
. The start of it all.

It was 8.01 AM l woke up for my usual routine. I got up and got changed into my usual blue dress and my fancy purple shoes that mother brought me for my 15th birthday last year. I went down rickety stairs to eat my usual breakfast then i brushed my teeth as usual , did my home school as usual ,then showered as usual ,got in my pajamas as usual and got ready for bed as you can probably guess.. as usual. this has been my daily routine for so many years now ,I've lost count.

Sometimes I think it wouldn't hurt to have a bit of change. But then I realized I would probably miss my routine and not like mother would let me. well. Now its time to do my daily routine for sleep. I usually sleep around 10 ish and wake up at 8. It's quite a relaxed life ,sometimes i think to myself that i must be so lazy. I think to myself that , sometimes seen girls walk past the house in the morning wearing skirts ,white shirts and often knee high socks accompanying them. I wonder what they do outside... anyhow i really should sleep.

I awake in the morning as usual and get ready as usual however today is a Saturday so I have no work to do. I planned just to relax and read some manga today. Though the peace is disturbed with a loud "EMI EMI, COME HERE NOW." " Well that's my reading ruined ,and was just getting into that too " i pout, mother shots for me again "EMI". "Yes mom I'll be down in just a second" I rise to my feet and practically crawl to the door and down the stairs with my heavy legs and frown.

"Finally Emi your here. Now I have something very important to talk to you about." oh no here it goes this usually never ends well I thought to myself. "Emi I have to go out for a bit so look after the house.. oh and also your uncle is coming over for dinner so make sure everything is presentable" I froze; "My uncle coming around here" I thought to myself. Me and my uncle never got on. Ever since I was a child he would bully me and say hurtful things. Mother always thought he was joking and laughed with him. When i tried speaking to her about it she thought i was just being 'too over dramatic'

"But why is uncle coming here all of a sudden?" I question as I begin to get annoyed."He's your uncle darling ,family he doesn't need a reason to visit." mother says with anger in her voice. I put my head down and begin to walk slowly back to my room..I block out whatever my mother was shouting to me. when I close the door to my huge room I slide down to lean on my old cheeky door and burst into tears thinking about all my uncle had done. If only you knew.