband?"

"The Demani's" Gloria looked out of the window her eyes growing dark.

"I'm sorry," Grace said softly not wanting to hear the rest of the story.

"Victor cares for you," Gloria said more to herself

"I don't know if that's the word I'd use"

"He brought you here didn't he?" Gloria raised a brow "If he didn't care, I believe you'd be dead by now"

"I suppose" Grace shrugged

"He wasn't born like this, most of it was taught. He is the way he is because that is his instinct. He used to be a very soft child. Loving and caring but he was the eldest and in this family, the eldest has the responsibility to continue the line and the work." Gloria sighed "as will your children"

"I don't know..." Grace started

"You will bare his children" Gloria looked at her. "He has chosen you Grace, you don't get out of this. You must accept your fate. It is not an easy one but it must be done. If you want to survive, you must learn to be his queen"

Gloria's words had sent chills down Grace's spine. She knew she would never get away from Victor or this life but Gloria confirming it made everything so very official and Grace didn't even know how to start.

"When you are ready to admit things to yourself, you'll be able to admit it to him too dear" Gloria smiled "Now go get some sleep."

Grace said goodnight, suddenly nervous remembering she'd be sleeping next to Victor tonight. She entered the room, where Victor lay on the bed in a pair of boxer shorts, Grace held her breath at the sight of his tattooed shirtless body, muscles lining his arms. Victor looked at her as the heat rose to her cheeks. His black hair was wet from a shower Grace was assuming. His green eyes looked at her amused. Taking a deep breath and trying to ignore the ache in her core she went over to her bag to get her nightdress and some clean underwear before having her shower. When she was done she pulled on the hem of the champagne-colored silk dress wishing it was longer before going to the bedroom. Victor's green eyes watched her as she closed her bag before moving to the other side of the bed and climbing under the covers. She turned her back towards him hoping he wouldn't tempt her tonight.

"What are you doing?" Victor asked

"Sleeping" She replied not looking at him.

"Very funny" Victor rolled his eyes

Grace turned over looking at him annoyed "Please don't shoot your mother's boyfriend tomorrow"

Victor raised a brow at her request "It depends if he's the perfect gentleman or not"

"That's rich" Grace scoffed earning her a warning glare from those immaculate emeralds.

"Do you have something to say, Grace?" Victor asked, his tone lethal

"No" Grace shook her head as her heart rate spiked.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes sir" She breathed

"Good girl" He smirked causing the ache in Grace's core to return, suddenly her body craving his touch.

"Victor?" She said softly looking at him.

"Yes, Grace?" He asked raising a brow

"Remember what you said earlier about me not losing my virginity today?" She blushed

"Yes?" Victor asked suppressing a smile

"Well, when exactly will that be happening?"

This time Victor couldn't help but laugh at her innocence "why are you asking?"

"Just curious" She barely whispered as his body moved closer to hers. Victor ran his index finger along her jaw down her neck savoring the soft feel of her skin

"I don't believe you," he said kissing her lips softly

"You're unbelievable" Grace snapped pushing Victor's hand away from her "You're one to talk about me tempting you, the only one being tempted here is me!" She sat up, anger and frustration fueling her words "you tell me I drive you insane. Yet you're the one teasing me and making me want to implode with every touch, you leave aching and needing after you."

"Are you done?" Victor raised a brow as Grace breathed heavily, she nodded her head not sure of what to say. In hindsight perhaps snapping at the king of the most powerful mafia in the world was not her best idea however she'd already done it so despite the voice in her head telling her that she was an idiot and the fear that quickened her heart beat at the sight of those emerald eyes turning dark, there was no going back now. She had signed, sealed and delivered herself on a silver platter and all she'd have to do was wait for the king to punish her for her disrespect.