
Goodbye Father

Sara wanted her father's blessing for her wedding, but with all the rejections, she still had some hope. This last attempt would change her life forever, as guilt grips her and her attempts at a happy marriage.

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2 Chs

After Coffee

Sara carefully folded her father's shirt and placed it in the box. The funeral was yesterday, but his clothes still smelled like his cologne. Even though she witnessed the event herself, she could hardly believe that her father was gone.

"Ready to get going?" her mother's voice lilted in from behind her as she placed a reassuring hand on Sara's shoulder.

Sara shuddered and then offered a shaky "just about" shooing her mother from the room.

Sara looked around. Boxes filled her father's bedroom to the roof, and the only thing out of a box was his bedding. Her mother Gwen, feonce Kate and herself had spent most of the week packing her father's apartment. He never remarried after the divorce, and might be considered a hermit if not for living in the city. This made the funeral arrangements quick and easy, but the timing would make the wedding an awkward event.

Sara turned with box in hand, coming face to face with her partner, "Kate! You startled me" Sara whimpered.

Kate gently took the box from Saras hands and replaced the spot by interlacing their fingers. "I'm here for you Sara, and I always will be, Even if we can't announce it to the world right now" she said reassuringly, pulling Sara in closely.

Sara was stiff as she was embraced by her feonce. Even in death, her father was managing to control her life. Suddenly she felt determined, grabbing Kate by the hips and staring deep into her eyes Sara stated "We will announce it as planned" and then, reaching for her face, she gave her a ferocious kiss.

Sara nudged past Kate, grabbing her hand and then flying down towards the door singing "we have work to do!"

"What are you doing, I thought you had more to pack?" half shouted her mother, stopping Sara from exiting.

"I'm planning my wedding of course. Mother, you'll have to finish this off, we are far too behind. There's only the bed spread and carying to do now here, you'll manage." She responded frankly.

Kate shared a confused look with Sara's mother Gwen, and then she was whisked away out of the building.

Gwen didn't bother chasing after her. She was in her 60s and a chase wouldn't benefit anyone. she slumped down onto one of the boxes in the main room and stared out the window, hoping that it was all a dream. She wanted to support Sara and Kate, but her ex was right, Sara was a little too impulsive and often went back on plans and promises.

As the couple rounded the corner of the building to the stairs, Kate gave a tug and pulled back "What has gotten into you?" she said exasperated.

Sara looked into her eyes lovingly and spoke softly "We have a cake tasting today. Don't you remember?"

Kate's brow furrowed and she responded "Yes Sara, but it was cancelled. We can't just show up." She sighed and slumped onto the stairs "Sara, I'm worried about you."

The couple looked at eachother, neither making a word. How rapidly the scene seemed to change!

"My love, sometimes you have to show up and try, even when things appear hopeless. You'll never know for sure until you try." Sarah grabbed Kates hand on the last word and continued nearly dragging her down the stairs like a child trying to lead their parent a new toy.


The girls burst into the bakery hand I'm hand with hair all messed up "We're here" they chimed in sync.

The bakery was simple enough, with a small sitting area, a counter and a wall with an arch hiding what goes on behind the scenes. A young girl emerged from the archway, white powder coating the front of her apron and dusting her hair and face, creating an exaggerated confused expression.

"What do you mean you're here. We expect no one, what you want?" she spoke directly with a Russian accent.

Kate blushed and shied away, but Sarah was determined and ready to let the girl know that they better get some cake ready.

Sarah looked the baker in the eyes and spoke "I know we're a bit late, but we did book a cake tasting today. Surely you haven't sold it all yet."

The woman's face contorted and for a moment, Sara saw something eerily familiar in her facial expression but then she turned around abruptly, and began shouting at her staff "Who messed this up?! There was no cancelation..." and then she trailed off into another language angrily.

Kate's face filled with such glee had made Sara completely forget what she saw a moment ago, so the couple settled themselves at a table and held hands, staring into eyes and holding hands until they were interrupted by the Baker again

"Ladies, see this" she said while placing a plate in front of them. "This is my special spice cake, made for spicy love" and then she winked at them.