
Golden (A Harry Styles fanfic)

In which One Direction reunites in 2020

JazzStyles88 · Prominente
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15 Chs

Fingers Crossed

It's been a week since the tour and contest announcement and now Micah and Jazz we're both sitting her living room glued to their phones watching 1D go live from their IG to announce the winner for their first show. Which just happened to be LA. Jazz was excited because if they won that meant they got to spend 4 days with the boys because there were 3 shows over a 4 days span.

"Ugh! My anxiety! Hurry up!" Micah whined a little shaking his phone as that would make the boy's magically speed up.

Jazz chuckled at her overly dramatic best friend and gave her attention back to the screen as Harry's voice consumed her senses.

"You guys the love we've been getting has been absolutely incredible. You have no idea. We want to thank you guys from the bottom of our hearts for starting and staying on this journey with us. I'm so fucking excited to kick this show off in LA  in a couple of weeks. We know you've been patiently waiting for the contest winner which we are announcing.....right now.

Liam grabbed a laptop and turned it to face the camera.

"This is our handy dandy random picker. This baby is going to help us decide who will make us the luckiest five men in LA." He said presenting it like a game show.

"Without further delay....Louis if you would be so kind and push the button love." Said Zayne.

Louis pressed a button and what took a minute seemed like forever. Both Jazz and Micah were squeezing the hell out of each other's hands and Jazz has shut her eyes while silently praying.

"Hello gorgeous." She heard Harry say.

"Congratulations to....Jasmine Golson you won and we get to hang out, but SURPRISE. We're in LA right now love and we'll actually be here for three weeks. Get ready to become our new bestie. We'll be in touch as soon as this live is over. We can't wait to meet you love." Niall said grinning in the camera.

Jazz sat there for a minute. Not fully comprehending what the hell just happened while her best friend was screaming at the top of his lungs and ran over to shake the hell out of her.

"Jazz! Jasmine OH MY GOD! You won! Bitch you won! Do you know what this means?!" He said while his hands were still attached to her shoulders.

"I....won?...I won....HOLY FUCKING SHIT! I WON MICAH! WE WON!" She screamed jumping to her feet.

Before she could even start her celebration party her phone rang signaling an incoming FaceTime call. She quickly picked up her phone and got a little scared because she didn't recognize the number so she knew it was probably the boys.

"Answer it!" Micah hit her before he slid the answer button over.

All five boys appeared on her iPhone XS Max and she honestly almost dropped the $1000 phone.

"Jasmine love. How are you beautiful?" Liam said smiling his gorgeous smile.

"Honestly? I'm a bit shocked.....nervous....happy as hell." She said laughing a little. "How are you guys?"

"Oh us? We're amazing babe. Excited as hell to hang with you." Said Zayne poking his face into the camera.

"Not as excited as we are I can tell you that." Micah said now standing behind me so that he could see.

"Oh is that so? You must be the accompanying friend? What's your name handsome?" Zayne quizzed.

"Micah. And yes I am the accompanying BEST friend so don't get any ideas of trying to steal her away from me." He laughed while flirting.

"Well we'll just have to see about that mate. I think we'll be great friends." Harry said showcasing his killer dimples while looking straight at her.

Micah smirked while he put his arm around Jazz. " oh now for you, I will graciously bow out. I don't think my girl would have a problem being your best friend."

"Mi!" Jazz said as she blushed looking away from the camera and put her face into his side.

"A guy can hope right?" Harry quizzed, his face still holding that pantie dripping smile.

"Alright alright love birds. Jasmine we were actually wondering if you wanted to hang tonight? We've got a session in a little while and we'd love if you could come here some new music. Eat some food and just chill with us. " Niall asked.

"Oh yeah sure. That'd be great. Just send us the location. Do you guys need anything?" She asked trying to hold in her actual excitement. Her outside appearance said she was calm and in charge. No big deal but her insides were fucking dying!

"No love, just you." Harry winked.


"Oh and you too Micah....of course mate." Harry corrected while laughing.

"Mhm. We'll see you guys in a little bit yeah?" He said looking at his best friend who had turned a deeper shade of red.

"Cant wait." Harry said and ended the call

"That man wants you. Badly." Micah immediately said once he knew the call was over.

"What? No. He's just being nice. Being Harry." She said as she walked into her room heading straight for her closet. She needed to find something that said sexy but not trying hard to be sexy.

"Oh what the eff ever! You're not that blind. He was flirting with you. I give you one week before you fold.

"Shut up and help me pick out an outfit." She huffed in frustration.

He rolled his eyes while picking out her black captain marvel crop that had "high, further, faster baby" in red. Black ripped leggings, and a red long sleeve flannel to tie around her waist with her black and red Jordan's.

"You're welcomeeeeeee." He sang while grabbing her phone that dinged. "Ooooo your future boyfriend just shot us the addy. Put your clothes on and let's go. Chop chop!"

Jazz threw her clothes on and went to stand in front of her full length mirror to make sure she was presentable. She liked what she saw but her anxiety was getting the best of her. Nevertheless she couldn't wait to finally meet the boys in person so she grabbed her gloss, gum, phone, and keys and left the house with Micah in tow.