
GOT:The Prince who was Promised

This story is unlike any other, Aegon Targaryen Son of Rhaegar Targaryen never got to live the life he was promised…. But what if on that dreadful day instead of killing the poor lad Gregor decided to torture his mother and sister infront of him. Ser Gregor did exactly that, once he was finished he took the boy alive to Robert, who originally wanted him dead, but a man by the name of Eddard Stark convinced them that The wall was better for him. Unknown to anyone at the time Aegon was listening and watching he saw everything from the torture of his family and this discussion. Just a baby that saw to much. From that moment on a warrior was born.

DiabloKun · TV
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3 Chs

Chp 1

I still remember everything from that day, the screams from my mother and sister as that man defiled them, I was just a baby I couldn't do anything.

Instead of killing me afterwards he took me to Robert Baratheon, I should've been killed that day but Lord Eddard Stark convinced Robert to send me to the wall.

Today I'm 13 name days old, it is currently 295 AC.

Ever since I was sent here no one ever gave me orders other than my great uncle Aemon Targaryen.

I personally believe they don't want to cross the red lady's.

Evidently one has been stationed at castle black since the moment I arrived.

On my birthday yesterday Lady Melisandre gave me a sword and said it was mine by birthright.

On the hilt is a dragon the blade has words carved into it that I can't understand.

She also told me that it is my time to journey beyond the wall.

Once again to my surprise no one dares go against her and let's me through the wall.

Now my journey begins.

Lord Commander Mormont also allowed me to take a horse so that's what I did.

I have been alone for almost a year, I wouldn't doubt if they all thought I was dead.

I have seen monsters that most would not believe even if I showed them. I have been wondering around aimlessly.

"Cmon, Roach." I say trying to get my horse to move, though he doesn't and he even backs away nervously.

I hop off of Roach and pull my sword out.

I walk foward with blade in hand ready for anything, as I am walking I almost trip over a stone.

I look back and see a giant stone slab.

'That's odd.'

Why would there be a stone slab here of all places, I start brushing off some of the snow and see some writing on it that I don't recognize.

I lift the slab and flip it over, underneath the slab was a satchel with something in it.

I grab the bag and stick my hand inside. I felt around and found a circular stone of some sort when I pulled it out i was caught off guard.

I look at the giant stone in my hand and feel something unusual.

(Almost 2 times the size as Dany's eggs.)

"A Dragon egg, from the beginning of time." I hear a voice, making me jump up and get in a defensive stance.

I look up and see Melisandre.

'Wait did she say Dragon Egg?'

"What do you mean dra-." Before I could finish she cut me off.

"I will answer all your questions after you deal with them, My Prince." She says.

"Them?" I ask, but soon hear a war cry behind me.

I turn around and see 5 wildlings charging at me.

The closest one ran full speed toward me, I slide foward toward him and swing at his legs, completely severing his legs from his body.

As he was falling I stood up and brought the sword down on his neck, cutting his head off.

The other 4 were easily handled.

"I'm glad to see all the training you went through was worth it." Melisandre says, reminding me of all the Grueling Training I used to do.

She walks foward and looks at the stone.

"What does it say." I ask.

"For the Prince who was promised." She says.

"What does that mean?" I ask still confused.

She reaches over to the stone she said was a egg.

"It also reads this Egg is a gift for The Prince who was promised from Children of the forest." She says.

"Gather the body's." She says.

I do as she says and start putting the body's in a pile.

She starts saying something then out of nowhere the body's caught fire.

"Quickly, cut your hand and let your blood flow on the egg." I hesitate for a second but soon do exactly what she said.

I bring out my knife from my back pocket and slice my palm. The blood starts to flow around the egg.

"Now place the Egg in the fire." She says. I look at her for a second before doing it.

And when I did nothing happened.


30 minutes later.


"What was that?" I ask standing up and looking toward the fire.

I look toward Melisandre and see her smiling.


I look back toward the fire and see a dragon the size of dog walk out of the fire.

(Just imagine a black baby Wyvern)

"My Prince, I must leave you now. I must journey to the different Tribes." She says starting to walk away.

"Wait, I don't even know how to take care of a dragon." I say.

"No one does it's a dragon." She says.

"Wildlings are dangerous at least let me come with you." I say hoping I can stay with her so she can help me with the dragon.

"I will be fine." She says.

"I don't even know what to name him." I say looking at the Dragon.

"Her." She says making me look back at the dragon.

I look back toward Melisandre and notice she is gone.

I feel something brush my leg, I look down and see the dragon rubbing it's head on my thigh.

I crouch down and start to rub its head, I can't help but smile.

"Hello little Rhaenara." I say naming my Dragon after my sister.

I hear something coming toward us. I look up and see a large number of wildlings.

Rhaenara opens her wings as wide as she can and roars.

"The wildlings stop moving and immediately fall to their knees."

'What the fuck?'