
GOT: A New Path - A New Song

///A man who transmigrates into jon snow's body, leaving behind the title of bastard of Winterfell, and living as a real Dragon./// A man has an opportunity to live a new life, the kind of life he has always sought and in a world, he has always enjoyed reading about and watching. He transmigrated into the body of the young man known as Jon Snow, with some advantages to help him become a true Dragon, seeking revenge for his dead family and finding the path of life that he always sought but never got in his former life. Watch Jaehaerys Targaryen's quest to bring the Dragon Family back to life and seek that which belongs to him by blood right, and if his enemies get in his way during his quest, it will be fire and blood that put him in the place he is due since his birth.

Cadmus_black · TV
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

I've been standing in this huge queue for a long time, probably a good 10 years or even longer, because I stopped counting when I reached 10...

But finally, my turn is near, only 3 more people and this shitty wait will be over.

You must be thinking, what line am I in, that it takes so long to get there? I don't know for sure, but they say it is the 'next life' line, according to the guys and women I met here.

That is when we were allowed to talk, because we are always in a robotic state walking and waiting, every day.

But they give us a few days to be a little freer, even though we can't walk around.

My name when alive was Harwin, and I lived in NY, but I was born in the UK.

I was a handsome young man with all English features, blond with bright blue eyes, and I was around 6'5, or a little smaller.

I pursued a sporting career, learned bow and sword, and won many trophies and medals.

It was very easy because I was born with a photographic reflex, so learning all that was easy.

I never went to sword tournaments, because the only legal one was kendo, and I didn't like that kind of fighting very much, but my trainer was the best modern archer in the world, and he taught me about the art of the swordsman.

Training with a sword following the patterns of the ancient knights would strengthen my upper body, which would greatly benefit my physique and even benefit me as an archer.

The other thing I always liked was riding, I spent the money I won in all the competitions on a farm, my father also helped and in the end we all moved there.

My parents were tired of living in the big city, my mother always preferred the country, and my father always dreamed of having his vineyard.

I also met a girl and we were engaged, actually, she was pregnant and had already moved in with us on the farm.

My parents loved her and treated her like a daughter, I still think that their whole affection for her was that she would give them what they always wanted... grandchildren.

My father was 62 and my mother 58, they had me much older than they normally should have, considering that I died at 25.

And how did I die? I have no idea, I was probably murdered in the bank when I went to do our money routine.

And I think there was a big robbery? I don't remember.

Receptionist: next!

I come out of my thoughts when I see that it is my turn.

I enter the room next to the being that stands in the stall, and when I enter the room I see another being just like it, with long white hair and 2 pairs of white wings on its back.

And the rest is purely light, but I know it is a woman by her soft, feminine voice.

The being: "I don't like to waste time so let's get to the point. You have good karma and you can choose your next life and configure it to your will, of course, there is a limit of the world you go to, no otherworldly powers or say anything like that, the limit is all about the world in question, and you can choose in reincarnation or transmigration if you decide."

I say it quickly because I've been thinking about it for the last few years in case this was my chance so everything is already set in my mind.

I say, "I want to go into the world of Game of Thrones, but I want it to be an AU, with lots of stuff from other fanfics and asoiaf. I want to be jon snow at 14, 1 day after he gets Ghost. I want him to be the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna and be legit, and I want to inherit all the qualities of the Targaryen Kings and Kings of Winter, I think you know what those powers are.

I want to have my dragon that will already have hatched and will be in valyrian, he was born from an egg of Caraxes and some other dragon, he will have the appearance of caraxes, but he will be bigger and have a firepower as much as Balerion. He should grow a little bigger than vhagar, he ran away after hatching during the dance and magically made him much stronger and tougher in valyria, so much so that he has nothing old and is still as energetic as a young domo drogon dragon. And I want the same for the giant wolves, as big as a horse and Ghost will be the biggest.

I want to have a Valyrian appearance, purple eyes pale skin, and silver hair, and I want to be tall at 6'3-6'4. His talent in the art of fencing should be like Arthur Dayne, the same in other areas of knighthood, fused with those of Rhaegar and Lyanna. And be a Greenseer that has been augmented by my dragonlord blood, to the point of being able to talk to dragons or even control them like other animals. And the blackfyre and darksister swords will have a connection to me just like some novels after they have my blood to form the bond."

I finish speaking and get a little anxious in case I am denied, because I may have asked too much.

The being replies, "okay, you will have other gifts, as it seems your death should not be premature, but nothing big, just things you already have and will be enhanced, such as immunity to fire and ice, and you will have some gifts buried in your mother's grave, now go."

And so everything turned to darkness.