
Gorum, The Unstoppable

Gorum, The Unstoppable was a Brave of the continent Ugdual, with achievements uncountable and strength unapproachable. But the people did not appreciate his demeanor, no matter how much good he did. Follow Gorum down his new path, through dark and into light. [Authors Note] Gorum, The Unstoppable is a spin-off of my first novel, Unfortunately, Reincarnated. Which I unfortunately dropped recently due several narrative mistakes and will reboot in the future. But don't worry, you'll be able to read this easily without the base material, I'll make sure of it. Also, I have a very bad upload schedule and often get writers block or just plain don't have enough time to write. Don't worry though, I won't ever drop the story without warning you all first.

Femboy_Novelist · Fantasie
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34 Chs

Good Start

Gorum was starting to realize why Crimson wanted him to deactivate his [Destroying Presence] skill. He was literally killing small animals by accident with the pressure of his presence as he walked through the woods at first. Now though, the animals simply avoided him due to his naturally intimidating aura.

Currently Gorum was walking west, as that's where he could sense the largest amount of separate mana signatures. He was hoping to find a road first though, since a tall and armored man just appearing from the woods probably would look suspicious to anyone who saw. As luck would have it, after another minute of walking, he saw a dirt wagon path just ahead of him.

'Good, this way I'll just look like a random traveler, rather than some brigand.' Gorum thought as he started walking on the path, enjoying the scenery for once since he normally didn't get to. He always had to speed all over the place since he dealt with matters of combat, being late could spell defeat.

"KYAAAAA!!" Just as Gorum started to take in the scenery, a womans scream came from further up the road where a large amount of people were grouped around a stopped wagon.

'A bandit attack? I suppose that's normal, but they must be idiots attacking so close to a city. Regardless, their idiocy will serve me. If I save those people, I'll probably get access to the city easier if I'm hailed a savior.' Gorum thought, starting to head towards the stopped wagon. Although he rationalized the good deed as a tactical advantage, Gorum would have saved them regardless.

Sure enough, Gorum was correct about it being a bandit attack. Around 12 brigands were slaughtering the wagon guards, who looked like regular mercenaries. A relatively normal occurrence, there were bandits everywhere in the universe after all. There was just one strange thing here though, they were all astoundingly short. They all were somewhere between 4 and 5 feet tall, no bigger, no smaller.

'Are they all dwarves? Perhaps the main inhabitants of this area are dwarves...' Gorum thought as he watched the battle, waiting until the bandits finished off the guards. He was waiting for things to get dire before he stepped in, that way the survivors would be more grateful. Soon enough, the bandits dragged about 6 travelers out of the wagon, along with the wagon driver. After separating the men from the women, a few of the bandits started violating the women.

Gorum never understood why bandits would fuck in the road, it couldn't be comfortable. Not only that but if someone came along then they would be in an awkward situation. The idea of sex at all was odd to Gorum anyway though. He never really felt the urge maybe but three times in his life anyhow. Perhaps he should've left heirs though, he would have actually had a reason to write a will if he did.

Shaking off the thought about wills and heirs, Gorum used his ring to summon up a large war hammer that was equal to his height. It wasn't a very gaudy hammer; in fact, it was simple in appearance. A large rectangle of golden metal attached to a long and sturdy handle of the same color. He struck down the hammers handle, making a loud boom and attracting the attention of the now startled bandits.

"Halt, brigands. I'll say it only once, stop your wrong doings this instant and accompany me to the city so that I may turn you to the authorities. You can guess what happens if you refuse." Gorum tried to speak as clearly as he could without taking too long of a pause to keep himself from stuttering or mispronouncing a word. After a brief moment, the largest of the bandits (5 feet and two inches being "large") stepped forward and hoisted a battle axe over his shoulder as he held a smug look on his face.

"Look 'ere big man, you might be huge but there's twelve of us and one 'ah you. So how about you turn around before we peel you out of that big shiny shell eh?" The bandit said, pointing his axe threateningly at Gorum. The other bandits shared a similar cocky disposition...for about ten seconds. As they soon came to realize they were way out of their league considering Gorum smashed their leader under his Warhammer so fast they couldn't even see it happen.

"I'm not sure what I expected, bandits are all fools anyways." Gorum muttered as he casually strolled from bandit to bandit, only needing a single swing of his hammer to reduce them to a mist of red paste. In less than a minute Gorum completely dispatched the bandits, leaving the poor travelers he saved in a state of shock and terror. Not realizing how horrifying it was to witness him fight, Gorum treaded over to the poor would-be rape victims and knelt down.

"Are you alright?" He asked, unaware of the fact he made all of them individually soil themselves. The poor women quivered in fear, clinging together as they stared up at him.

"Err, good knight, they are surely grateful, but I believe they need time to calm down." The aged wagon driver shakily spoke up to Gorum from his left side. Gorum glanced at the man, then back at the poor terrified women who were cowering in the dirt. He supposed the man was right, Gorum was never good at reading a situation past the tactical bits anyways.

"I see, then how about I help you reload your wagon while they calm down?" Gorum said, standing up and properly facing the old man. Towering far above, Gorum was unintentionally intimidating everyone again.

"A-Ah yes! That would be wonderful, but before that would you please allow us to know the name of our savior knight?" The wagon driver nervously asked, bowing his head, then wearily looking up at Gorum.

"Mm, you may. I'll introduce myself; I am Gorum the Unstoppable. I am in search of the hero so that I may aide them in their mission." Gorum kept it short and sweet, unconsciously doing a rather cool pose with his Warhammer to his side in one hand and his back stood straight. Upon hearing his introduction, the mood of the travelers seemed to brighten rather quickly, as if a wave of relief washed over them all.

"Amazing! If a knight as strong as you wishes to join the hero, the lands shall surely be saved!" The elderly wagon driver declared with fervor.

'This is going surprisingly well...' Gorum thought as he looked down at the old man rejoice.

Am stoopid, join discord.


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