
A new king is named

Two weeks later great sept of Baelor

Stefan's POV

'Gods it's finally happening' those were my thoughts seeing Margaery walking towards me being led by her father, and my goodness did she look beautiful in that dress of hers.

Once she climbed the steps and was standing before me, her father took the Tyrell cloak from her shoulders, "You may now cloak the bride, and bring her under your protection my prince" hearing that I placed the cloak my mother gave game over Margaery's shoulders making them slump down a little at the heavyweight placed upon her, once that was done the High Septon started saying a speech I didn't bother listening to instead I decided to focus on my soon to be wife.

I am brought out of my thoughts when the High Septon tells me to cloak the bride and bring her under my protection, doing that he asks for both me and Margaery to extend our hand forward, once we do he proceeds to tie a ribbon around our hands, saying "In the sight of the seven, I hereby seal these two souls, binding them as one for eternity. Look upon one another and say the words", "Father, Smith, Warrior, Mother, Maiden, Crone, Stranger. I am his/hers, and she/he is mine from this day until the end of my days", finishing those words the Septon says "Curse those who would tear them apart, you may now kiss the bride" finishing his words I kiss Margaery with as much love and passion I can muster, once we separate the entirety of the crowd claps and cheers, none more than my father who told me before how happy he was that I could marry the woman I loved.

One hour later gardens still Stefan's POV

'I swear by the seven if any more lords try and gain my favor I might just kill someone' were my thoughts as Lord Mace gifted me a huge chalice, a useless gift if you ask me, but still I was a prince and had to act like it "Thank you my lord I'll make sure to drink as much as I can from this beautiful gift" making Lord Tyrell puff out his chest as if he was given the highest honor in the world, for some reason the Lord's from the Riverlands, Westerlands, the Vale, the North and the Iron Islands were not here, while the first three were not here due to my grandfather attacking the Riverlands making the North ride to help the Tully's in their endeavor, the Iron Islands were obviously not here due to all the bad blood, but I couldn't figure out while the Vale wasn't here, 'didn't they know of my relationship with Jon Arryn?', you would think that they would come here not only because of that but the Vale was one of my fathers most loyal supporters.

"Bah, that bloody kingslayer what made him attack Ned now he can't be here and drink with me" were my father's words, making me sigh and remind him "You know why father his wife kidnapped my uncle under the pretense of trying to murder her son and instead of bringing him here to face justice for crimes he didn't commit she took him to the Vale which is probably why the Vale lords aren't here now", " You should have her executed father she harmed a Lannister" were Joffrey's words who still had the purple eye I gave him, after I found out about his stupidity in Castle Darry, "Shut it boy, she's the daughter of Hoster Tully and wife of the Kings Hand if I execute her for a mistake the whole realm would rise up in rebellion" was my fathers actually smart answer, making Joffrey huff and turn around in embarrassment.

"On a better note, it's time I give you my gift Stefan" standing up my father goes around his table to stand in front of me while ordering his squires Lancel and Tyrek to bring forth a large crate, placing it in front of me, father beckons me over, which I gladly oblige opening the crate I can see a new antlered helmet much better looking than the last one I had, it was a shiny silver color with a liftable visor, but the best part were the antlers because unlike the ones on my last helmet that were made from steel, these ones were real antlers, and I'm pretty sure these antlers come from a giant stag I killed weeks ago, "Thank you father it's perfect, who made it?" "Some smith from Qohor I invited here, as is tradition all Baratheon's get an antlered helmet once they kill a suitable stag" hugging my father and thanking him we both retake our seats not without ordering Gendry to place it next to the other gifts.

Even though I would've wanted to receive gifts from the thunder brigade, all of them except Brienne were in the Riverlands hunting down the mountain.

Next to give me a gift was prince Oberyn who came up to me and Margaery laying a silver statue, of a stag running on a field of roses, he also handed me a book of poisons how to make them and their antidotes "I thank you for this gift prince Oberyn I'll make sure to read it the moment I have time" nodding at that the red viper goes back to his seat, giving Ser Loras a lecherous gaze while doing so.

Margaery POV

It's all perfect, the food was incredible, and so was the entertainment, and thankfully the king allowed for me and Stefan to give the leftovers to the people of king's landing.

But now the part I dreaded most came when the little prick Joffrey stood up saying that a wedding wasn't finalized until there was a bedding ceremony, making me shiver in disgust, seemingly noticing this Stefan stood up "While it's true that the marriage isn't official until the beding I believe both me and Margaery can walk ourselves to our room, after all it wouldn't be appropriate if I caved someones skull on my wedding day" finishing that everybody laughed at that, so now that I wouldn't have to be touched by smelly old men, Stefan offered me his arm, taking it we started walking towards our new room. and Just like that the wedding was consummated and I had the best night of my life

Next morning Stefan's room still same POV

Waking up I find myself lying my head on Stefan's chest with our legs tangled, giggling a little I wake up Stefan with a kiss on the lips "Morning husband" opening his eyes Stefan responds "Morning wife" laughing a little at our cheesy greeting, I stand up from the bed heading towards my new closet where all my clothes were placed, while Stefan does the same smacking me on the ass before he even starts grabbing clothes.

Stefan's POV

Two days after my wedding I was rushing towards my fathers chambers after Renly told me how father was injured during the hunt. Arriving at the chamber the smell of death fills my nostrils, in the room I could see Tommen and Myrcella hugging mother crying while doing so, Joffrey just cried alone in the corner while Lord Stark was seated on my fathers right side rushing towards the other side I grab my fathers hand "Father what happened, you've hunted in the woods all your life" "I missed my thrust and the bloody boar managed to get his tusk in my belly, but I got him good put my dagger through his eye" "Father you can't die yet I'm not ready to be king, not with this war going on" "Don't say that boy, you've been ruling the kingdoms for years, you'll be a much better king than I ever was, I'm sorry I didn't spend more time with you, I was a horrible father, thank the gods Jon was there to help you, I love you don't forget that, now leave I have to talk to Ned" crying a lot, I leave the room along with the rest of the people previously inside.

Before anything else I got down on my knees hugging both Myrcella and Tommen to my chest to try and ease their pain, "Papa no not papa why does he have to go?, can you help him stay?" asked me a crying Myrcella breaking my heart into little pieces "I'm sorry my love but there's nothing I can do, fathers gone" hearing that both Myrcella and Tommen start crying even harder, "Stefan you need to grieve yourself let me deal with them" hearing my mothers words I stand up ushering Myrcella and Tommen to mother, while I head towards my room.

I enter my room slamming the door behind me, once I hear the audible ¡bang!, I collapse into the ground a crying mess, hearing the door slam Margaery turns towards me seeing me in that state she rushes to me hugging me and whispering sweet words into my ear "MY love what happened?, let me help you" "He's dead Margaery my fathers dead" finishing my proclamation the bells start ringing signifying the death of King Robert Baratheon first of his name.

Next morning throne room


Walking towards the throne room with my remaining household guard and some men of the city watch, I start thinking of the consequences of what I'm about to do.

Once I enter I see Stefan sitting on top of the Iron Throne looking more regal than his father ever did.

"Lord Stark, may I ask why you came into the throne room with armed guards?" hearing that I walk forward with the scroll containing Robert's las words, "Ser Barristan I believe no one could doubt your words'' handing him the scroll Barristan starts "King Rober's real undone" widening his eyes Ser Barristan tells Stefan "Your grace it seems your father has named Lord Stark protector of the realm until your next name day" saying that, the queen mother snatches the letter out of Barristan's hands tearing the letter up making Ser Barristan along with everybody else's eyes widen "Is this meant to be your shield Lord Stark Some words on a paper?" "Mother, if my father proclaimed Lord Stark protector of the realm, it will be done plus my name day is in two weeks there is no problem with that." hearing that I widen my eyes and nod, it seems Robert's only son has some common sense.

Author's thoughts

So with this Stefan becomes the new king, and even though he accepted Ned as lord protector it wont be for long after all Cersei always gets her way.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

New chapter for To uphold justice out in a few hours

david_bierzcreators' thoughts
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