
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
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60 Chs

An exposed secret

'Is that right mother, his Aurtur not my brother. Is he not your son ?.

Ken said as he walked in. The expression in his face showed how suprised he was.

Kaise turned immediately and saw ken In the door. His eyes widened in suprised. She blinked a few times. As his question sunk into her skull and down to her brain. She had totally forgotten he was around.

She went up to him. As tears fell down her cheek.

'Son, it's a lie. It's a lie. She is lying against me. Son believe me. I can't '.

'She is the one lying. Your mother is kidnapper and a murderer. The woman you call mother is a beast'. Hannah shouted

'Mom is this true'. Ken asked.

'Why are you asking, look at her. It is clear that she is lying. She-.

'Shut up. I was not asking you'. Ken shouted at Hannah. Hannah just smiled back.

'That's a lie'. Kaise said as she brought Ken's face to hers.

'Son, you believe me. You believe mummy. I can never kill. Remember son. It's me'. Kaise cried.

Mummy '. Kaise said as more tears fell from her cheek.

'Well, well, well. I came here fully prepared. I have good evidence that will show you that I am saying the truth'. Hannah said as she threw a paper on the floor.

'There is your mother's antenatal session she claimed she had when was pregnant with Aurtur'.

Ken looked at his mother and picked up the paper on the floor. He looked at her and the looked at the paper on his hands. And it was clearly written.

-------------Antenatal tests------------

Ken read the file and saw that the tests were all negative. She was never pregnant for any child. And inside the file was a paper of adoption. Ken looked at his mother. His eyes widened.

'Mom, is this true'. Ken said.

'Son, you know mummy. She can never do such'.

'But its clearly said here that he is not your son'.

'Exactly, kaise. The file says you are lying. And that is computer. It can't lie. So tell me. Aren't you going to tell him the truth'. Hannah said folding her hands. She was still bitter about Aurtur's death but she was hiding it with her rage.

'Son'. Kaise said as she tried grabbing his face. Ken shifted. His voice thundered.

'His Aurtur your son. Mother'. Ken shouted on top of his voice. His voice was like thunder.

Kaise shifted back out of fear. Her eyes widened. And her whole body stiffened. She was suprised and at the same time afraid.

Ken looked at her annoyed.

'Is this paper true mother'. He shouted again.

'Ye.. yes. It's TRue. Aurtur is not your brother'. Kaise said as more tears fell down her eyes.

Ken eyes starred indefinitely at her.

'Ken, your mother has more than this hidden in her cupboard. And am going to find them. Know this Kaise. I have my limits. And you have bridged into it. Now I will make you fly back outside. Watch me. This time. Am not going to revenge. I am going to ravage you all. Watch me'. Hannah said and walked away. I will make you all pay. No more playing nice and patient. Pretending to be happy with you guys, then stab you behind. This time I stab in front. So don't look your back. Look your front'. Hannah said and walked away. Leaving kaise and ken.

Ken looked at his mother.

'Aurtur is not my brother and yet all this years you made me compete with him. All this years you made him look like the best Royal. Meanwhile he is not a Royal'. Ken said to Kaise.

Kaise immediately turned to look at her son. She went towards him. 'Son-

'Tell me, now did you kill Aurtur's mother as Hannah claim you did. Mom tell me'.Ken asked.

Kaise cupped his face with her hands.


'Don't son me mom. Answer me. Did you kill Aurtur's mother. '

'No never, never. Son I can never do such. Mummy can't do such'.

'Why does this prove otherwise'. Ken shouted as he threw the file on the ground.

Kaise teared up.

'Son no. No. No. I am not a murderer. I am not a murderer. I can't. I can never be. Noooooo'. Kaise held her head.

Ken watched his mother.

'Mom stop this nonsense and tell me the truth'

Kaise used her hands to hit her head several times. Ken watched his mother every move.

'Mom, answer'.

Kaise stopped and went to ken again.

'I can never. I didn't. I didn't kill her'. She screamed.

'Mom'. Ken held her hand. He placed his face on hers.

'Mom, dearest mom. I love you so much'.

'Same son'.

'Then why are you lying to me'. Ken squeezed her hands.

Kaise screamed out in pain as tears gushed out from her eyes balls.

'Ken you are hurting me". She cried out.

Ken let go of her hand. He walked towards the wall holding his head. He shouts.

'Mom, why don't you tell me the truth. Did you kill Aurtur's mother '.'.

Kaise cried out. As her tears gushed out some more.

Ken walked back to her.

'Sorry. Mom am sorry. Am sorry'. Ken apologised quickly.

Kaise looked at him. Tears fell from Ken's eyes.

'Mom all I want to know is that YOU DIDN'T KILL AURTUR'S MOTHER '. He shouted.

I want to know that. Mom tell me the truth. Please tell me'. He begged.

'Ken, I didn't. I swear. I didn't'.

Ken shakes his head.

'My mom is a murderer. She is a smooth criminal. A devil'.

'Ken no. No. Son looked at me.'. Kaise said to him . ken looked at her.

'Mummy, she is not bad. You know that. You know I can never do this. You know I can never kill. Son you know I love you. I can never hurt you'.

Ken slams his hand on the wall.

'Stop it. Stop this emotional blackmail. Stop. Stop'.

Kaise cried some more.

'Son, I may have adopted Aurtur. But I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to kill Aurtur's mother. It was a mistake. I didn't '. Kaise finally spoke the truth.

'So you killed her. You killed an innocent woman. You killed her and took her stupid son. You are murder. A beast. You deserve to go to jail'. Ken shouted.

'I did it for you. I did it to protect you'.