
Got Stuck in Overlord as a NPC, Now I'm in Sothoryos?!

An Overlord x ASOISAF/GOT Crossover Fanfic What happens when a Theater Kid gets reincarnated as an Angel NPC in the DMMO-RPG, YGGDRASIL? What would be his fate if he got transported into another 'New World'? Follow Ainz aka 'Ainzerophiel Deus Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale' on his newfound path of Justice~ _____________________________ English is not my first language so please correct me if I'm wrong. I do not own anything from any of these franchises nor the pictures I use as imagery and I give credit to all its creators. But my OCs are MINE! [If you wish to support me: ko-fi.com/reyvielfaesly patreon.com/ReyvielFaesly]

Reyviel_Faesly · Anime und Comics
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44 Chs


Ainz's POV


I'm currently on top of a gigantic tree watching the people making sense of their newly freed lives.

After my Heroic streak of killing off all the pirates and slave merchants. I was now left with the people I have just freed.

'Based on my current calculation... The number of people with me are... more or less 2000?'

Those of the 2000, 60% of them are men, 35% are women and the rest of the 5% are children from all ages.

'Who knew Island hopping could be this eventful?'

Some of the slaves, especially those in the Isle of Tears were suffering from the dreadful disease, the Red Death. As I was told by another scholarly old man named, Albus.

'First Gandalf, now Albus. Coincidence? I think not! Hahaha'

Anyway, he told me that the Isle of Tears, is the largest of the Basilisk Isles. It is also where the Red Death first spread from the pirates' slave pens across the isle that later spread amongst its surrounding isles.

'It was a good thing I was there, they wouldn't have survived long'

I continued to watch them group up and clean the surrounding island of the debris from the massacre.

If you're wondering why they're currently in one place, well.

I transferred all the slaves from the different Isles to the first island I saved.

I decided to let them settle here for now.

I used [Gate] to conjure a glowing golden portal to transport them directly to Ax Isle.

The look on their faces was priceless when I did that.

They wouldn't even budge at first maybe out of fear of the unknown, so I picked up dear old Albus and threw him at the [Gate].

'Who's next?' was all I said for them to keep on rushing in.

Who knew that's all it would take for their fear of the gate to turn into fear of getting thrown by me?

It was fun.

It would be safer for them anyways if they stay in Ax Isle, since it's the furthest from the others which the Red Death is spreading rampant and it would make it easy for me to manage them.

'Herding them like sheep, making sure none - not even one of them - are left behind'

I double checked my map every now and then to make sure all the 'friendlies' are transported safely and no 'badies' are left alive.

'Besides... they're too... pitiful? disgusting? I don't even know what to call it anymore'

Ever since I came to exist in this world, it has been a roller coaster of emotions.

I have this inkling sense of duty when I see people suffering that I must help them, feed them, clothe them, protect them, and all the saintly deeds there are back in my world.

The type of feeling that makes me want to embrace them under my wings and 'inspire' them somehow... Whatever that means.

But at the same time I feel like they're not 'good' enough, not 'worthy' enough, not 'pure' enough, not 'deserving' of my attention.

'What is this feeling? It somehow seems familiar. Like, am I going on a Crusade or something? To eradicate the evils of the world? What's up with these disturbing series of thoughts?'

Somehow I could imagine myself in some bloody medieval armor, praising the sun while burning heretics.


"I don't wanna be like that"

I once again pondered on what I must do for now.

"I killed the bad guys, saved the victims, became the Hero over night... now what?"

I caught sight of a scantily clothed man embracing his wife that's carrying a child.

Then extended my sight to all the people in the island

"They look cold... most definitely hungry as well... Hmmm"

I thought for a moment then raised my hand as I evoked a spell.

"[Summon: Elder Sage]"

In the center of the golden magic circle, bathed in the soft glow of divine light, an angel came forth, the [Elder Sage].

The air shimmered and coalesced into a majestic figure, clothed in a flowing black robe adorned with intricate white and gold accents.

Beneath the voluminous hood of its robe, its face, concealed within the shadows, only its eyes are visible.

Two ethereal blue eyes glowed with a profound wisdom. They look like twin beacons of cerulean light, it radiated a divine glow.

It was tall and regal. A pair of pristine white feathered wings unfurled from its back, stretching outwards with grace.

It floated at the same height as where I'm currently at.

An [Elder Sage] is basically the Angelic counterpart of an Elder Lich. They are level 35 and are well versed with magic. Capable of supporting and buffing allies.

I summoned it since based on the Overlord Series, Elder Liches or Elder Sages in my case, are capable of communication and doing tasks that requires a certain level of intellect.

"Praise be to you, most exalted one. Command me, and I shall carry out your bidding" it spoke with great reverence and respect as if acknowledging my superior rank and divine authority.

"Do you know who I am?" I asked curious to what the sage might say.

"You are my summoner, oh most exalted one. Though it is my failing to be unaware of thy holy name" It bowed to me as he spoke.

'Hmmm... I guess it doesn't know me. Does that extend to all my summons though? I wonder where they even came from?'

"Worry not. I am called Ainzerophiel, Ainzerophiel Deus Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale, a glorious name given to me by my lovely wife. But you may refer to me as Lord Ainz."

"It is my honor to be summoned to do your bidding, Lord Ainz. What are your commands?"

"You see, I have recently liberated a few humans from their former captors and masters. I'll entrust upon you the task to be their light at this dark times. Scour the lands and its waters for sustainable food to feed them. I shall summon a few more angels to assist you"

"[Twin Magic: Triple: Summon: Angel Guardian I]"

As I evoked the spell, 6 golden magic circles, less complex as the previous one, glowed.

Then 6 angels in knight's armor appeared. A pair of white feathered wings and a metallic halo is adorned at each of their backs. The armor's design were rather plain to the eyes but it exudes the aura of strength, honor and divinity. With how the armors glisten in the moonlight with a miniscule amount of holy aura and the familiar cerulean blue eyes that glows so beautifully. It gives off the image of Guardian Angels, ready to ward off evil.

[Angel Guardian I] is a Tier 2 Spell that enables one to summon an Angel. The summon is a Level 10 Angel. It is the most basic of all Angel summons. It is the same level of existence as a [Skeletal Warrior].

It can be upgraded into 2 levels, [Angel Guardian II], and [Angel Guardian III]. With each upgrade, it adds an additional 10 levels, making it contend with Tier 3 and Tier 4 summons in terms of stats but its skill set remains as is.

[Angel Guardians] wield a sword, but in each upgrade, an additional sword is added upon it's arsenal and a distinct difference upon their armor and wings.

'I used to summon these guys as bait or distractions to bigger monsters back at the game. Now they can shine once more as my servants! Hahaha!'

'But I do wonder how they would look like without the robes and armor though... Will they look... human?'

"Oh, divine one. How may we serve you?"

All six synchronized as they spoke in a gentle, humble voice. Taking me away from my initial musings.

"I want you all six, to assist the Elder Sage in acquiring sustenance for the people below. Do his bidding as if it were mine. Now go forth" I spoke as I mustered up a commanding tone.


'Pretending to be someone awesome to be revered by your followers sure is hard... Now I understand a little how Daddy Bonez feels'

"You're will be done, Lord Ainz" spoke the [Elder Sage] as he bowed, along with the 6 [Angel Guardians].

They then flew towards different directions as I was still on top of the tree.

The angels that I summoned garnered quite a lot of attention as the people traced with their eyes the direction where the angels went.

All of them were in awe and knelt in prayer to who knows who.... probably me?

'Well, there's still more work to do'

With that I summoned another [Elder Sage] and 6 more [Angel Guardian I]. I tasked them to gather resources such as wood, stones, etc. to build large log cabins and halls to accommodate the people. With how rich of a forestry these islands are, it wouldn't be too hard.

I also summoned 2 more [Elder Sages] to find suitable materials for clothes. May it be fur from animals or plants like cotton.

I tried to summon more of the [Angel Guardians] to assist them but it seems to me, 12 of such summons are my limit.

'Can I still summon 12 more tomorrow? Will these guys disappear after some time? Will they be the same summons I did if I summon them again? Have to test things out more once I'm done all with this'

With that, I just watched and monitored my angels doing all the work for me. Some of the people also approached and tried to talk to them.

The others, seeing that my angels are actually doing such mundane work to cater to their needs were so touched that most of them cried on the spot and actually found the courage to assist them with the building, cooking, sewing.

Though they're only few, and the majority that actually have the guts to hang out with my angels are the children. Some of them are riding on the shoulders of the Guardians. Not that they mind.

'Is there any correlation to that perhaps?Hmmm... Thoughts for another day I guess'

With all those hours of tiring work.

Light broke through the darkness, new dawn has come to embrace us.

"A new day, a new beginning!"


Hello~ It's been a while. Missed me? (◍•ᴗ•◍)

Life's been keeping me busy and the reviews has been draining my brain juice. ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

I made this chapter because I needed a break from all the tests and studying. It may not be as good as the previous ones cause I just made it on a whim. I'm sorry. ಥ‿ಥ

Let me know your thoughts! Got any suggestions? Violent reactions? Comment and Review them cause I'll welcome them all (~ ̄³ ̄)~

And of course, Thank you once again to all of you that supported me and my work! Thank you for those who keep on stoning me even though I haven't updated for a while. I appreciate you all ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Hope you like it and Enjoy your day!

PS. Knight_Riku the Great has graced us with his work! ಥ‿ಥ He actually gave me a free commission work on our beloved Hero's Character Sheet! All Hail, the Great Knight_Riku! All Hail! ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me! Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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