
Chapter 86 - Lion Meets Dragon III

But to his surprise, Kinvara squeezed her legs around his waist harder, keeping his almost flaccid length tightly sealed inside her cunt. "Our duty demands we serve the Chosen One—Your need is our honor."

She doesn't seem to be aware of R'hllor's displeasure with me. Joffrey realized and sighed. Getting access to countless beautiful Red Priestesses was a thing to enjoy, but it felt more like a headache. What a mess.

"Only time will tell if this blessing works," Joffrey said and stood up, sliding out of her and getting off the bed to clean up and put on his clothes again.

"The Lord of Light does not lie." Kinvara declared and crawled behind him, standing up to help him get dressed like a good servant. "Your encounter with Daenerys will bring you immense benefits."

"You can see the future?"

"We see them in flames."

Joffrey shrugged at that and wore his surcoat over the tunic. He said nothing beyond that since Kinvara's fanaticism didn't allow her critical thinking. Just like the fanatic Septas and Septons.

A King must have similar fanatics towards him. Joffrey desired; himself as the King, of course.

"Before I leave, tell me, can you help me win Astapor, Meereen, and Yunkai?" He asked.

Kinvara finished wearing her gown too. "If that is your desire, then it is my duty to fulfill."

That's a yes?

"Prepare the pieces for now. I'll tell you when to make the move."

"As you wish, Your Grace."


Daenerys Targaryen waited at the Orange Shore whilst atop her dragon. Alone, aware of the situation she was in, her heart betrayed the stoic expression on her face.

She had said plenty in Meereen, that her goal was to remind Joffrey of his true place. That the crown belonged to her, and that he must kneel to her. But inside her mind, only she knew the true reason. The real purpose of this visit.

"Stay vigilant, Drogon," she murmured, her fingers brushing the sleek scales of her dragon. "I'm both fearful and awestruck by him. How can a single man achieve so much in so little time? How can he command the Seven Kingdoms and bend two Free Cities to his will with such ease?"

The loss of Astapor and Yunkai stung her badly. She wanted to use the three as her base, and the declaration of her prowess. Yet, she ended up being the laughingstock.

"He's here."

Daenerys noticed a lone boat rowing towards the dry, vast stretch of the shore with sand the color of sunset. He noticed the golden blonde hair and the lone figure on it and quickly gathered her thoughts. To show a strong personality fitting a ruler.

She maintained her upright posture on the back of Drogon, wanting to look down at Joffrey. Somewhere in her heart, she knew there were insecurities—the man she wanted to subjugate had already won the Seven Kingdoms. The crown she wanted to wear was already in his possession. All she had was a dragon.


She made Drogon roar towards Joffrey's incoming figure.

He didn't even flinch.

Daenerys frowned seeing his handsome facial features unchanged. His clean face, slightly longer hair, and his muscular build caught plenty of attention from her. The sword hanging by his waist made her wary.

"Halt!" She loudly ordered. "Kneel before your queen, Joffrey Baratheon—Take the oath!"

Why is he smiling?

"Have you reconquered Astapor and Yunkai, my Queen?"

Daenerys felt her breath run faster than her heartbeat. The man continued to approach her as if unafraid of the dragon. She looked at Drogon for a reaction, but to her surprise, the creature was more interested in looking at the flock of birds in the sky than the new man.

Furthermore, his question made her feel nervous and ashamed.

"No, I have not," she answered truthfully.

"Then I cannot kneel, my Queen."

"Then you lied?!" Daenerys bellowed in anger and yanked on Drogon's reins, urging him to lower his great head towards Joffrey. The scorching heat of the dragon's breath sent the false king's garments and hair whipping about him like the winds of a storm. "I grant you but one more chance. Kneel, Joffrey Baratheon, or know the wrath of my dragon, and be reduced to nothing but ash."

Why isn't he scared? H-He's… trying to touch Drogon? Is he mad?

Daenerys watched her 'greatest friend' and the man from the portrait stand so proudly. She had seen the best of men cower before her dragons. Even Ser Barristan was scared. Then why was the young King so… confident?

"It's not that I won't kneel, my Queen. I just can't."


I must not flinch. I must not cower. I must not show fear. Kinvara said to trust the blessing… fuck, the lizard's too big.

Joffrey arrived at the Orange Shore on a large ship, and then he rowed a boat on the shallow waters to reach the land. Even from that distance, he saw the mighty dragon, and knowing it was barely an adult made him fear the Targaryen woman more. There were supposed to be two more of the same giant lizards.

Yes, fire! R'hllor is the Lord of Light, he should have control over Dragon fire too.

He tried to convince himself the whole way that there was no need to fear anything. Proudly, with the dignity of a King, he approached the woman.

I will not bow. Not now, not ever.


Seven hells! I almost fell back on my knees. Joffrey cursed at the dragon's roar. But, he ignored everything and continued to approach until he could see the features of the woman on its back. With her silver hair, pale face, lush lips, and short delicate frame, he liked what he saw. The portraits weren't false.

"Kneel before your queen, Joffrey Baratheon—Take the oath!"

In your dreams. I didn't spill my blood and sweat to gift you my crown.

He slowed his steps, approaching the dragon carefully while defiantly looking up at Daenerys Targaryen. He didn't know much about her, and he didn't trust Varys. The only truth he knew was that Daenerys had no idea or awareness of the reality. She lived in the dream that Westeros awaited her return.

"Have you reconquered Astapor and Yunkai, my Queen?" He asked. Not to belittle her, but to remind her of the difference between them.

"No, I have not."

"Then I cannot kneel, my Queen." He declared and finally came to a halt as Daenerys made her dragon move its head, lowering it right before him. He barely stood tall enough to reach the dragon's snout. She tried to make him kneel again, but he instead raised his hand towards the dragon.


Joffrey held himself upright, knees straight and tight. He felt the dragon put its face close enough for him to reach. He felt the texture of the scales, the overwhelming and imposing air surrounding it.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! I'll die of a heart attack. Its scales… it's so warm?

Hoping this was the magic of R'hllor's blessing, he looked back up towards Daenerys. Only a peek at her face was now in his line of sight.

"It's not that I won't kneel, my Queen. I just can't." He replied, smiling like a noble knight trying to impress a maiden.

"Look behind me at the ship in the distance. My men and many mighty knights of Westeros stand there, watching us through far-eye. The crown and the throne are yours, but you must take it only after getting acknowledged by them—They kneel to me not because they fear me, but because they respect and adore me. If I were to kneel now, they would see you as a usurper and me as a coward unworthy of the Iron Throne. The Starks will never kneel to you, nor will the Westerlands or the Reach."

"I did not journey to this wretched place to endure your lectures, Baratheon. In your veins flows the blood of the usurper—the very murderer of my kin!" Daenerys snapped back, suddenly. Her grip on the reins visibly became stronger.

Is she trying to move her dragon? Joffrey saw her attempts at controlling the dragon. But, to his surprise, the dragon didn't move away from the touch of his palm.

"My Queen," Joffrey shook his head towards her. He addressed her as 'my queen' for he hoped to give her that role one day. "Are you here for vengeance? Or do you seek to claim the throne for yourself? What tales did your brother spin for you? What nonsense have the sycophants whispered in your ear? The truth is, King Arys was a monster—burning nobles like Lord Rickard and Brandon without a second thought! He confined his own wife, Queen Rhaella—your mother—while Kingsguards listened outside Rhaella's bedchamber as she cried as the king raped her. The queen's maids reported seeing scratches, bruises, and bite marks all over her body. Madness had consumed that man, enough that he ordered stores of Wildfire to be placed under the entire King's Landing to 'purify' all!"

Daenerys shook her head the entire time as if refusing to believe him.

"Let's not forget what Rhaegar did—stealing Lyanna Stark, dishonoring her, and leaving her for dead!" Joffrey sneered, knowing only he held the truth but twisted it for his own gain. "My Queen, the Targaryens are a distorted line, known for greatness as much as madness. So tell me, what sort of Targaryen do you wish to be remembered as? A tyrant feared for her dragons? Or a ruler they speak of with trust and love?"


Drogon suddenly let out a big gust of hot air from its nose, as if telling Joffrey that he was crossing a line.

"You refuse to kneel. You insult my lineage and mock my family. Are you truly this foolish, or do you have some misplaced confidence?" Daenerys spat, a sneer curling her lips. "What prevents me from unleashing my dragons upon you? What right do you have to stand—?"

"What right do you have to demand the throne, when your kin has ended bloodlines, destroyed houses, and even tortured their own family?" Joffrey shot back, cutting her off mid-sentence. Then, with a sudden step back, he concealed his hand beneath his cape.


The next moment, Joffrey showed a crown and threw it on the sandy ground.

"Go on, take it," Joffrey sneered, his voice cold and sharp. "Claim the crown and set fire to King's Landing. Sit on the Iron Throne and rule over the ruins, just like your mad father dreamed. The realm will despise you, they'll rise against you—but you'll have your throne—congratulations."

Joffrey started to walk away, hoping that Daenerys would just leave with her dragon. So humiliated that she'd actually try to win over Westeros instead of conquering it. The trick was in the humiliation she faced in Slaver's Bay. He already knew she was chasing accomplishments to strengthen her cause and claim. But currently, Joffrey had more of them than her.

"Burn me if you want, just as your father would." Joffrey kept talking while walking away. "But I won't kneel to you, my Queen—Not before you open your eyes and let go of that misplaced pride."

It was Joffrey's silent challenge to her. That she has to win him to have him kneel and support her claim. That she was still lacking to receive his allegiance.

Not that he was planning to. He just wanted to draw out the situation and delay her journey to the West. He still needed time to finalize some plans before dealing with her dragons and the army.

But he was also delighted. The fact that her life's trajectory had changed from the future he knew meant that she wouldn't have the Dothraki army of a hundred thousand under her.

Let's leave quickly.



What? What was that? He couldn't look back or else it'd ruin the dynamics. He tried to ignore the thuds, likely from the dragon's movement. Almost there. I'll row back… It's coming closer! No, no, no! She'll burn me?


It's growling. Joffrey felt goosebumps all over his body. He forced himself not to shiver in fear or freeze. His hand instinctively went for the sword's hilt.


Where did the blessing go? What's happening?


Joffrey heard Daenerys' voice just then. It was very close. He chose to halt in his steps, just in case she was serious.

"No! Listen to me, Drogon! What are you doing?"

"What?!" Joffrey frowned and finally turned around. "Wha—"


The dragon loomed over Joffrey, glaring down at him while Daenerys on its back tried to control it using the reins. Clearly, it wasn't working.

Is this it? The end for me?

The throaty crackling sound made his heart shudder.


"Fuck!" Joffrey jumped sideways quickly as the dragon's head came down at him at speed.


But just as his feet landed on the side, he realized his body was being pulled up in the air. His cape was in the dragon's jaws, lifting him off the ground.

I'm dead! I'm dead!

"Drogon! Stop this!" Daenerys' panicked commands fell on deaf ears.

Goodbye, Iron Throne. Rot in hell, R'hllor, your blessing was false.



"AH~" Joffrey gasped. The dragon took off into the sky with him still dangling from the cape in its jaw. He saw the ground beneath him grow distant.

He lost all hope. Falling from that height was certain death even if he fell into the water.

It was a risky plan from the beginning. He tried to accept his fate.


But to his utmost confusion, he found a hard surface under his feet again—the dragon's back. He looked down, at Daenerys' ethereal face, her slender, young frame finer than any whore from Lys.

I'm alive?

He rushed to sit down behind Daenerys and wrapped his arms around her waist for safety. He gulped, squeezing her too hard.

"Stop him, Daenerys!"

"I-uh… I'm…" Daenerys groaned, pulling on the reins. "He's not listening!"


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