
Im a what!?!?

"Well I'm here instead of being at a hospital , I mean I was stabbed last night correct ? And my body was already wrecked from falling from the window.So why am l here? " I stated in confusion.

"Well Emi that's something we need to descuss with you." Itchiro replied in a serious tone.

Sozoshi cuts in with " you see my dear your no ordinary woman. " He states with a charming smile.

What does he mean ? I mean I know im not exactly smart or anything but this is just rude . I'm so confused what do they mean and why is there so many of them?

"I'm sorry but l don't follow." I reply. mean while

Takeshi, Ken,Ai,Aito,Jun and Fuji all stood there in silence. Man what was happening ? It's beginning to creep me out.

Out of no where Ken began to step forward.

"Well Emi there is a reason we all live in this house and all this time we have been searching for you. "

I respectfully stay silent as he continues on with his speach but what does he mean ?

"You see Emi you are no ordenery human."

"I'm sorry then I'm a what?!??" I replied in confusion. Man what is this , am i on a show or something?

"Emi don't worry we will explain all in due time ."Ken continues on.

"You see over a thousand years ago a woman gave birth to her new born son. One day her son fell over and his mother ran over to see if he was injured.When she looked at her sons leg it wasn't thick red blood that fell ... it was blood made of pure gold. In fear she hid her son from the world. However a couple years later she hurd about a girl with this mysterious blood. Unfortunately unlike her son people found out and stole her blood to sell and her mother found her dead at the hands of her own husband thay were poor so l guess they decided to sell there daughter's blood. When tje boys mother dound this out sje knew she could never let him go . However one day he ran away and started a familly of ten -"

" Wow ten."l thought that's a lot , l mean it was common in these days though.

"Soon after this though the boy died and his family lived in secret ever getting greater. To the point where there was an entire populatuon of them. Though the normals found this out after beating up yung man of the family and seeing his blood . He told the others and war was pledged on the tribes with the gold blood. This is when under great pressure they found out that they could Draw out magical properties from there blood. Sadly though this did not help them. Though luckily nine new born s were hidden away and found later where they grew up an had great lives ,one day one of them was taken and thought to be dead the other 8 were sad for this to of happened that was over a thousand years ago thought obviously they are all dead now. But here us nine are here together with the blood we are the new generation."

"Wait so your telling me that we all have this gold blood ? How did i not know of this.... Is that why my mother kept me at home? Are we all in danger in this world still ? " l begin to question.

Ken one again speaks" yes that is probably why your mother kept you out of sight from others and clearly never told you. However there are still terrible people in this world who know about us and are after our blood .So we learn to harness the power of the golden bloods and live all together here ."

"OK so I'm over of these golden bloods?" I questioned.

"Yes." Ai replied

Ken jumped in ,"And Emi we know this night take a while to think about but we would like you to join us here."


But what about mother...

"What about my mother though?" I asked.

Well that would mean you would have to leave her." Itchiro replied "Its far too dangerous now for you to be seen with her these bad people may go after her to get to you and I'm sure you don't want that. " Itchiro says.

"y-you know Itchiro you shouldn't try scare her.."

A soft voice whispered ,it was Fuji.

"I agree with Fuji, Itchiro try not to be so harsh." Ken said glaring at Itchiro "Though he's right if you see your mom too often you risk in dangering..you may send letters if you wish but to keep you safe we have to keep you here I'm afraid ,Jun show her to her quarters.."
