
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
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60 Chs

Ronald tycoon

Hannah stepped into the building. The people behind her awed at the sight that befell them.

'Hannah is this yours '. A girl asked in the group.

'Yes, it's mine, welcome to O.B. A company that specializes on cosmetics. It will soon become the number one company'.

'This, is amazing. I love it.'. Some of them shouted.

'Well, it gigantic '. Ronald said as he walked in.

'Ahhhhhhh'. Some of them shouted.

'Mr Ronald tycoon. It's him. It's him'. Some of the girls shouted'.


'Ahhhhhhj'. The girls shouted.

'Enough, we are here to work and not play. Sir am dicky. Am a farmer'. Uncle dicky.

'Am ronald, please let me educate about this business. O.B is an acronym for organic beauty. We are natural and we do not use chemicals. We make cosmetics products like soaps, creams,makeup,lotions. We also host pageants for models. We need loyal,honest and hardworking people. We have to work hard. This company needs to take down the Royals company by far. It needs to shatter that company. For this to happen we have to work twice hard, be focus and always be committed and most of all show love to one another.'. Ronald paused as the girls shouted.

'We love Mr Ronald tycoon '.

Ronald looked at them and then his eyes looked at Hannah. Hannah knew that Ronald was not a person who liked this unnecessary familiarity. He was always focused and didn't have time for emotional thoughts. He easily got irritated to girls tantrums. According to Rebecca, his sister he had only a few girls in the past. They didn't last because he didn't know how to be so emotional with a girl. If a girl started her banish tantrums whether it is happiness or cry, he felt irritated. Because of this, the girls just left after awhile. Some he dumped, some just couldn't get to him emotionally.

'As Ronald was saying. You all will be played well. And we will win. Family will winnners!.

'We will'.

'Anyway, uncle dicky, we want you to grow our plants. Aunt Norrisand Aunt Pascal will be specialised in the preparation. Some of the boys will be trained to help Uncle dicky. And then some of you will be taught how to make this products. Some others will be placed in others areas.'. Ronald continued.

'Sure'. Everyone shouted.

'Then let's get started. And secondly. Hannah should never been known to be the Owner of O.B. To the world . I will be the Owner of O.B.'. Ronald said and smiled before leaving the room.

'Hannah, you have just created jobs for all this people. They say thank you.'. Uncle dicky said smiling.

Hannah smiled. She looked at them.'it's nothing.'

'We will help you take revenge to that Royals.'. They all shouted.

Hannah smiled , her plans were finally coming together. And very soon that family will behind jails and her brother will be released. Hannah smiled.

'As long as we make that family pay, for all the bad things they did to us all. They burnt Aunt Norris shop down which led her to burn her arms. They killed Aunt Pascal daughter when aunt Norris shop was burnt. My mother was hanged to death. My father was killed and my brother was sent to jail. Tracey 's father lost his arm. Dude's parents were killed in the car by their men. My son's life was almost taken from him when he was born by sending a quack doctor to carry out and abortion and than a delivery. The doctor's life was taken before she could tell who sent her. Rebecca's sons were killed in a planned accident. Ronald lost his nephew and his parents on that day. A certain person's parents were killed the day he was born. This people need to suffer and pay for their sins. If the law will nor help is we will fight for justice by ourself. They will pay.'. Hannah said to the crowd.

'Yes'. Everyone shouted.

'They will pay'. Hannah said as a tear fell down her cheek.