
GOT/ASOIAF: Break the Wheel

The Main Character is a Male Targaryen who is named Eragon Targaryen, he is Daenerys Targaryen's twin brother. This is tagged Yuri because girls in his harem will get intimate during sex with the MC and people cry when they aren't warned. (people also seem to cry when they don't instantly see Yuri sex if it's tagged Yuri, you can't make people happy.) This is AU - This is an Alternate Universe of George's world. Expect people and things to be entirely different because of small changes butterflying out. Alternate Universe! Like how The entire first 25 chapters is a 'Time skip' until Eragon is 14 years old. So the first 25 chapters are just random POVs of others and him to build up the world and show changes. Instead of just saying "he was born and 14 years passed." I wrote out the 14 years in a 'fast' way and showed some character build-up for different people. Now that the easily triggered have been warned I can let you know more about the story. World exploration and conquest will be a big theme in this over the many chapters it will eventually be. So far he hasn't gotten around all that much but it's only chapter 70 out of like at least 1000 if I estimate it right. And that might be shorting it quite a bit as I will be making this a very long fan fic. Dragons are in this, new ones. Magic will be touched quite a bit, nothing like altering reality but definitely a cool flaming sword. I like to think I build up the characters pretty well and have them stick to their personalities pretty well. I said it before but world exploration and diving into the lore of new places are one of the things I look forward to the most so it's a pretty big part. I don't know what else, try it if the world of ASOIAF interest you, if it doesn't then this wont be something you like in the slightest.

Pretending_Author · Bücher und Literatur
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189 Chs



298 AC

Dorne - Sunspear

Eragon Targaryen


Few more days until we are leaving and the final 'plan' that is in place kind of makes me a bit depressed. I won't even be going to Jhala one of the main three islands that Ebonhead is located on until we have more 'information'.

A few people will go to Ebonhead as traders with some goods to trade for different spices and stuff only found on Summer Isles. The Martells have a few friends on Summer Isles and it just so happens that Oberyn has a daughter who is named Sarella Sand one of the sand snakes whose mom captains a ship. Sarella will be going with her sisters to Jhala and getting the latest information on the pirates and trying to locate Nata so I can attempt my 'visions'.

So I will be with the dragons and the other Targaryens which is wise but annoying as I wanted to adventure as well. But I will spend the time helping teach the dragons and getting them used to wide open spaces and if I left to go to Jhala maybe they would even panic and try to follow. So I gave in and agreed to their idea as it makes the most sense.

Running a finger down Arraxs back as he tears away at a small desert 'rat' I wonder how he will take to his future change in diet. I requested food with bones and fur and stuff for them to get used to. They have been eating everything prepared for them and they are already getting bigger than a house cat, they can figure it out. But I am also getting him used to me touching him even when he eats as he was starting to get snappy about defending his 'kill' and that needed to stop.

Can't have him causing any accidents even small ones can build up and cause bigger ones if the behavior isn't corrected. I am looking forward to seeing if they will figure out hunting on their own easily or if they will fail a lot. Fishing in the cove might become common for them as food will be a problem if not managed properly so they will have to 'chip' in. When I can overfeed them I will and going where we are going I might not be able to.

There are monkeys and silver 'men' on the islands along with jaguars and red wolfs from what I remember so there has to be some form of 'prey' that they eat on. We can focus on the abundance of fruit and also eat fish as the Summer Islanders do but I am a bit worried about a steady meat source for the growing fire breathers. And with the newfound freedom of flying, they will have I know for sure their hunger will kick up a notch as they tire themselves out.

Lots to worry about but I still feel excited to see the beautiful beaches and the jungles. Growing up in Braavos one of the things I always felt I was missing was trees and grass. They are in Dorne but not as much as I like and traveling through the Stormlands and then the Reach only fired up my craving. Plus we won't have too much to do other than read and train the dragons so I am also looking forward to one of the common pass times of the Summer Isles.


The water gardens stick out as one of my favorite memories in Dorne if I don't count having sex. So there is also that slight desire of being able to swim anytime I want.

I do feel a bit odd knowing a bunch of troops will be going with us and it makes me feel a bit exposed but at least it's an even split of women and men. Dorne is big on allowing females to fight and many of them picked up spears. So I won't have to worry about a bunch of men getting horny over any Targaryens. According to Doran that is the case, I specifically asked as we will be pretty isolated and he said they have each other to fuck if the need strikes them.

Still a bit worrying in all honesty and I even have an itch thinking about how they will feel seeing the dragons out and about. Ellaria is confident none that are selected will run their mouths or make any moves to harm them but I still worry. I guess I understand mothers feelings somewhat in that regard.

We have been in Sunspear this long without any problems and if problems did come it would be from individuals once we get where we are going. Doran is sending Ellaria to lead for that exact reason and she should be able to keep anyone from starting problems.


"How are you feeling?" I ask Shaena as she sits at the table in my room.

"The same I was feeling when you asked me not even a few moments ago." She sighs and rubs her forehead and Shiera even laughs at our interaction.

"What so funny?" I cross my arms and lean my head back as I look at Shiera and she shakes her head and waves her hand.

"You are funny obviously, you are acting a bit foolish. She would say something if she knew something but yet you insist on asking her over and over if something is wrong." She might also not tell me since we are leaving soon but after Shaena promised to keep me in the know I can't voice my doubts without upsetting her.

"Ok, I might be overreacting let's just relax since it's one of the last nights here. After this, we will be sleeping in a cave or some thrown-together tent or something. We should live it up while we can, won't be much wine either as we will have to drink it slowly." Though they do have Palm wine and sweet amber wine that are both said to be good, I can't wait to try them out. That and the other spiced drinks that they serve around the place got to be careful of what spices though as some can be used to make a poison known as the strangler.

"Ugh, don't remind me I have been spoiled on the endless river of Dornish red and will miss it." Daenerys holds her cup with both hands as if scared it will leave her if she isn't careful.

"We should make a dragon wine or something, you know?" Rhaenyra speaks up and all of us look at her in confusion and she blushes. "I mean we need a wine like everyone else has their special wines, Valyrians or more specifically House Targaryen doesn't and we ruled all of Westeros. It's a bit shameful we don't have something like that, it could also generate a lot of coins if we got it out there in enough quantity." Might be a good idea but it will take time to find something that tastes good enough to make it worth the effort.

"We should call it... I got nothing never mind." Daenerys started strong and plummeted.

"I mean the name 'Dragon wine' sounds a bit plain but maybe name it after a dragon and add something like 'kiss' or 'flight'." Visenya speaks up for the first time since she came into the room, Vhagar lounging on top of her with closed eyes.

"I think Fire and Blood would be good if it had the right taste for it, a dark red wine with a nice 'fiery' taste to it." I give my own opinion, would be hard to make a wine that has a fiery taste to it.

"Could be, we should wait till we can taste the wine before you name it though. Might end up being blue and tasting like ice or something." Shaena who decided to not drink since it used to make her sick when she was having Shiera speaks up and everyone nods.

"So you think that it will all work out?" Visenya asks as she twirls a raven-black lock of hair with her finger.

"About as well as I thought hatching the dragons would, at a certain point it's just leaping into the fire and hoping not to get burned. Doesn't mean this is the same but the danger of this is spread over a longer period instead of one really dangerous moment." She drops her hair and nods.

"So R'hllor will guide us then." I almost snort but quickly realize that is the case and eventually nodded.

I both see myself as a 'believer' in R'hllor and his power but not a 'worshiper' even though I have seen his power firsthand on the night of the red star bleeding. I don't dislike R'hllor, Of all the gods I have heard of so far he might even be my favorite but I see worshipers as people who have fully given themselves to their gods. Might be hypocritical of me to think this way when I am following his visions and benefiting from them so far but I also would like to keep my own choice when I want or need it.

A Devout R'hllor worshiper wouldn't hesitate to chase after a vision with nothing held back and could kill themselves in the process. I will follow the visions into the Summer Isles but if it turns to the worst I am not above pulling out. I made a promise anyway and I plan to keep that promise, R'hllor would just have to forgive me.

Lighting the pyre and killing the man on it was a stupid risk when I look back on it, and I knew it was stupid then. Again a devout R'hllor Believer has no room for these doubts and would blindly follow and not even worry which is the problem I have with the red faith. The lack of self in the believers kind of scares me if I am being honest.

"Guess so, I don't see why he would help hatch the dragons if he would then lead me to a place I would get them killed. So there has to be a chance it all works out and as long as that's true and the effort is put in it will be achieved." Plus the vision I can barely even remember now of riding on a dragon and burning ships reminds me of Arrax with the tiny little spike he has showing.

Looking at the little dragon in question his tail swipes across the floor when he catches me looking at him and he slowly gets up and pushes off the ground to stretch his back and neck. He shakes himself and pushes off the floor with his feet and spreads his wings wide. A powerful flap for a little guy is repeated until he has already crossed half the distance between us.

He no longer flaps and holds his wings flat as he glides through the air descending from above my sitting head and landing on the table Infront of me. His landing shook the table and even knocked a glass or two of wine over but no one can even get mad. The reason no one gets mad is that Arrax looks extremally pleased with himself as he raises his head high and no one wants to critique him for the landing.

""Good flight Arrax, you will soon be able to spread your wings wide and take to the vast skies. Over a massive jungle that's surrounded by endless oceans, you will love it."" He doesn't know even half the words but I would like to think he understands the emotion from me at least, his eyes not too dissimilar from my own blazing.

"Save the cups!" Shiera squeaks out before I get hit in the back of the head and feel claws hook onto me. More babies 'land' on the table and others on people at the table, seems they all like the speech.

"They got jealous you were playing favorites." Daenerys scoops up Balerion who was sniffing at a spilled cup of wine.

I smile watching them cause chaos at the table and wonder what it will be like once they are flying around outside.

Thanks for reading!!!

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