
Grace and the King

In the seedy town of New Port, danger lurks around every corner, and none are more notorious than the ruthless gangster known as the King. Grace Brennan is a struggling waitress trying to make ends meet and support her family in this dangerous world. When she is offered a job as a waitress at a high-stakes dinner party hosted for the mafia's King, she sees it as a chance to earn some much-needed money. Little does she know that the dangerously handsome King, Victor Bernardi, has set his sights on her. Victor is a man who always gets what he wants, and he wants Grace. As the night wears on, the tension between them grows, and Grace finds herself caught up in a dangerous game with no clear way out. With every move she makes, Grace is drawn deeper into the underworld of New Port and closer to the enigmatic King. As their paths intertwine, Grace is forced to confront her own desires and the dangerous world that surrounds her. Can she resist the King's charms, or will she be swept up in his deadly embrace?

angel_griesel · Urban
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44 Chs

15| Meetings and Greetings

⚠️ contains sexual scenes ⚠️

"Sir?" One of Victor's men cleared his throat, pulling away from the kiss Victor looked over at the man, irritation clear on his face. His arms were still around Grace's waist as her hands rested on his chest.

"What?" He asked

"McCullough is in your office along with Vincent," the man reported

"I'll be up in a minute," Victor said as the man turned to leave, he looked at Grace once more the urge to kiss her again pulled at him but he knew if he gave in to his wants he wouldn't stop. Running his thumb over her now pink cheeks, "Go back to the party and try to have fun," He said softly before turning to leave.

Grace stood for a moment, unable to wrap her head around what just happened. All the heat had disappeared as Victor walked away, and she touched her lips gently, remembering the kiss they had just shared. Regardless of how completely euphoric that kiss was, Grace found her thoughts to be more confusing than they were before. Victor wanted her loyalty, but how did she give that to him? She certainly didn't trust the mafia king, and she was still deathly afraid of him, but the part of him that she had seen tonight was nothing as she expected. He was different, he was incredible, and dare she say it, he was soft. Pushing the thoughts aside, she headed inside. Regardless of the fear that coiled within her, every time she thought about Victor, she couldn't help the butterflies that arose in her stomach or the smile that made its way to her lips.

As for Victor, the only thing he could think about was getting back to Grace, he hardly heard what McCullough was saying, as he sat in his chair thinking of the way Grace's lips felt on his.

"...he's been hiding with the Demani gang," McCullough stated, bringing Victor's attention back to the conversation. Victor looked at the overweight redheaded man as fury boiled in his blood.

"Are you sure?" Victor sat forward. If what McCullough was saying was true, he needed to get to Frank immediately.

"Yes sir, Mac saw it with his own eyes,"

"Fuck" Victor snapped, there was no way the Demani's would hand frank over willingly. The Bernardi and Demani had been rivals since before Victor was born, if they knew Victor was after Frank they would use him to start a war.

"There's something else sir..." McCullough said nervously

"What?" Victor asked, he couldn't imagine that it would get any worse.

"They've been looking for Grace" as McCullough finished his sentence pure rage ran straight through Victor, so much so that he had a hard time keeping calm

"Why?" Vincent asked now for the first time.

"I'm not sure" McCullough looked at Vincent, "perhaps they're aware that you've claimed her?" He looked at Victor

"No" Victor stood "They wouldn't be stupid enough to look for her if they know I've claimed her. That would be asking for a war"

"Sir, perhaps she's one of them," McCullough said sheepishly.

"She is not!" Victor snapped, the venom in his tone matching the murderous look in his eyes "Go back to the party and keep this to yourself"

"Yes sir," McCullough said quickly heading for the door.

"The girl is a problem now," Vincent said a bit too condescendingly "Luckily I've been getting close to her sister and I don't believe McCullough's theory of her being part of the Demani gang"

"I do not doubt that this is Frank Brennan's doing," Victor said deep in thought

"Perhaps we can lure him out using the girl" Vincent shrugged

"She will not be bait" Victor snapped

"Well, we don't have a lot of options Victor. You need to put your feelings aside and focus!" Vincent snapped "think about it. It's the easiest option" He turned to leave the office as Victor sat back down in his chair processing the information.

Vincent knew Victor all too well but since the girl had been here, he had noticed the change in his brother and he just hoped he'd do the right thing for the business. As he came down the stairs he spotted Debbie, he didn't mind her company and he always enjoyed a conversation with a beautiful woman and the eighteen-year-old brunette was beautiful and so was her sister, he could understand his brother's obsession.

"Hello there gorgeous" He smiled charmingly at her.

"Hi" Debbie blushed, Vincent was incredibly handsome, and she couldn't help but let him entertain her.

"How about we take a walk?" He asked offering up his arm

"Sounds lovely" She smiled linking her arm to his.

The two walked out into the garden, and for just two days' work, the staff had set it up beautifully.

"Are you having a good time?" Vincent asked as they walked

"Surprisingly I am." Debbie smiled meeting his green eyes "Grace is too which is even more surprising"

"It is?" Vincent asked

"Yeah, she doesn't get out much" Debbie sighed "Well ever really, I don't think she has friends besides me and Owen"

"Has she always kept to herself?"

"Mostly, she had a few friends when we were kids but then Norma got sick and left, and not long after that so did Frank"

"Do you guys have contact with Frank at all?" Vincent pried

"No, frank usually just finds us when he needs something"

"Well that's nasty" Vincent sighed as he stopped walking when they reached the water fountain.

Debbie turned to look at the feature that sparkled with fairy lights, she smiled at the beauty of it.

"Debra?" Vincent asked looking at her

"Yes?" She turned to look at him being met with the intensity of his green eyes

"Would it be okay if I kissed you?" Vincent asked

"Yes," Debbie blushed deeply.

Within a moment Vincent's lips found hers, she moaned softly as his tongue traced her bottom lip begging for an entrance to which she accepted. The pair stood kissing as their tongues danced for dominance above the others. Vincent's hands traveled down cupping Debbie's ass with a small squeeze before his lips traveled down her neck making her moan. Debbie couldn't help the wetness that puddled between her legs, she tangled her fingers into his lush black hair, pushing her body into his as her nipples stood up rubbing against the fabric of her bra. Vincent moved his hands to her hips as his right hand found the slit in her dress. Debbie opened her legs slightly allowing Vincent access. His hand traveled between her legs rubbing circles above her underwear as Debbie moaned craving his touch.

"Have you ever heard the name Demani?" Vincent asked between kisses

"No" Debbie moaned out

"Good girl," Vincent said moving her panties to the side as he entered his middle finger inside of her "You're so fucking wet" He moaned as his finger pumped in and out of her, causing sloppy moans to escape Debbie's mouth.

Right here, this is exactly where he wanted Debbie, needing and wanting after him. After all, Vincent was a man who got what he wanted by any means necessary. Having Debbie on his side would prove beneficial when a war came, and if Victor couldn't get Grace's loyalty, at least Vincent would have leverage.